An American couple has been released from unjust imprisonment in Kuwait. The false charges against them were likely an excuse to target the lesbian couple for their sexual orientation. Sign this petition to applaud the couple’s successful release.
Wild horses in Arizona will no longer be removed from their natural habitat by federal agencies, thanks to a bill which recently passed the state legislature. Sign this petition to thank legislators for protecting the wild horse population.
Academics will be allowed to speak freely on the important implications of their findings, as a result of the United Kingdom’s decision to exempt them from the government’s anti-lobbying measures. Applaud Minister Johnson for protecting the right of scientists to speak publicly about their work.
It is finally legal for people in Colorado to collect rainwater at their home for conservation purposes. Let’s thank the governor for agreeing to eliminate the silly prohibition on collecting rainwater. And of course, a big thank you to the ForceChange community which turned up the heat on this issue, which led to this positive change.
Budget cuts to vital social programs in Illinois are slated to be offset by stopgap funding proposed by the state’s House of Representatives. Applaud these politicians, who have voted to protect their constituents by approving replenished funds for important social services in their state.
New rules regulating methane emissions from the oil and gas industry have been announced. Help us applaud the move and call for further regulations to ensure we avoid catastrophic climate change.
The cruel practice of greyhound racing will end in Arizona thanks to a new bill. Sign the petition to support eradicating this inhumane sport.
A former police officer who shot and killed an unarmed man and then lied about the incident has been indicted for his alleged crimes. Congratulate those responsible for holding this man accountable for his violent misconduct.
An Iranian artist and activist who was imprisoned for drawing a political cartoon has been released. Applaud her release, and ask for reforms that will prevent activists being imprisoned in the future.
Los Angeles County has placed severe restrictions on the use of solitary confinement on minors, practically banning it. Applaud the fact that this cruel punishment will no longer be used on kids.
A controversial LGBT discrimination law in North Carolina has been labeled a violation of federal law by the Department of Justice. Applaud the department for challenging the hateful law.
The Justice Department has declared North Carolina’s bathroom bill in violation of federal law. Sign the petition to thank the Justice Department for standing up for the rights of gay and transgender people.
Concealed firearms will remain forbidden on Georgia’s public university campuses, thanks to a veto. Thank the governor for protecting his citizens from needless violence.
A top-level police official has resigned after public outcry over racist, sexist emails he sent at his former position. Applaud that this bigot will no longer hold a position in public service.
Joe the chimpanzee has been stuck for years alone at a roadside zoo but now has finally been given the life he deserves. The chimpanzee now thrives at a sanctuary surrounded by nature and friends. Sign this petition to thank the zoo for finally retiring Joe from his life of imprisonment.
An official at the L.A. Sheriff’s Department has resigned after facing public backlash for racist and sexist comments. Applaud the department’s decision to cut ties with this ignorant and offensive man.
Logging has been completely banned in Myanmar. Praise the Myanmar government for protecting natural resources and wildlife.
The endangered Kakapo parrot’s numbers have increased 30 percent this year under the supervision of the New Zealand Department of Conservation. Applaud this increase in the Kakapo population as a win for animal conservation.
San Francisco is launching a program that will reduce residents’ personal carbon footprint and will reduce the city’s greenhouse gas emissions by providing renewable energy options. Praise this move toward making the city greener.
The site of an important gay rights protest has been added to the National Register of Historic Places. Its addition affirms the significance of our nation’s LGBT history. Thank the National Register of Historic Places and its chief, Paul Loether, for their decision to recognize the site.
The Mexican gray wolf will now be saved from extinction, thanks to a lawsuit requiring the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to develop a plan. Applaud this win for animal conservation.
Four Turkish academics imprisoned for signing a call for peace have been freed. Help us applaud their release and push for greater protections for the human rights of residents and citizens of Turkey.
Personal information and private data are now more secure thanks to the passing of legislation that requires authorities to obtain a warrant before accessing any sensitive electronic materials. Thank the U.S. House for passing this progressive and important bill.
Missouri was recently a battleground state as politicians advanced an anti-LGBT “religious freedom” amendment. We won a bipartisan victory for equality when Republicans and Democrats in the state house joined forces to defeat the amendment.
All new parents will now be guaranteed fully paid leave in San Francisco. This progressive law is the first of its kind in the country. Thank the city’s Board of Supervisors for passing it.