Help Communities Devasted by Disaster Emerge From Rubble

Target: Martin Griffiths, Under-Secretary-General of United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs

Goal: Strengthen response to Papa New Guinea landside and natural disasters of similar scope and scale.

As residents of a remote village in Papa New Guinea peacefully slept, their world literally came crashing down around them. A massive landslide buried dozens of homes and an elementary school. Some rocks in the debris (which reportedly reached up to 25 feet from the ground) were as large as shipping containers. Preliminary estimates place the death toll anywhere from 650 to 2,000.

The instability of land in the region lasted far beyond the initial landslide, and fears of another disaster seriously derailed rescue efforts. The wreckage of the primary road in the region has also hindered aid. Worsening the crisis are ongoing political struggles, poverty, and tribal violence. Nearby Australia has already pledged assistance, but the struggling region desperately needs more.

Sign the petition below to urge the United Nations to make stabilizing this region in every respect a top priority.


Dear Under-Secretary-General Griffiths,

The political and economic instability in Papa New Guinea took devastating physical form when a landslide literally buried an entire community alive within the Enga Province. Eastern China recently experienced a similar disaster on a smaller scale. The worsening effects of an unpredictable climate and environment have ensured that some of the worst humanitarian crises will arise from natural disasters.

Please make Papa New Guinea and its displaced, devastated citizens a template for how to return both short and long-term stability to ravaged regions of the world. Commit to and implement a comprehensive aid plan that includes the machinery and manpower desperately needed to remove the mountains of rubble this and other disasters caused. In addition, help create and deploy teams that can address the chronic economic and political struggles that stand in the way of building a strong road to recovery.

Investment and commitment must be made now in order to mitigate the tragedies of tomorrow.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: R.W. Gibson

One Comment

  1. These people need help. They need assistance for this tragedy. The United Nations needs to be able to help so these folks can rebuild. This poor world has problems. Most are human made … hello Big Oil. Things happen in even the best of times but having Putin make war on the world, and the trouble in Israel and Rafa … and beyond is putting the world in even more danger far more quickly than anticipated. If polled the world would show 90% of the people want peace. Most of the people of the world want to live in peace and help one another when needed. North Korea, Russia, China, a scenario of hurt and death. What kind of trash are we allowing to run the world? Where did we place the human beings, those with intelligence and compassion?

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197 Signatures

  • Lydia Lafferty
  • Wanmai Pailin
  • Jay Jazzy
  • Kathryn Fenn
  • Brenda Arson
  • Vincent L
  • Jacob Pieper
  • Phyllis Mazzarisi
  • Mary and Roger Stephens
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