
Stop Keeping Orca Whales in Captivity

Orca whales suffer severe physical and emotional distress when held in captivity. Their barren and confining tanks are torturous for these intelligent mammals. Urge those in power to end this inhumane imprisonment.

Preserve Mountain Lion Habitats to Protect the Ecosystem

Mountain lions are in danger of extinction due to habitat loss and fragmentation. Their survival is essential to preserving the ecosystem. Demand those in power take action to protect this species and promote environmental conservation.

Stop the Cruel Sale of Illegally Imported Chameleons

The sale of illegally imported chameleons threatens public safety and wildlife. Demand a crackdown on this inhumane trade.

Stop Illegal Smuggling of Exotic Snakes That Harms Ecosystems

Exotic snake smuggling is a cruel and illegal trade that is harming both animals and humans. It not only endangers those who encounter the snakes, but also disrupts ecosystems. Urge the US Fish and Wildlife Service to take action and prevent this illegal activity.

Stop the Hunting, Trapping, and Killing of Endangered Wolves

The hunting and killing of endangered wolves is threatening their survival and jeopardizing the balance of the ecosystem. Demand a ban on wolf hunting and conservation measures to protect this important species and maintain the ecological health of Montana’s wilderness.

Protect Hundreds of Historic Trees Threatened by Construction

Hundreds of ancient trees along a historic road are at risk of being cut down due to the construction of a series of bridges. The only way to save them is to name them as historical landmarks. Demand the administration act now before it’s too late.

Stop Using Traps that Maim and Crush Animals to Death

Wild animals are being targeted with traps that kill indiscriminately by crushing them to death or catching them in cruel leg-holds. Demand an end to this inhumane practice that threatens both wildlife and innocent pets.

Protect the Public From Dangerous Toxic Chemicals

Crucial updated regulations of toxic chemicals have been repeatedly delayed, potentially due to political ambitions. This puts both the environment and innocent people at risk. Demand the policymakers act fast and enact a powerful regulatory system.

Save Declining Box Turtles From the Illegal Pet Trade

The trade in wild box turtles threatens to wipe out this important species forever. Sign this petition to keep turtles in their natural habitat, where they belong.

Prevent Global Water Crisis With Infrastructure and Conservation

Water is in ever-depleting supply, and clean and safe water is experiencing an even more critical shortage. Demand international leaders help sustain the planet’s lifeblood.

Demand a Community Health Study After Disastrous Chemical Spill

A disastrous chemical spill in Alberta was reportedly kept under wraps for nine months. Even now, there has been no complete official assessment of the community damage. Demand the federal government investigate the apparent cover-up and initiate a health study of the aftereffects.

Make Communities Greener and Healthier With Traffic-Free Zones

Cities are increasingly aiming to cut their carbon footprint by cutting their car footprint. Call on an influential climate investor to help fulfill the potential of traffic-free zones.

End Disastrous, Toxic Landfill Fire Hazards

A massive landfill fire that blazed for 12 days may cause acid rain. The authorities had no backup plan in place to tackle such an unforeseen disaster. Demand the formulation of an emergency response plan to ensure the safety of citizens.

Stop Genetically Modified Fruit Fly From Entering the Food Chain

A genetically modified fruit fly that could have devastating environmental impacts may soon be released into the wild. While the goal is to benefit both public health and agriculture, more studies are needed to ensure the safety of the food chain. Demand the Canadian government hold back until an assessment can be completed.

Ask the Fed to Make Climate Change a Top Priority

The climate crisis threatens the U.S. and global economies. Green investments and the cost of recuperating from adverse weather effects are already worth billions. Demand the Federal Reserve address this challenge head-on.

Put a Stop to Reportedly Hazardous Emissions from Petrochemical Facility

A petrochemical unit has been accused of releasing extremely high levels of toxic emissions. The pollutant is likely to be carcinogenic. Demand the facility take immediate measures to mitigate the potential public health risk.

Help Drivers Kick Destructive SUV and Truck Habit

Trucks and SUVS are taking over the streets and pumping out unprecedented amounts of pollution in the process. Demand automakers take a more environmentally friendly road forward.

Shut Down Oil Drilling Project That Endangers Salmon

The pending construction of a controversial deepwater oil project could endanger salmon and produce environmentally toxic greenhouse gas. Demand the legal system overturn the approval of this fossil fuel project.

Save Alaskan Wilderness From Destructive Oil Drilling Project

Pristine Alaskan wilderness is facing catastrophe at the hands of Big Oil. Demand an end to this environmentally destructive project.

Success: Nations Agree on Historic Treaty for Marine Conservation

In a historic breakthrough for biodiversity following decades of negotiation, UN delegates have agreed on a framework for protecting life in the oceans. Celebrate this crucial success that can be instrumental in protecting the worldwide high seas ecosystem.

Demand Guidelines for Socially Conscious Investing During Climate Crisis

As Climate Change ravages the world, socially conscious investments are more important than ever. However, parameters for these sustainable investments remain a mystery due to a lack of publication. Demand the Indian Central Bank issue enforceable guidelines with active incentives.

Save Ecosystem-Boosting Small Carnivores

Some of the most endangered and ecologically important animals on the planet are flying under the radar, to their detriment. Demand conservationists devote more time and energy to protecting the world’s small carnivores.

Stop Slowing Down Momentum of Zero-Emissions Electric Vehicles

A politician and supposed leader is once again standing in the way of clean energy and emissions reduction. Demand Virginia’s governor support an economically and environmentally sustainable path forward.

Protect Marine Biodiversity

Deep sea fishing, mining, plastic pollution, and the effects of climate change are affecting waterways across the globe. An important UN conference could address these problems, but the talks have previously concluded without a final treaty. Demand the formulation of a decisive agreement to protect the high seas.

Save Wild Cows From Mass Government-Approved Slaughter

Over 150 cattle who have called the New Mexico wilderness home for nearly three decades will soon be fatally shot and left to rot by order of the federal government. Demand an end to killing masquerading as conservation.

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