Protect Animals From Being Beaten, Shocked, and Dragged Across Ground at Livestock Auctions

Target: U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack

Goal: Stop rampant animal cruelty at unregulated livestock auctions.

Recent undercover investigations have revealed disturbing instances of animal cruelty at livestock auctions across the United States. Allegations include animals being kicked, shocked with electric prods, thrown, and dragged while injured or unable to move. Such treatment causes immense suffering to animals like cows, goats, sheep, and donkeys during these auctions.

Undercover footage and firsthand accounts from investigators suggest that these practices are widespread and normalized within the industry. Animals who are sick, injured, or too weak to stand are subjected to harsh handling to keep the auction process moving quickly. In some cases, downed animals are dragged by chains or machinery, and others are forced to endure painful conditions without proper veterinary care.

The absence of federal regulations specifically protecting animals at livestock auctions allows such cruelty to persist unchecked. Implementing clear and enforceable federal standards is essential to ensure the humane treatment of animals during auctions. Strong legal protections would not only prevent unnecessary suffering but also promote ethical practices within the industry. Demand immediate action to establish federal regulations that safeguard animals at livestock auctions.


Dear Secretary Vilsack,

We are deeply concerned about reports of severe animal cruelty occurring at livestock auctions across the nation. Investigations have uncovered instances where animals are kicked, shocked with electric prods, thrown, and dragged while injured or unable to move. Such treatment inflicts significant suffering on vulnerable animals, including cows, goats, sheep, and donkeys.

The current lack of federal regulations specifically addressing animal welfare at livestock auctions may contribute to these alleged abuses. Without enforceable standards, harmful practices can go unchecked, undermining public trust in the agricultural industry and compromising animal welfare.

We urge you to take immediate action to implement federal regulations that protect animals at livestock auctions from cruelty and neglect. By establishing clear guidelines and enforcement mechanisms, the Department of Agriculture can ensure that animals are treated humanely and that auction practices reflect the values of compassion and responsibility.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Peter O’Connor aka anemoneprojectors

One Comment

  1. Alice K Knight says:

    If it were not for these animals most people would not be fed. Therefore treat these animals with the utmost respect! I am certain if the tables were turned, you would find it most heart breaking and barbaric if you or a friend , even a family member was to be treated in this way. Perhaps the employees treat the animals in this way due to productivity, quotas or they just don’t care. The attitude may be “they’re going to die, does it matter how they are treated?” YES it does! Do any of the workers and/or the owner(s) feel any remorse?

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