
Stop Deliberately Killing Farm Animals With Heatstroke and Suffocation

Animals are being cooked and suffocated to death on America’s farms, and these heinous killings are justified as euthanasia. Urge an end to legal torture in the agriculture industry.

Animals Apparently Abandoned to Die in Apartment Deserve Justice

One dozen animals died inside an apartment after they were reportedly neglected and abandoned by their caretakers. Demand justice for these creatures if it is found they lost their lives as a result of abuse.

Dog Who Reportedly Starved and Died in Her Own Waste Deserves Justice

A dog named Sugar was apparently starved in her crate before dying in her own urine and feces. Demand justice for this sweet animal.

Stop the Use of Invasive and Racist Detection Technology

New York City has released plans to use unregulated, untested, invasive facial recognition software in their battle against gun violence. Such technologies, in addition to being experimental and ineffective, are racially biased programs that threaten to attack communities of color. Stop the implementation of harmful recognition technologies.

Demand the Removal of Music Video Showing Alleged Sexual Assault

A Marilyn Manson music video with nearly 32 million views allegedly depicts the rape and assault of an actress. Survivors and activists are urging its removal. The voices of survivors must be heard. We demand YouTube’s CEO remove the video permanently.

Don’t Bankrupt Struggling Nation

Inflation and spiraling economic turmoil are threatening the livelihoods of every citizen of Sri Lanka. Call on lending nations to give this struggling population a much-needed break.

Support Marriage Equality and Stop Colonial-Era LGBTQ+ Discrimination

Same-sex couples, long stigmatized in the Caribbean, are once again facing off with a government determined to dictate their private lives. Demand these politicians stop standing in the way of marriage equality.

Stop Tradition of Polluting River With Toxic Dyes

Every year the Chicago River is dyed green to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, using a product not proven to be safe for the river or wildlife. Activists have been fighting to put an end to this tradition that pollutes the water. Call on the mayor to keep the river safe and clean.

Protect the Right to Record Police Violence

The right of concerned bystanders to film and document police misconduct is under attack in New York. Stop this assault on civil liberties.

Dogs Reportedly Found Dead in Freezer in Filthy House Deserve Justice

Fifteen dogs were reportedly found dead and stuffed inside a freezer, while others were forced to live in their own feces in the same house. Demand justice for these innocent animals.

Get Rid of Dirty Power Plants Polluting Residents’ Air

Power plants are negatively affecting the health of New York City residents and their children. Authorities claim they can eliminate the polluting plants from their community by 2035, but that is too late. Call on the President and CEO of The New York Power Authority to act now.

End Funding of Anti-Gay Politicians

Disney is under fire after funding political supporters of homophobic legislation. Though the company issued a statement that it is on the side of the LGBTQ community, there are still reports that the funding has not been cut. Demand Disney’s CEO stop helping politicians who put an entire community’s safety at risk.

Success: Emissions-Based Environmental Protections Restored

One of the nation’s biggest transportation polluters has regained the authority to clean up its act. Applaud the reinstatement of California’s curbing of destructive greenhouse gas emissions.

Stop Unjust Imprisonment of Dissidents and Detainees

Innocent people are being caught in the crossfire between warring nations and authoritarian governments. Demand detained travelers and political dissidents have access to legal aid and appeals.

Send Essential War Jets to Ukraine to Protect Allied Countries

Russia continues to launch unwarranted attacks on Ukraine and they are now approaching the borders of United States’ allies. The Biden administration refuses to help Poland send fighter jets to Ukraine, because they want to prevent a third World War. Demand Biden find a way to help Poland transfer these jets to Ukraine before Russia crosses a dangerous line.

Don’t Abandon Ukraine Animals Amidst Bombings and Starvation

Pets and other animals are the often-forgotten victims of the Ukraine invasion. Demand Europe’s leaders do more to aid and rescue these innocents from slaughter and starvation.

Mice Reportedly Starved and Scalded to Death at University Deserve Justice

Mice are allegedly being starved, abused, and neglected at University of Minnesota laboratories. An investigation claims that at least 47 violations of animal welfare laws occured. Call on the president of the university to ensure any employees responsible of abuse are fired.

Address Reportedly Horrendous Living Conditions at Residential Property

A property management company has reportedly ignored complaints filed by residents of their newly acquired rent-stabilized building. Egregious conditions, including an abhorrent rat infestation, have allegedly rendered the tenants’ building unlivable. Demand that this company address the needs of their tenants.

Reveal Truth of Devastating and Fatal Oil Spill to Affected Community

An oil spill has killed nearly 2,000 animals and left the community concerned for their welfare. Full details about the extent of the spill are being withheld from those affected. Call on the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency to inform the public of all details.

Amazon: Stop Selling Suicide Poison

Despite years of pleas, the world’s top online retailer is still peddling a product that’s potentially associated with several suicides. Grieving family members, and Congress itself, have not moved the needle of action. Help enact the needed change and save lives.

Protect Beluga Whales From Illness and Death at Aquarium

Two beluga whales have died at one Connecticut aquarium in less than a year. Six whales remain, with one being in bad health. Call on the CEO and President of Mystic Aquarium to provide proper care to the beluga whales.

End Sponsorship That Supports Reportedly Abusive Dog Race

Dogs are being put through seemingly extreme abuse in the Iditarod dog race. More than 150 dogs have died. They deserve freedom and safety. Demand an immediate end to a company’s sponsorship of the allegedly abusive dog race.

Indict Russian Leaders for War Crimes Against Ukraine

Innocent civilians are being slaughtered by the thousands in Ukraine under the orders of Vladimir Putin. These war crimes being committed by Putin and other Russian leaders must be punished.

Close Inhumane, For-Profit Migrant Detention Centers

Migrant detention centers previously cited for egregious conditions are still open, despite the reduction of migrant children in need. Demand the immediate closure of the remaining for-profit migration shelters, specifically Fort Bliss in Texas, and the establishment of adequate nonprofit migrant care systems.

Stop Renting Out Endangered Koalas for Parties

Endangered koalas are being rented out for parties, putting profit over care. Urge an end to this exploitation that harms the health and well-being of these special animals.

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