Thirty-one Patriot Front men apparently planned an attack at an LGBTQ+ Pride event. The men have been arrested and charged with conspiracy to riot. Call upon officials to ensure this is investigated as a potential domestic terrorist attack.
Detained immigrants do not have the right to a bond hearing, per a Supreme Court ruling, effectively allowing for their indefinite detention. The US Justice Department must act now to ensure every immigrant has a chance at freedom.
Reducing methane could give the world a fighting chance in the battle against climate change. Two powerful industries are standing in the way of this progress with a refusal to amend their ways. Demand influential meat and dairy organizations find a better way forward.
Healthcare discrimination continues to disproportionately affect transgender people due to a Trump era rule change. Call on the Biden administration to formally reverse these changes to the Affordable Care Act and protect the rights of trans folks.
The extreme temperatures, droughts, and flooding brought on by climate change have been destroying bigger and bigger portions of the world’s food crops. The U.S. must act to stop increasing worldwide famine. Call on Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to take urgent action on climate change.
Children continue to be slaughtered by unregulated guns while the Supreme Court works to invalidate more gun safety laws. Demand politicians take action to protect our children and communities from gun violence.
The spread of climate misinformation is impeding efforts to fight the biggest environmental crisis of our time. Urge a major hub of climate science denial to stop misleading the public.
Dairy cows are artificially impregnated with metal rods until their milk supply dries up and then they are shipped to the slaughterhouse to be turned into a hamburger or wallet. Demand protections for these terribly abused animals.
Justice has been served to the woman who neglected 135 dogs and 23 horses while operating a horrific underground puppy mill. Sign this petition to thank officials for prosecuting the abuser and encourage them to continue fighting for voiceless animals.
The Great Salt Lake of Utah has been shrinking at a rapid pace, mainly due to global changes in climate. As the lake continues to dry, the potential consequences for the region’s biodiversity and human health are catastrophic. Urge lawmakers to take the necessary steps to decrease our overall contribution to climate change and to improve the water quality of our national lakes.
Boiling lobsters, crabs, crayfish, and other crustaceans alive is a cruelty that must end. They are sentient creatures and can feel pain in the same ways as mammals and other animals. Demand that animal welfare laws be changed to protect crustaceans.
Female pigs on factory farms are referred to as “breeding machines” and are repeatedly artificially impregnated and forced to reside in tiny metal chambers known as gestation crates. Demand an end to this abusive practice.
The world’s most famous circus will reintroduce itself to audiences without the exploitation and potential abuse of innocent animals. Applaud the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus for sparing elephants, tigers, and lions from a lifetime of misery.
Transgender Americans are being attacked at every angle, from their healthcare to their right to privacy. Urge federal protections for these marginalized populations used and abused by opportunistic politicians.
Oceans and beaches across the globe are littered with plastic pollution. Bottles, wrappers, and other trash kill countless marine animals every day. Demand global leaders commit to stopping this environmental destruction.
Patients are losing access to life-saving diagnostic imaging procedures that can help prevent worst-case health outcomes. Supply shortages are to blame. Demand a boost in availability of these essential materials.
A horse named Bitsy was discovered with severe chemical burns on her face. The image alone is enough to break your heart. Ask authorities to find and capture the person responsible for this heinous attack.
The Florida governor is once again unethically retaliating against businesses and people that speak out against his policies. Urge a restoration of level-headed leadership unfazed by toxic political grudges.
The “smell of death” reportedly attracted police to a home where they apparently found 30 caged animals dead from starvation. The local sheriff has described the scene as one of the worst cases of animal cruelty he’s ever seen. The woman accused of this atrocity must be fully prosecuted.
Widespread hunger and famine could result from the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The under-siege nation currently cannot export its grains and other essential foods that help feed hundreds of millions of people around the world. Urge global alliances to help end Russian blockades that are costing lives.
Wyoming’s pro-coal climate legislation boosts fossil fuel companies, puts profits over people, and likely increases environmental pollutants. Call on Wyoming’s governor to stop catering to coal companies and pass legislation that actually addresses climate change.
Church leaders have seemingly once again broken the trust of the youngest members of society by covering up sexual abuse of children. The Southern Baptist Convention reportedly protected accused abusers instead of the children they victimized. Demand justice for these brave survivors.
In the war between fossil fuel conglomerates and the environment, the planet was delivered a needed win. Three oil and gas leases that would have destroyed wildlife habitats and further undermined efforts to fight climate change were canceled. Applaud this important step against wholesale climate destruction.
Most childhood immigrants, known as Dreamers, graduating high school in 2022 won’t be authorized to work in the U.S. These folks are being denied access to opportunity and success in the country they grew up in. Contact House Speaker Pelosi to demand comprehensive immigration laws to protect undocumented immigrants.
The manufacturer of the gun used in the Uvalde school shooting targets children with their advertisements. Demand this gun maker stop targeting children.