Mules Allegedly Neglected During Cultural Pilgrimage Deserve Justice

Target: Mr. Pushkar Singh Dhami, Chief Minister of Uttarakhand, India

Goal: Protect mules from reported abuse and neglect during cultural event.

The heart-wrenching scenario in Kedarnath involves mules, allegedly overworked and often neglected, suffering significant injuries during the Char Dham Yatra. A recent account reportedly describes a mule with a severe leg wound being dragged to a dispensary, only to receive basic treatment amid inadequate facilities. Veterinarians like Dr. Vinod Tiwari reportedly witness dozens of such cases daily, highlighting the urgent need for better oversight and care.

Further, the mules, numbering around 10,000, allegedly endure severe hardships, including multiple leg and back injuries. Many of these animals reportedly succumb to their injuries without their owners facing any legal consequences. The few existing clinics and shelters are overwhelmed, struggling to cope with the demand. Dr. Ashish Rawat allegedly questions the ethics of relying on animals for such arduous tasks, pointing out the glaring lack of humane treatment.

This dire situation reportedly calls for immediate action to enforce existing regulations and establish more shelters and veterinary facilities. Prioritizing the welfare of these mules is essential to ensuring their humane treatment. Hold owners accountable for alleged neglect and abuse, ensuring the mules’ well-being during this pilgrimage.


Dear Mr. Pushkar Singh Dhami,

The situation involving mules during the Char Dham Yatra in Kedarnath is reportedly dire. These animals, vital for ferrying pilgrims and goods, are allegedly overworked and neglected, leading to severe injuries and deaths. The current infrastructure is reportedly woefully inadequate, with few dispensaries and shelters available for the 10,000 mules on the route.

Veterinarians reportedly treat dozens of injured mules daily, with the numbers expected to rise as the Yatra progresses. The existing facilities are allegedly overwhelmed, and many injured mules reportedly die without their owners facing repercussions. This reported neglect and overexertion leads to severe injuries, with seeming little attention given to these animals’ welfare.

We urge you to enforce stricter regulations and improve the infrastructure to care for these mules. Establishing more shelters and veterinary clinics, along with holding owners accountable for alleged neglect and abuse, is crucial. Immediate action is reportedly needed to ensure these animals are treated humanely and to prevent further suffering.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: John Hill


  1. Ravinder Singh says:

    This is the reason i don’t go to such places where animals are tormented and tortured like this. It is unbearable to see them suffering. This should be banned. How people have heart to make them suffer.

  2. India will always be 3rd world horrid country. The way they treat people and animals is truly shameful. The vileness that comes from that 3rd world hellhole is unbearable. The seediness and evil from there is bone chilling! Doubt anything will be done to those monsters.How any of them thinks they’re worth more than a mule is galling. Get all the animals out of that shithole and let the monsters rot!

  3. Alice Knight says:

    There seems to be an large number of people in India who despise any kind of animal. The abuse animals are exposed to and have to endure is horrendous. The hatred towards animals is heart-wrenching to say the least. It’s as if people feel they are superior over and beyond any other living thing. No one wants to care about them. When I receive a letter from Force Change, and it is regarding abuse against and innocent animal from India, some bystanders just do that, they stand by and don’t do anything to help. It’s shameful and disturbing.

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