Dogs and Cats Allegedly Killed During Burglary Deserve Justice

Target: Debra Rusnak, Prosecuting Attorney of Kanawha County

Goal: Secure a rigorous legal response to alleged murder and animal cruelty

Recent events in West Virginia have left a community in dismay, following reports of a horrific incident involving alleged first-degree murder and animal cruelty. Billy E. Cadle III, 44, is at the center of allegations, facing charges related to a burglary, the killing of two dogs and two cats, and the tragic death of 53-year-old Michael Ols. This case represents not only a profound loss of life but also highlights distressing instances of alleged violence towards animals, necessitating a strong and swift legal response.

Details emerging from the investigation paint a bleak picture. Cadle, allegedly involved in multiple crimes across Kanawha and Putnam Counties, reportedly engaged in a burglary before escalating to violence against pets and ultimately, an allegedly fatal attack on Ols. Such actions, if proven, underscore a chilling disregard for both human and animal life, striking fear and outrage within the community. The accounts of Cadle’s alleged crimes, including the specifics of the animal cruelty and the murder, serve as a call to action for all concerned citizens and officials.

The gravity of these allegations demands a thorough and uncompromising pursuit of justice. The community looks to the prosecuting attorney of Kanawha County to take a stand against such alleged acts of violence and cruelty. By vigorously prosecuting these cases, we signal our collective intolerance for such behavior and honor the memories of those lost. Demand that the legal system respond with the full weight of the law, ensuring that if these allegations prove true, such acts do not go unpunished.


Dear Attorney Debra Rusnak,

In light of the recent shocking events that have come to light, we, a concerned group of citizens, reach out to you with a plea for justice. The allegations against Billy E. Cadle III, involving a heart-wrenching case of first-degree murder alongside deeply troubling acts of animal cruelty, have sent ripples of horror and disbelief throughout our community. The reported details of these crimes—ranging from the tragic loss of Michael Ols’s life to the alleged brutal killing of innocent pets—demand a response that is both swift and severe.

The allegations of burglary, the killing of two beloved pets in the Poca area, and the suspected murder in Cross Lanes suggest a pattern of violence that cannot be ignored. Such alleged behavior strikes at the very fabric of our society, challenging our norms of safety, compassion, and respect for life. The justice system must act decisively, ensuring that these allegations are thoroughly investigated and, if substantiated, met with appropriate legal consequences.

We call upon you to leverage every available resource and legal avenue to ensure that these alleged crimes are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Our community deserves no less than a vigorous pursuit of justice—a stand that reaffirms our collective values and the sanctity of life, both human and animal. We trust in your commitment to justice and your ability to navigate this complex and deeply disturbing case towards a resolution that honors the victims and upholds the principles of our legal system.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: nguyen hoangnam

One Comment

  1. Mary Young says:

    To save the txa payers money fir his court trail Shot that 44 year bastard the same way eye 👁 for an eye 👁 he doesn’t deserve to be breathing air so shot that stupid mother fucker and save tax payers money

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