Articles written by: Shaunak All That Breathes

Animals Allegedly Abused to Death on Farm Deserve Justice

Animals have been reportedly severely abused on a midwestern farm, apparently leading to their death in some cases. Demand a thorough investigation to protect these animals from further suffering.

Puppies Reportedly Found Dead Inside Freezer at ‘Shelter’ Deserve Justice

Five puppies were reportedly found dead in a freezer and dozens more were apparently kept in shockingly inhumane conditions at an animal rescue. Justice must prevail for these voiceless animals.

Dog Found in Plastic Bag With Legs and Mouth Bound by Tape Deserves Justice

A dog was found by sanitary workers inside a plastic bag with his mouth and feet bound by tape. Those responsible for this horrific abuse must be found and prosecuted.

Dogs Allegedly Tortured to Death and Sexually Abused by Animal Expert Deserve Justice

Almost 40 dogs reportedly suffered unimaginably before finally being killed. Demand swift and just legal action in this case.

192 Animals Reportedly Abused By Dog Trainers Deserve Justice

A staggering 192 animals were reportedly neglected and abused by dog trainers at their private residence. Demand an immediate and thorough investigation into these allegations.

Woman and Her Dog Allegedly Assaulted Deserve Justice

A woman and her dog were reportedly assaulted in a potential case of domestic violence and animal cruelty. Demand justice for these victims.

Cat Killed in Apparent Domestic Violence Incident Deserves Justice

One cat was reportedly beaten to death with a back scratcher, and another severely harmed, in an apparent case of domestic abuse. Demand a thorough investigation to ensure accountability.

Dog Who Had Been Shot in Back and Then Reportedly Neglected Deserves Justice

A paralyzed dog was reportedly starved and kept in inhumane conditions. What’s more shocking, is that an animal rescue is apparently behind this treatment. Demand a thorough investigation now to ensure the welfare of all the innocent animals in their care.

Do Not Let an Accused Murderer Get Away By Tampering With a Witness

A grave allegation of witness tampering has arisen in an accused’s murderer’s case, casting doubt on the integrity of justice. Demand a comprehensive investigation now.

Elderly Couple Allegedly Murdered By Own Daughter Deserves Justice

An elderly couple were allegedly murdered by their own daughter. Demand a thorough investigation and justice now.

Insist on Stricter Gun Control to Ensure Public Safety

A woman allegedly brandished a shotgun and threatened innocent bystanders outside a Walmart store. Demand immediate action on stricter gun control measures.

Investigate Civilian Who Allegedly Impersonated a Federal Officer at Presidential Campaign Rally

A civilian allegedly impersonated a federal officer and carried a loaded gun to a presidential candidate’s electoral campaign. Demand immediate action.

Promote Responsible Content Sharing on Social Media

A viral video involving a cyclist seemingly knocking over a 5-year-old girl raises concerns. Promote responsible content sharing on social media.

Investigate Reported Trespassing and Flooding of Dormitory that Endangered Students

A person allegedly trespassed and caused extensive flooding in a freshman dormitory, impacting around 12 rooms. Demand a comprehensive investigation.

South Korean Woman Allegedly Abused and Killed By Religious Group Deserves Justice

A South Korean woman was allegedly tortured and murdered by a religious group. This deeply troubling case must be fully investigated to prevent further harm. Demand justice now.

Demand Justice for Russell Brand’s Alleged Rape Victims

Russell Brand has been accused of sexual assault, rape, and emotional abuse. Demand a rigorous inquiry into the allegations against this well-known media personality.

Punish Students Who Allegedly Used Falsified Documents to Enroll in High School

Two men allegedly used fake documents to enroll as high school students. Demand strict measures to protect the school community from such deceitful acts.

HIV-Infected Victims Who Allegedly Fell Prey to Intentional Transmission Deserve Justice

A man allegedly spread HIV intentionally, leading to the death of at least one individual. Demand a thorough investigation and just prosecution now.

Justice for Newborn Reportedly Decapitated During Birth and Posted Online

Graphic images of a newborn’s reported decapitation during birth were allegedly shared by medical professionals. Take immediate action to ensure justice and ethical standards are upheld.

Demand Investigation Into Alleged Overspending on Disaster Money

Alarming allegations have arisen about excessive spending during 2022 storm responses, exceeding guidelines by more than $50 million. Demand transparency and accountability now.

Man Likely to Face Death Penalty After Allegedly Unfair Detention Deserves Justice

A British man has endured a harrowing ordeal since 2017, reportedly languishing in detention without formal charges. Demand fair treatment from this allegedly unjust detention.

Address Allegations of Hostile Workplace at National Security Administration

Allegations against a key player in national cybersecurity policy and part of President Biden’s National Security Council have cast doubt on the actions of those in influential roles in the U.S. government. Demand transparency and accountability from leaders.

End Toxic Work Environments in the Entertainment Industry

Allegations of a harmful work environment on Jimmy Fallon’s “The Tonight Show” have shocked many. Demand a safe and supportive workplace for all.

Stop Online Child Abuse on Virtual Reality Platforms

Sexual predators are shamefully using virtual reality platforms to threaten children with unspeakable harm. Demand action now to protect these innocent victims.

Woman Allegedly Physically Abused By Soccer Player Deserves Justice

A Manchester United winger reportedly physically abused his girlfriend, calling into question the integrity of the Brazilian Football Confederation. Demand transparency and accountability be upheld by this team.

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