
Stop Cruel Transfer of Wild Elephant to Stressful City

A temple plans to capture a wild elephant and move it into a busy city, raising concerns about animal cruelty. Demand action to prevent the potential suffering of this national heritage animal.

Transform Man-Made Desert Into Oasis

Humanity is turning more of the world into barren, arid deserts. Demand leaders invest in reversing the desertification trend that is upending ecosystems, fueling food insecurity, and driving worsening weather patterns.

Invest in Electric Motor Recycling

Clean energy could get a significant upgrade with the help of natural bacteria. Demand investment in this important ally of green technology.


Endangered Whale Reportedly Killed by Fishermen Deserves Justice

An endangered North Atlantic right whale was reportedly found dead due to entanglement in Maine fishing gear. Demand stronger regulations to protect these whales from future harm.

Save African Penguins From Extinction

African penguins could become extinct by 2035 without essential safeguards. Demand leaders stop ignoring the oncoming ecological crisis.

Lobsters and Octopus Allegedly Cooked Alive Deserve Justice

A food critic, an actor, and others allegedly cooked lobsters and an octopus alive at a private dinner. Demand accountability and strict enforcement of animal welfare laws.

Demand Thorough Investigation into the Mysterious Death of Elephant

The carcass of a wild elephant was discovered, raising concerns about potential foul play. Call for a comprehensive investigation into the cause of death to ensure justice for the endangered species.

Don’t Let Hunters Cast Themselves as Protected Minorities

Animal conservation efforts may take a major hit if hunters are successful in their bid to attain status as a protected ethnic minority group. Demand a legal blockade to this exploitive effort that belittles true fights for equality.

Don’t Push Brown Bear to Brink of Extinction Again

As big mammal culls continue raging across Europe, Sweden has refused to halt a controversial annual cull that will kill one-fifth of its rapidly dwindling brown bear population. Demand leaders take steps to end the legalized slaughter.

Don’t Let New Tarantula Species Vanish Forever

A new tarantula species with an eye-catching appearance is already facing threats to its existence. Demand robust conservation measures to preserve a member of one of the planet’s most ecologically diverse regions.

Punish RFK Jr. for Alleged Violations of Dead Animals’ Dignity

A high-profile politician has put himself in the midst of several controversies concerning possible mistreatment of animal remains. Demand Robert Kennedy, Jr. be held accountable for his apparent violations of federal laws.

Stop Making Island Nations Bear Burden of Climate Recklessness

Deadly climate-driven storms are on the rise, and it’s past time for polluters throwing fuel on the fire to pay the price, literally. Call for an internationally backed drive for legal and financial climate justice.

Don’t Let Global Warming Detonate Environmental Bombs

Greenhouse gases and toxins are just waiting to be unleashed from earth’s melting North. In the process, they could wreak unimaginable havoc. Demand global leaders take urgent action to protect permafrost.

Don’t Turn Rivers Into Sewage Dumps

Rivers are being polluted and aquatic life endangered by the continued dumping of untreated sewage. Stop this ongoing threat to people and nature.

Prioritize End of Plastic Pollution

Plastic production is ramping up while global leaders work to curb its dangers. Demand a stronger commitment to eliminating environmentally detrimental overproduction and invasive special interests.

Protect Ocean’s Free-Floating Guardians

Floating ocean creatures have received little recognition or focus, but their contribution to the marine world is unmatched. Demand a stronger emphasis on understanding and protecting the ocean’s first line of defense.

Protected Bird Killed on Reality Show Deserves Justice

A reality show allegedly allowed a crime against conservation to take place, with no real repercussions. Call for more decisive punitive action in this problematic case.

Rev Up Electric Truck Infrastructure

Eco-friendly EV production cannot strengthen without the infrastructure that makes everyday operation of these vehicles possible. Demand leaders help mitigate transportation’s outsized role in the climate crisis.

Success: Construction Underway on World’s Largest Wildlife Crossing

A first-of-its-scale wildlife crossing has the potential to save thousands of animals in traffic-heavy Los Angeles. Applaud this promising development that addresses a critical threat to America’s wildlife.

Don’t Let Orphan Wells Destroy Environmental Progress

Fossil fuel wells still present a clear and present danger long after they have been abandoned. Urge stronger protections against these harmful orphans.

Stop Spread of Deadly Fire Ants

A dangerous invasive species has hitched a ride from America to Australia. Demand stronger plans to halt the fire ant’s harmful progression across the continent.

Stop Marine Mammal Strandings From Turning Into Mass Tragedy

A mass dolphin stranding event brought renewed attention to a serious danger for marine mammals. Demand more funding for study and preventions of these aquatic tragedies.

Punish Alleged Poisoners of Trees and Beach

A wealthy vacationing couple allegedly committed a literal crime against nature so they could improve their ocean view. Call for criminal charges if these suspects poisoned the environment to get their way.

Let Space Help Save People From Extreme Weather

America’s space agency has an increasingly important role to play preparing for weather disasters. Demand leaders tap into NASA’s vast resources for effective emergency response.

Stop Climate Change From Making Vegetables Less Nutritious

The climate crisis is making crops less nutritious. Demand a commitment from American leaders to confronting and resolving this critical environmental and health issue.

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