Help American Heroes Support Families

Target: Mike Johnson, Speaker of U.S. House of Representatives

Goal: Remove barriers to full benefits access for Purple Heart recipients.

The Purple Heart is the American military’s longest-running distinction. It honors the sacrifices of soldiers killed or wounded in combat. Families of fallen recipients receive important benefits associated with the honor. Yet for loved ones of some living recipients, benefits are sometimes denied due to a legislative loophole.

The Purple Heart Veterans Education Act, a bipartisan bill introduced in the Senate, would close a few of these loopholes. The bill was created in response to concerns presented by a Purple Heart recipient who could not transfer education benefits to his college-bound son because he had received the award after he had been medically discharged from service. As guidelines stand now, only recipients who were still in active service at the time they received their award can gift these benefits to dependents. The bill would eliminate this barrier. It would also give all living recipients the option to divide their benefits amongst dependents. In addition, unused benefits of recipients who have passed away would be available to dependents.

Sign the petition below to support passage of a proposal that will help restore equal benefits to all of America’s military heroes.


Dear Speaker Johnson,

“The Purple Heart Veterans Education Act ensures that those veterans who’ve endured bodily harm on behalf of our nation, but weren’t recognized for it until their service concluded, are able to turn that recognition into an investment in the education of their loved ones.” The Senate co-sponsors of this legislation are attempting to close loopholes that prevent Purple Heart recipients from fully utilizing the benefits they earned through their bravery and sacrifice. They have crafted this bill on behalf of former service members directly impacted.

Please take a meaningful step during the time of year America honors its heroes by supporting and moving forward this important effort in the People’s House.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Jonathunder

One Comment

  1. More good news about Mike Johnson and the GOP. Congress really does great work under his leadership!?! The Purple Heart belongs to the families of those hero’s who fought for our freedom. Living or deceased the benefits belong to their families. Loopholes are the GOP’s convenient way of denying benefits where they rightfully belong. The GOP are all about loopholes and none of you would stand up and die for our freedom. You are likely going to allow a jerk to take them away from Americans in the next election. Veteraans are to be respected and honored not spit on. Please shut up and give the benefits where they belong, to the families!

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197 Signatures

  • Wanmai Pailin
  • Jay Jazzy
  • Kathryn Fenn
  • Vincent L
  • patricia calebrese
  • patricia calebrese
  • Kathy Harris
  • Judy Pritchett
  • Siân Street
  • lance jimenez
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