Target: Rosangela Maria Ribeiro Muniz, Deputy Director, Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources
Goal: Ensure the prosecution of individuals allegedly involved in the torture and killing of a puma, and advocate for harsher penalties for such acts.
A disturbing video has emerged appearing to show three individuals hunting a puma with a pack of dogs in Brazil. The footage allegedly depicts horrifying cruelty, as the puma is chased into a tree and shot, causing it to fall to the ground. The animal is then seemingly attacked by the dogs and repeatedly struck with a stick by a man, while a woman celebrates the brutality.
The Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (Ibama) is currently working to identify the individuals involved in this alleged incident. Authorities believe the act occurred in the Caatinga region of northeastern Brazil. The video has sparked outrage on social media, highlighting the urgent need for stricter enforcement of animal cruelty laws.
Pumas, which are already at risk of population decline in Brazil, face extinction in some areas if such acts of violence continue unchecked. Current penalties for animal cruelty and killing are insufficient to deter these heinous acts, with potential sentences ranging from three months to five years in prison. A stalled 2022 bill proposing harsher penalties underscores the need for immediate action.
Justice must be served for the innocent animal subjected to this brutal act. Prosecution of the alleged perpetrators will not only bring accountability but also emphasize the urgent need for legislative reform to protect vulnerable wildlife.
Dear Deputy Director,
The recent video apparently depicting the brutal torture and killing of a puma has shocked and outraged people worldwide. The footage seems to show a group of individuals using dogs to chase the puma before shooting, beating, and ultimately killing the animal in a horrifying display of cruelty.
As leader of the Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (Ibama), you have the authority to ensure the swift and thorough investigation of this alleged incident. Identifying and prosecuting the individuals involved will not only deliver justice for this innocent animal but also send a strong message against such acts of violence.
Pumas are already at risk of population decline in Brazil, and their survival is further threatened by acts of cruelty like this. Existing penalties for animal cruelty are insufficient to deter such crimes. We urge you to advocate for the enforcement of stricter penalties, including pushing for the passage of the 2022 bill that proposes harsher consequences for hunting big cats.
Thank you for your commitment to protecting Brazil’s wildlife. We trust you will take all necessary steps to hold those responsible accountable and to safeguard vulnerable species from such inhumane treatment in the future.
[Your Name Here]
Photo credit: fPat Murray
Don’t be a 4th world country, work to promote better animal welfare and less barbaric and sadistic acts like this one.