
Demand Transparency in Political Advertising Law

A new law meant to encourage much-needed transparency in political advertising could unintentionally open the door to suppression of free speech. Demand a well-purposed legal text to promote free speech and pluralism on the internet.

Capture Storm Water to Ease Shortage

The chance to help drought-prone communities is being squandered because of infighting and ineptitude. Call for a real plan to address California’s water crisis.

Success: Top Mexican Official Convicted in Narcotics Case

The former chief of the Federal Police in Mexico was put on trial for accepting millions of dollars of drug money in exchange for insider information. The prosecution set up a strong case ultimately leading to the conviction of the kingpin. Applaud this huge victory in a high-profile case.

Stop Slowing Down Momentum of Zero-Emissions Electric Vehicles

A politician and supposed leader is once again standing in the way of clean energy and emissions reduction. Demand Virginia’s governor support an economically and environmentally sustainable path forward.

13 Kittens, Cats and a Hawk Mutilated to Death Deserve Justice

Thirteen dead kittens, cats and a hawk were found in a trash bag. The animals had been mutilated. Demand authorities find the person responsible for this horrific abuse.

Don’t Abolish Crucial Checks and Balances in Government

Thousands are rallying in Israel to protest attacks on the independent judiciary. Critics warn of Israel turning into a de facto dictatorship. Demand a retraction of the planned changes by the ultra-orthodox government.

Abused Dog Abandoned in Snowy Parking Lot and Hit by Car Deserves Justice

Surveillance video shows a car stopping in a snowy parking lot, opening the door, and dumping a dog on the snowy ground. Moments later the dog wanders into the street and is struck by a car. Demand justice for this animal.

Protect Marine Biodiversity

Deep sea fishing, mining, plastic pollution, and the effects of climate change are affecting waterways across the globe. An important UN conference could address these problems, but the talks have previously concluded without a final treaty. Demand the formulation of a decisive agreement to protect the high seas.

Deceased Baby Pigeon Dyed Pink for Gender Reveal Party Deserves Justice

A baby pigeon was dyed pink and released into the wild, likely at a gender reveal party. He later died from malnourishment and toxic exposure. Demand justice for this defenseless and exploited animal.

Demand Closure of Drone Factory Reportedly Targeting Civilians

A human rights group has claimed that unmanned drones manufactured at a UK factory are being used against civilians. The Middle East conflict needs to stop now. Demand a closure of the UK facility allegedly committing covert war crimes.

Save Wild Cows From Mass Government-Approved Slaughter

Over 150 cattle who have called the New Mexico wilderness home for nearly three decades will soon be fatally shot and left to rot by order of the federal government. Demand an end to killing masquerading as conservation.

Don’t Let Fake News Bill Squash Free Speech

Free speech is under threat from a bill meant to crack down on fake news. While online misinformation is a real problem, this approach could stifle dissent. Demand a revision of the bill to include a proper definition of disinformation.

Family Horse Shot to Death by Trespasser Deserves Justice

A gentle family horse named Apache was shot and killed by a trespasser. Apache was discovered by the owner of the home lying in a field in a pool of blood. Demand justice for Apache.

Stop Reported Child Labor in Hyundai Supply Chain

Hyundai reportedly employs child laborers at its factories. The car manufacturer apparently confessed to this wrongdoing but is yet to provide a timeframe to stop such practices completely. Demand a complete prohibition on underage employment in the USA.

Success: Attorney to Pursue the Drug Motive for Double Murders

A debarred attorney accused of double murders will be held accountable for his drug habit. The court has summoned the jury to pursue this damning angle for establishing a motive. Acclaim the legal system for paying attention to this vital aspect.

Don’t Force Rape Survivors to Marry Their Alleged Attackers

A court in Pakistan has let an accused rapist avoid prison time by marrying his apparent victim, reportedly at the behest of a council and the woman’s own family. Demand immediate changes in a legal system that enables such outrageous miscarriages of justice.

Dog Tied Up in Freezing Temps With Swollen Face, Neck and Jaw Deserves Justice

A dog was found tied to a fence in the freezing cold. The dog’s face, neck, and jaw were all swollen. There were also lacerations and older injuries, pointing towards additional past abuse. Demand justice for this innocent animal.

Dog Reportedly Found Dead in Woods With Paws Bound Deserves Justice

The decaying remains of a 3-year-old dog with his paws apparently bound was discovered in a park. Surveillance video appears to show a person dragging the bound animal across the ground and abandoning him in the woods. Demand justice for this animal.

Stop Poisoning Fish and Drinking Water With Toxic Chemicals

Cancer and other illness-causing chemicals are finding their way into our water supply. Demand action to protect our environment and health from water pollution.

Don’t Put Dangerous Dark Chocolate on the Shelves

Dark chocolate poses a possible health risk to consumers due to the reported excessively high levels of dangerous metal found within it. Urge more steps be taken to curtail this ongoing alleged hazard.

Microsoft: Stop Promoting Online Disinformation

A platform affiliated with Microsoft is letting millions of dollars flow to websites flagged for spreading blatant disinformation. Such a step has the potential to spread harmful lies and hate speech on the web. Demand a ban on funding disinformation sites.

Revoke the Ban on Environmentally Responsible Investing

Texas has imposed a ban on business entities that plan to divest from the fossil fuel industry. The counterproductive measure has resulted in increased spending of taxpayer money. Demand the state revoke the embargo in favor of renewable energy.

Don’t Return Rescued Animals to Accused Abusers

Too often, rescued animals are returned to the people who abused them. We must stop returning animals to their abusers.

Punish Zoo That Killed White Rhino by Shooting it 15 Times

Fifteen gun shots rang out and a rare white rhino collapsed in a heap on the ground. The rhino’s crime was nothing more than seeking freedom. Demand justice for this rhino.

Demand Environmental Compliance in Wind Power Project

A coal entrepreneur’s wind power development at an island nation is apparently unsustainable and would harm both fish and migratory birds. Demand a timely follow-up of environmental guidelines to ensure the safety of wildlife.

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