Do Not Let an Accused Murderer Get Away By Tampering With a Witness

Target: Sean Reyes, Utah Attorney General

Goal: Demand a thorough investigation into allegations of witness tampering against an accused murderer.

Kouri Richins, who is already facing serious charges of murder and drug-related offenses, is now allegedly involved in witness tampering, as revealed in recent court documents. This development raises grave concerns about the integrity of the legal process and the pursuit of justice in the case.

Ms. Richins is accused of poisoning her husband, Eric Richins, with a fatal overdose of fentanyl. This tragedy is already a deeply distressing matter, and the charges against her are substantial. However, the allegations of witness tampering further compound the seriousness of this case.

On September 14, authorities reportedly discovered a six-page handwritten letter in Ms. Richins’ jail cell. The letter, addressed to her mother, Lisa Darden, allegedly contains instructions to induce her brother, Ronald Darden, to “testify falsely” in the ongoing legal proceedings. The letter suggests that defense counsel wishes to establish a connection between Eric Richins obtaining drugs and the fentanyl overdose that led to his death.

The allegations outlined in the court document strongly suggest witness tampering, a serious offense that can undermine the pursuit of justice and the truth-finding process in a legal case. The act of attempting to induce another person to testify falsely is not only ethically unacceptable, but also a criminal offense under Utah law. Take action now.


Dear Honorable Attorney General Reyes,

We, the undersigned, write to express our deep concern and demand a thorough investigation into the allegations of witness tampering in the case of Kouri Richins, who is currently facing charges related to the alleged murder of her husband, Eric Richins.

The allegations of witness tampering, as outlined in recent court documents, are deeply troubling. It is imperative that the legal process is conducted with the utmost integrity and transparency to ensure justice is served. Witness tampering undermines the pursuit of truth and accountability, and it erodes public trust in the judicial system.

We urge you to take all necessary actions to investigate these allegations fully. It is crucial to determine the veracity of these claims and, if substantiated, to hold Ms. Richins accountable for her actions. Witness tampering must not be tolerated, as it poses a significant threat to the fairness of legal proceedings and the principles upon which our justice system is built.

Furthermore, we request that appropriate measures be taken to safeguard the integrity of the legal proceedings in this case, including ensuring the safety and protection of potential witnesses who may be vulnerable to such tampering.

In the pursuit of justice and truth, we believe it is paramount that all allegations, including those of witness tampering, are thoroughly and impartially investigated. We trust in your commitment to upholding the principles of justice, fairness, and accountability in this case.


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Photo credit: Tingey Injury Law Firm

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  • Siân Street
  • Maryann Piccione
  • Silvia Rocha
  • Alice Rim
  • Mary and Roger Stephens
  • Amber Remelin
  • Anne Corrigan
  • John B
  • Dakotah Woller
  • Judy Hershkowitz
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