
Success: Sustainable Burial Alternative Legalized

Human composting, a green burial alternative, has just been legalized. This method has fewer negative effects on the environment than the current options and involves no chemicals, no coffin and none of the fossil fuels necessary for cremation. Show your appreciation for this revolutionary decision.

Success: Stolen Seal Pups Return Home

Thirty-seven seal pups were saved from unfathomable brutality and inhumane exploitation at the hands of eight accused animal traffickers. They happily returned to their homelands following rehabilitation. Celebrate this success and thank those who fought so valiantly to free these pups.

Success: Zoo to Combat Amphibian Endangerment

The near-extinct corroboree frog population may soon be restored, thanks to a bold conservation project. Thousands of corroboree eggs will be chilled and released into safe, disease-free conditions. Thank the Melbourne Zoo for this important step in preserving these amphibians.

Success: Dogs Trained to Detect Endangered Insects

Endangered Insects could be brought back from the brink of extinction, thanks to three dogs and a group of dedicated researchers. The dogs were successfully trained to detect the insects in their natural habitat, garnering data that could effectively save the species. Support this important step towards conservation success.

Success: Volunteers Remove Three Tons of Trash From Everest

Often called the “World’s Tallest Trash Heap,” Mt. Everest suffers every year from excessive hiking pollution. This spring, Nepal’s government sent a team of 14 to clean it up. Hauling out three tons of waste (and counting) is no small feat; let them know we value their efforts.

Success: Fracking Tsar Resigns

Fracking tsar Natascha Engle has resigned after six months, thanks to the continued protest of fracking by environmental groups and the general public. It is hoped that her resignation will be a major step in the complete shutdown of the fracking industry. Thank the Extinction Rebellion environmental group for their protests, which led to Engle’s resignation.

Success: Propane School Buses Reduce Air Pollution

A Missouri school district will be adding additional propane school buses to its fleet after seeing a significant reduction in air and noise pollution over the last five years. Propane, unlike diesel and gasoline, is a clean burning fuel which creates a cleaner and healthier environment for all. Praise this school district for taking a chance on this alternative fuel source.

Success: Lawmakers Embrace Bee Preservation

The state of Bavaria is becoming more bee-friendly, after a circulated petition gained nearly two million signatures. Europe’s bee populations have been declining rapidly over the last few years due to overuse of pesticides and the disappearance of flowering meadows, problems that will soon be addressed. Thank Bavaria for taking a big step in bee preservation.

Success: Shoe Designer Embraces Eco-Friendly Manufacturing

Adidas is continuing to be a role model in eco-friendly manufacturing. Most recently, they have pledged to reduce their CO2 emissions, eliminated plastic bags in their retail stores, and made plans to utilize recycled polyester. Praise their dedication to a healthier planet.

Success: Judge Restores Ban on Arctic and Atlantic Offshore Drilling

President Trump has waged a war against environmental progress, but his efforts at deconstructing previous protections suffered a significant blow. Commend the judicial system for striking down illegal offshore drilling.

Success: Toxic Pesticide Banned

The EU will officially ban the use of the fungicide chlorothalonil, the most used pesticide in the United Kingdom. The chemical has been linked to various forms of pollution and may be responsible for the decline in the world’s bee population. Praise this important step in cleaning up the UK’s pollution problem.

Success: Environment Protected by Fracking Ban

Fracking has been banned in Oregon while the government takes time to research the controversial practice. Thank the government for taking a stand to protect the environment.

Success: Amazon Being Protected from Deforestation

One government is taking immediate action against deforestation and illegal mining in the Amazon. Thank them for their efforts and demand other governments follow their lead.

Success: Lake Erie Granted Personhood

“A long, hard struggle” for the future of a Great Lake has yielded tremendous success. Celebrate the voter-affirmed protections for Lake Erie made possible by tireless volunteers and activists.

Success: Safer Pesticide Alternative Developed

Harmful chemical pesticides could be a problem of the past, thanks to a recent scientific development. Researchers have discovered a mutant bacteria capable of protecting plants without harming humans, animals, and the environment. Praise those who are making this progress possible.

Success: Hazardous Fracking Plans Denied

Lancashire’s unspoiled natural areas are safe from a big energy firm’s fracking plans, thanks to the government rejecting the firm’s bid to open four new wells. Lancashire had previously suffered from earthquakes and tremors due to fracking, and the practice, as a whole, is one of the most dangerous ways of obtaining energy. Sign this petition to thank Lancashire’s government for putting a stop to fracking.

Success: Killers of Black Bear Family Sentenced to Jail Time

The lives of a black bear and her cubs were coldly snuffed away by a pair of poachers. Applaud the punishment of a family of hunters who ended the lives of another family.

Success: Coal to be Phased Out as Primary Fuel Source

Germany has agreed to slowly phase out their use of coal as a fuel, which promises a major positive impact on the Paris Climate Agreement as well as the quality of air worldwide. The country is the last in the region to rely so heavily on coal, which has made up 40 percent of their power. While 2038 is a long time to wait, their decision is still much appreciated. Sign this petition to thank Germany for phasing out coal.

Success: London Nurseries to Receive Crucial Air Purifiers

Five London nurseries will receive air purifiers, thanks to a decision made by London’s mayor following reports of heavy air pollution in the city’s schools. This is only one step, but it is highly important, as many children in the past year have suffered pollution-related complications and even died from them. Sign this petition to thank Mayor Sadiq Khan for taking this step.

Success: Researchers Work to Restore the Great Barrier Reef

Breakthrough robotics technology may save the Great Barrier Reef from the effects of global climate change. Applaud the researchers who are working to save this natural wonder.

Success: Congress Protected Crucial Water and Soil Conservation Program

Several essential conservation programs nearly lost their funding, due to the abrupt end of an important farm bill. Thank congress for maintaining this funding and protecting the environment, organic research and food stamps.

Success: Flooding Rivers and Streams Will Be Restored

Britain’s rivers and streams are about to be bolstered to improve the water supply after years of struggling and suffering. These bodies of water will be given more complexity and more bends to slow the flow and prevent flooding. This is an important step in improving the quality of life for all living creatures. Sign this petition to support this endeavor.

Success: Environmental Opponent Zinke Ousted as Interior Secretary

A key guardian of America’s environment has purged another parasite from its ranks. Celebrate the departure of Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke from his prominent role as leading environmental destroyer.

Success: Canada Embraces Solar Power

Canada has taken a bold step in embracing clean and renewable energy. Through government support and incentives, solar energy companies have installed thousands of solar installations with more on the way. Praise the prime minster for his dedication to this important cause.

Success: Gillnet Fishing Ban Upheld to Protect Nearly Extinct Vaquita

The vaquita porpoise has been given a second chance thanks to the United States Court of Appeals. The judges ruled against lifting a ban on imported seafood obtained using gillnets, a fishing method that is extremely dangerous for sea mammals. Praise the judges for protecting this endangered species.

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