Puppy Reportedly Splashed With Boiling Water Deserves Justice

Target: Fani Willis, Fulton County District Attorney, Georgia, USA

Goal: Initiate a thorough investigation and prosecute those responsible for Elsie’s alleged abuse.

In a recent, heart-wrenching event, an 11-week-old puppy named Elsie allegedly encountered one of the most heinous acts of cruelty. According to Angels Among Us Pet Rescue, Inc., Elsie was brought to an emergency room with grave burns. It is believed that the injuries stemmed from being dunked in or splashed with boiling water by a young child. This incident not only highlights an appalling act of alleged abuse but also underscores a significant lapse in responsibility and care.

Further details reveal the complexity of Elsie’s case, including the challenge investigators face in locating the owners. This difficulty adds another layer to the already distressing situation, complicating efforts to ensure justice. The narrative shared by the rescue’s volunteers paints a grim picture of the rising trend in animal abuse cases, with Elsie’s story standing out due to its particularly disturbing nature. Her young age and vulnerability make the alleged actions against her even more reprehensible.

The demand for justice goes beyond seeking retribution for a single act of alleged cruelty; it embodies a call for systemic change. To prevent further incidents of this nature, those responsible for Elsie’s reported suffering must be held accountable. This case serves as a stark reminder of the need for vigilance and stringent enforcement of animal welfare laws. Take immediate action.


Dear DA Fani Willis,

The heartbreaking case of Elsie, an 11-week-old puppy allegedly subjected to severe burns, has come to our attention, prompting outrage and a deep sense of injustice in the community. According to reports from Angels Among Us Pet Rescue, Inc., Elsie’s injuries were the result of either being dunked in or having boiling water poured on her by a young child. This alleged act of cruelty not only resulted in Elsie’s untimely and painful death but also highlighted disturbing neglect and abuse towards innocent animals.

The details of Elsie’s suffering and the subsequent challenges faced by investigators in locating her owners have raised serious concerns about our collective responsibility towards animal welfare. The increase in animal abuse cases, as noted by the volunteers at Angels Among Us Pet Rescue, Inc., calls for an urgent review and reinforcement of our legal and moral obligations to protect those who cannot speak for themselves. Elsie’s story, while exceptionally tragic, is not unique, underscoring the necessity for a more proactive and punitive approach to such crimes.

We, therefore, urge you to initiate a comprehensive investigation into Elsie’s alleged abuse and to prosecute those responsible to the fullest extent of the law. This petition represents a collective demand for justice, not only for Elsie but for all animals who have suffered at the hands of cruelty. Let Elsie’s case be a catalyst for change, ensuring stricter enforcement of animal welfare laws and fostering a society that unequivocally condemns and punishes animal abuse.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Alby Headrick


  1. Child? A future monster. Too many exist!

    • Der Meinung bin ich auch und stimme absolut zu, ein Kind was mit Liebe und Emphatie erzogen wird hätte das niemals einem Tier und schon gar nicht einem Welben angetan, das sind die Monster von morgen.Dieses Kind darf nie wieder in die Nähe eines Tieres.

  2. OMG. Please let deserving Karma prevail in this despicable act of violence to an innocent puppy dog because it must.

  3. Young child doesn’t tell us much. Was this a lack of supervision by a care giver or is this kid on his way to hell with the rest of the animal abusers.

    • Or was the kid guided by an adult who watched and did nothing. Kid needs to learn from a sensible adult, put into care not turn into a psycho

      • Marlene De-Abel says:

        Yes – what sort of parent would allow this (as you say this “child” will grow up to be a psycho like the rest of them).

  4. Blair Rochelle Sorrel says:

    Not one sad day goes by without an Elsa tragedy. I’m ashamed to be human as our species is by far the cruelest. What will this child monster grow up to be? A serial killer sensationalizing the nightly news? Sickening that this fiend is so desensitized so young and that evil is so omnipresent that we are also at risk of becoming so. Prosecute him as an adult please. Thanks.

  5. The cruelty the torture the beatings the starvation on and on must stop now do your job start protecting the vulnerable the innocent the gentle that need our help! How can anyone do such horrific things towards any animal they need our help now don’t turn your back any longer do what’s right stop the painful suffering inflicted on all animals many are tortured for fun for internet clicks from boredom whatever the case stop these atrocities now you’ve got the power to do it please make this a top priority of yours the evidence is everywhere animal cruelty is skyrocketing its rampant all over our country please help them,thank you

  6. This brat requires the death penalty.

  7. Agree all comments put this child in hot water.dint care who they are or age.

  8. What monster has trained this child? The report says a young child, but how many young children would go near boiling water? Something seriously wrong in that family. I hope poor Elsie makes a full recovery and finds a lovely family to love and spoil her for the rest of her life

  9. Fucking Find that Kid, & stick his face in a pot of BOILING Water & Hold there for s LONG While. It’ll teach “IT” never to do it again, that’s if IT survived!!!! Eye for Eye I say but 10x worse. Parents are Fuck Up’s

  10. I don’t care if it was just a child. What if the kid had a sibling, or grandparent/parent who was sleeping or just a guest in the same residence? It’s why I hate kids … they are just as nasty as adults.
    An adult will video their brat doing stuff like this .. and not intervene because they think it’s cute. I don’t care if it’s your kid … control your demon spawn

  11. Leslie Gabbard says:

    Why are there pop up ads on this site offering “free” small dogs and pure breeds????

  12. Absolutely No Tolerance Towards Animal ABUSERS n Cruelty. An eye for an eye fits this crime n should be the. Paws Matter 🐾

  13. Como é que uma criança pequena tem acesso a água a ferver… que merda de pais são esses???
    Como é possível uma criança ter uma ideia tão maquiavélica? Penso que está sempre relacionado com a educação e os exemplos que tem em casa.
    A culpa é sempre dos pais, por isso eles têm que ser responsabilizados pelo que a criança fez à cadelinha. É tão triste que a maldade já esteja a ser incutida nas crianças e que sejam os animais indefesos a sofrer com isso.

  14. What a horrible tragedy that should have never happened. Where were the parents? This child should have been monitored around the puppy. Hopefully the puppy will heal and recover soon.

  15. Carol Jane Brandt says:

    A result of The Fall of Man. We can’t end it completely, but we can mitigate it. “Vengeance is Mine,” saith the Lord… But we can do OUR part. Remember, it won’t always be like this. 🙌🏻

  16. prayers for elsie, thank you for taking care of her. to the so called parents of this child you are sick as hell, you should be in prison for letting something like this for happening. you evidently do not care what your children or child does so that tells me you should not be a parent, you one or both need to be charged with animal cruelty. you both if you do not go to prison need to have to work in a shelter cleaning up after animals or better yet how about you work at the trash dump for the rest of you fricking life because you would fit right in there…you below the scrum of the earth

  17. This puppy died from the extreme cruelty!!! A child did this??? Who lets a child near boiling water? How many children can reach the stove, grab the pot (without spilling any on themselves), then carry it over to pour this on a puppy???

    Heres the article:

  18. Becky Beck says:

    It’s bad enough that adults do these horrific crimes and now we face the simple fact that children are following this sick behavior!!! I am telling you nothing will change in this kids behavior…!! Child or not he needs to be held accountable and responsible for this puppy’s death!!

  19. Justice for Elsie! +RIP
    Death penalty for bastard killer,child or adult,SOB,coward.

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