Articles written by: Nalak Dasgupta

Nathan has been circling the internet since the dawn of web 2.0. He has seen the web evolve over the last 12 years and so has him. He has always believed and perceived the internet as a powerful entity, one soul, capable of a unified voice against injustice. He also believes in the inherent goodness of man to be a force of positive change in a difficult world.

Demand Abortion Access for Low Income Populations

One of the largest governing bodies aims to overturn a discriminatory provision that obstructs the full range of reproductive health services for low-income groups. Support this important cause to secure federal funding for abortion.

Demand Justice for Murdered Environmental Activists

Two prominent environmental activists were shot dead in an alleged robbery. The murders have sparked an international uproar seeking justice for the water defenders. Demand a speedy independent investigation of the incident.

Success: Elementary School Installs Latest Metal Detectors

After a 6-year-old’s shooting of a teacher at school, the community demanded better safety measures. Appreciate this timely step taken to ensure teacher and student safety from gun violence.

Ban Cancer Causing Chemical in ‘Roundup’ Weedkiller

The chemical in Monsanto’s Roundup weedkiller causes aggravated cancer risks, according to a recent study. Demand the EPA impose tougher restrictions on this dangerous chemical.

Save Marine Life From Plastic Pollution

Marine plastic pollution is a growing problem and whales and dolphins are paying the price with their health and even their lives. Not only does this harm wildlife, it also cripples the global fishing industry. Demand the International Whaling Commission develop a rapid action blueprint to curb the menace of plastic debris in oceans.

Success: Global Elite Agree to Faster Renewable Energy Transition

The fossil fuel status quo is shifting to renewable energy. Business leaders and policymakers at the World Economic Forum unanimously agreed on the need for a new economy supported by renewables. Celebrate this milestone shift in global energy policies.

Improve Safety Measures in Schools Following Reported Shooting of Teacher

A teacher was reportedly shot by an elementary school student, calling attention to school safety concerns in the USA. Several teachers, parents, and students recently met the school board to present their views. Demand Newport News Public Schools pay urgent attention to implementing safe learning conditions.

Fast Track Investigation Into Potentially Dangerous Tesla Autopilot Feature

Tesla’s much-hyped autopilot technology has been involved in several fatalities in recent years. The Department of Transportation recently initiated an investigation into an eight-vehicle crash disrupting the San Francisco Bay Bridge. Demand a speedy resolution of the probe to ensure the safety of America’s roads.

Push for Tougher Gun Control Laws in Virginia

Gun violence in the United States is one of the largest preventable causes of death. Democrats in the State of Virginia are pushing hard for tougher gun control laws in the 2023 legislative session. Demand state lawmakers take positive action to restrict the firearms menace.

Support a Faster Renewable Energy Transition

The World Economic Forum could help enact defining policies to tackle climate change. The Davos event advertises clean energy as a key agenda. Demand the U.S. delegation push for a rapid transition to renewables.

Demand Elon Musk Reinstate Twitter Trust and Safety Council

Twitter’s Trust and Safety Council was axed last month by Elon Musk, leading to a dramatic rise in hate speech. The volunteer council played an invaluable role creating a safe space for diverse points of view. Demand the reinstatment of the Trust and Safety Council with immediate notice.

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