Oreo: Don’t Force Mice to Consume Human Feces and Glass Beads

Target: Dirk Van de Put, CEO of Mondelēz International

Goal: Stop forcing mice to eat deadly substances in the name of “nutritional science.”

A partnership between animal testing labs and the Oreo brand has raised significant concern for animal welfare. Reports indicate that Mondelēz International, the maker of Oreos, has funded experiments that include forcing mice to ingest human feces. The tests not only subject animals to suffering but are also of questionable scientific validity, as the physiology of mice differs drastically from that of humans. Such practices are characterized as outdated and inhumane, yet they continue in the name of “nutritional science,” sparking outrage among animal rights organizations.

In the experiments, mice have reportedly been force-fed glass beads, a mixture of junk food, and other harmful substances before being killed and dissected. Despite Mondelēz International’s limited ban on animal testing, it has been criticized for leaving loopholes that allow these inhumane practices to continue under the pretext of advancing nutritional science. Allegations suggest that the company is misleading consumers about its commitment to animal welfare while funding tests that cause immense suffering to vulnerable animals.

With modern alternatives available for research that do not involve animal suffering, the continuation of these barbaric tests is not only unnecessary but contributes to a negative image for the company. Demand that Mondelēz International commit fully to eliminating animal testing in all forms related to its products and invest in humane research methods.


Dear Mr. Van de Put,

As the CEO of Mondelēz International, it is vital to address an urgent issue regarding the alleged cruelty and suffering inflicted on animals in the pursuit of “nutritional science.” Reports indicate that your company has funded disturbing experiments that reportedly force mice to consume human feces and subject them to other horrifying trials, including being force-fed harmful substances and subsequently killed. This troubling practice not only raises ethical concerns but questions the scientific validity of such research.

Animal testing, particularly in the way it has been conducted by Mondelēz, is reportedly both unnecessary and outdated. The suffering experienced by these sentient beings is unacceptable, especially when modern, humane research methodologies can provide valuable insights without causing harm. Furthermore, the notion that these experiments are essential for nutritional science is being increasingly challenged by researchers advocating for animal-free methods.

Therefore, we call on you to take immediate action to end all forms of animal testing associated with Mondelēz International and to commit to investing in ethical alternatives. The public deserves transparency and assurance that the products they consume are not the result of unnecessary animal suffering.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Pixabay


  1. This is as far from science as it gets,there is nothing to gain from this at all, it is clearly just to torture a helpless animal. Computer models are more accurate, safer and faster than these barbaric methods. Stop torturiing animals and calling it science, no one is fooled, this is just torture for entertainment.

  2. Michelle Thomas says:

    What in the world does human feces , glass, etc have to do with science? And conducted by a food corporation???? NOTHING! And this corporation is being FUNDING for this WASTE of time, resources, and lives of living creatures! As others said computer generated experiments are MUCH more accurate, and HUMANE.

  3. This is depraved, and dammit… I just bought a package of Oreos.

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