Animal Welfare

Bull Allegedly Shot at Rodeo Event Deserves Justice

A man reportedly shot a bull at a rodeo event, leading to its death. Demand a thorough investigation and accountability to prevent future incidents of alleged animal abuse.

Poisoned Stray Dogs Deserve Protection

Stray dogs were poisoned to death in a shocking act of cruelty fueled by fear and ignorance. Demand immediate action to protect innocent animals and hold those responsible accountable.

Man Who Allegedly Kicked and Whipped Dog on Walk Must be Punished

A man reportedly kicked and whipped his dog, sparking outrage and concern. Take action to ensure justice for this animal and to prevent future incidents of alleged abuse.

Young Leopard Found Dead in Wildlife Reserve: Demand Investigation

A young female leopard was found dead under mysterious circumstances in a wildlife reserve. Demand a thorough investigation and stronger protection measures to safeguard these endangered animals.

Justice for Dog Allegedly Killed by Golf Course Vehicle

A family’s beloved dog was allegedly struck and killed by a golf course vehicle, and they claim no accountability has been taken. Demand justice and a thorough investigation into this tragic incident.

Five Dogs Allegedly Tied and Drowned: Demand Justice

Five dogs were allegedly tied up and drowned, their bodies found in a gutter. Demand justice for these innocent animals.

Justice for Dog Allegedly Blinded by Harmful Chemicals

A stray dog was blinded after a resident reportedly poured harmful chemicals into her eyes. Demand justice for this seemingly abused animal.

Sheep Reportedly Stabbed in the Throat and Killed Deserve Justice

Three sheep died after they were allegedly stabbed in the throat. Demand justice for these reportedly abused creatures.

Stop Unethical Breeding Practices at Puppy Mills

Pet store owners are attempting to block a law that would end the sale of animals from cruel puppy mills. Demand enforcement of the Puppy Mill Pipeline Act.

Seek Justice for Cat Injured by Blow Dart in Park

An innocent cat was injured by a blow dart in a park, raising serious concerns about animal cruelty. Demand justice for this abused animal.

Demand Justice for 11 Dogs Allegedly Found Starving in Rat-Infested Home

In a horrifying discovery, 11 dogs were allegedly found languishing in a rat-infested home, suffering from extreme neglect and mistreatment. Demand a thorough investigation and justice.

Demand Justice in Case of 75 Animals Allegedly Tortured and Killed

Two individuals allegedly tortured and killed over 75 animals and discussed torturing a child, creating a chilling trove of videos to showcase their cruelty. Ensure justice for these apparent horrific crimes.

Justice for Puppies Abandoned in Cooler to Die

Six puppies were abandoned in a cooler on the roadside, with three found dead. Demand justice for these innocent animals.

Demand Justice for Pets Left to Suffer and Die

Animals are being abandoned in record numbers, left to suffer and die without food or water. Demand justice for these neglected pets.

Demand TV Show Apologize for Glorifying Accused Dog Killer

A TV show that claims to love animals glorified an alleged animal abuser and killer. Demand a correction and an apology for this affront to animal welfare.

Animals Inhumanely Confined and Mistreated in Factory Farms Deserve Justice

Animals are enduring inhumane confinement and abuse in factory farms with no consequence for their abusers. Demand justice for these innocent creatures.

Demand Justice for Dog Beaten and Hung from Balcony to Die

A dog was allegedly beaten and hung from a balcony under the sun on an employer’s instructions, leading to his death. Demand justice for this innocent animal.

Demand Justice for Deceased Dogs Allegedly Thrown Into Creek and Freezer

Several dead dogs were reportedly discovered in a creek, with many more allegedly stuffed into a freezer. Call for a fitting punishment for the suspects if they are found guilty.

Cat Apparently Filmed Being Dragged by the Neck and Yowling in Pain Deserves Justice

A man was reportedly caught on video brutally mistreating a cat, sparking public outrage. Demand legal action to ensure justice for the animal and to prevent future incidents of abuse.

Protect Vulnerable Animals From Freezing Temperatures During Cold Snap

As temperatures drop, countless animals are suffering due to inadequate shelter. Demand immediate enforcement of animal welfare laws to protect these innocent creatures.

Investigate Company Accused of Kicking, Crushing, and Sexually Abusing Turkeys

An undercover investigation reportedly found workers kicking, sitting on, and otherwise abusing turkeys bound for slaughter. Demand the enforcement of humane practices.

Stop Covering Threatened Tortoises in Harmful Paint

Two gopher tortoises were reportedly found painted with bright colors, posing serious health risks to these threatened animals. Demand immediate action to protect tortoises from such harmful abuse.

Demand Justice for Horses Allegedly Starved by Owners

A couple has been arrested for allegedly neglecting and starving their two horses, leaving them severely underweight and in poor health. Demand legal action to ensure justice for these animals and prevent future neglect.

Demand Justice for Trapped Husky Allegedly Shot by Neighbor

A man allegedly shot a friendly husky stuck helplessly in a coyote trap, opting for lethal force instead of calling for help. Demand justice for this innocent pet.

Demand Justice for Beloved Puppy Shot by Officer

A beloved young husky, Odin, was shot dead by an animal control officer who mistook him for a coyote. Demand accountability.

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