
Save Whales and Dolphins From Deadly Explosions

Whales and dolphins are being put at risk by deadly explosions set off during Navy training exercises in their habitat. Urge the Navy to safeguard marine life by staying out of these sensitive areas.

Stop a Disastrous Coastal Oil Spill

Dangerous, dirty oil tankers have no place in sensitive wildlife habitat. Protect coastal ecosystems and the people and animals who depend on them by keeping oil tankers out.

Stop Discrimination Against LGBT Families

Gay and lesbian couples can still be evicted from their homes or fired from their jobs merely for expressing their sexual orientation. Speak up to end this discrimination.

Stop a Climate Change Catastrophe

Catastrophic climate change threatens our environment, economy, and security. Tell world leaders to support a strong global agreement to stop climate change now.

Stop All Arctic Oil Drilling

Walruses, polar bears, whales and other sensitive wildlife are threatened by Arctic oil drilling projects. Help protect the pristine Arctic from the drills once and for all.

Eradicate Alzheimer’s Disease

Tens of millions of people are affected by Alzheimer’s disease, a deadly terminal illness that is now the most expensive disease in the U.S. Help eliminate Alzheimer’s for good.

Success: The Gambia Bans Female Genital Mutilation

The Gambia has banned female genital mutilation, which leaves many women and girls with life-long health and sexual problems. Applaud the ban of this dangerous practice and the protection the ban will have for girls across the Gambia.

Stop Torturing Pigs to Death

Pigs are being tortured and abused in a high-speed slaughterhouse. A video shows them being beaten, dragged across the floor, and sent to slaughter alive. Urge meat supplier Hormel to terminate business with this inhumane place.

Success: National Institutes of Health to End Testing on Chimpanzees

Chimpanzees at the National Institutes of Health will no longer be used for research testing and will be moved to sanctuaries. Applaud this positive move for animal rights.

Success: Kikkoman Stops Testing on Animals

Soy sauce company Kikkoman has put an end to testing its products on animals. Applaud the company’s decision and urge them to ensure this move away from animal testing is definitive.

Success: Kikkoman Ends Cruel Animal Testing

The popular soy sauce company, Kikkoman, has put an end to their cruel animal testing practices. Sign this letter and thank the company for listening to the public, being innovative, and sparing hundreds of lives from unnecessary pain and death.

Success: Georgia Aquarium Will Not Import Beluga Whales

Eighteen wild beluga whales will no longer be imported from Russia to the Georgia Aquarium. Applaud this win for the animals and those who have worked to protect them.

Success: Woman Charged in Death of Infant Daughter

A mother has been charged with manslaughter in the death of her infant daughter. The infant died after her mother left her and her siblings home alone while she went out clubbing. Join us in praising law enforcement for holding this mother accountable for her actions.

Success: Canada Opens Borders to 25,000 Syrian Refugees

Canada will accept another 25,000 Syrian refugees for relocation from major host countries Lebanon, Turkey, and Jordan. Praise the move, which will target those in the greatest need of medical care or financial and social aid.

Save Migrating Shorebirds From Big Oil

Thousands of shorebirds are at risk of being killed by a disastrous oil spill if a new oil terminal in their habitat gets build. Protect these helpless birds and other wildlife from the threat of a toxic catastrophe.

Demand Equal Pay for Women

Women are paid more than 20% less than men for the same amount of work. Demand equal pay for women now.

Success: African-American Mizzou Alumnus Named as Interim President

A black former civil rights attorney has been hired as interim president of the University of Missouri campus system, which has recently been under fire for failing to protect black students from racism. Applaud this positive hire that will help tackle racial issues on campus.

Success: Ukraine Protects LGBT Employees

LGBT employees are now protected from discrimination in Ukraine thanks to the passing of a new law. Applaud this progress for LGBT rights in a country that has long struggled with government-sponsored homophobia.

Success: Fence to Be Built Along Highway to Help Protect Panthers

Florida panthers will soon be better protected from drivers once a 10-foot high fence that stretches for miles along a major highway is built. Thank the transportation department for proceeding with this very intelligent decision.

Success: SeaWorld to End Killer Whale Shows

SeaWorld has announced a change in its killer whale show in favor of an educational “orca experience” after years of public outcry and financial losses. Thank them for making orca health and safety a priority.

Success: Marijuana Reform Beginning in Mexico

Four people in Mexico are now permitted to grow and smoke their own marijuana for recreational use for the first time. Applaud this step towards opening the door to broader drug reform that could help end the violent war on drugs in Mexico.

Success: Sumatran Rhino Finds New Hope in Sanctuary

A highly endangered Sumatran rhino has journeyed from an American zoo to a sanctuary in Indonesia where he will be able to breed and interact with others of his kind. Through this program conservationists hope to save this imperiled species. Praise this effort to save the Sumatran rhino from extinction.

Stop Donald Trump From Hosting SNL

Despite cutting ties with Donald Trump months ago over his offensive comments, NBC has announced an upcoming episode of SNL will be hosted by Trump. Letting Trump host will give him a platform to let his offensive comments be laughed at rather than taken seriously. Sign this petition and urge NBC to cancel the episode.

Stop Burger King from Destroying Rainforests

Tropical rainforests home to thousands of imperiled species are being destroyed to supply Burger King with palm oil. Fast food shouldn’t have to be a driver of deforestation and the climate change that comes with it. Tell Burger King, the world’s third-largest fast food company, to use only sustainable palm oil.

Please Spread the Word: [easy-social-share buttons=”twitter,facebook,mail” morebutton=”1″ counters=0 fullwidth=”yes” query=”yes”] A Special Message From Rainforest Action Network:

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