Target: Ray Whitley, District Attorney General of Summer County, TN
Goal: Prosecute man who allegedly fatally burned pet kitten to fullest extent.
“There was no way to even comprehend the amount of pain he was feeling.” This somber statement came from the rescue group who cared for Phoenix, a five-week-old kitten brought to the Tennessee-based organization. Phoenix had apparently suffered severe burns over much of his body, leaving him with extensive nerve damage. Despite the rescue’s best efforts, Phoenix tragically died from his injuries.
Local police reportedly confirmed that these horrific burns resulted from Phoenix being tossed into a fire pit. He is beleived to have suffered for days without medical intervention before his case was brought to authorities’ attention…precious time that could have been used to save his life. Richard Lee Tyler Russell, the man with whom Phoenix lived, has been charged with aggravated animal cruelty.
Sign the petition below to demand he receive maximum punishment if found guilty.
Dear District Attorney General Whitley,
Suspect Richard Lee Tyler Russell has an impending court date on charges of aggravated animal cruelty. He stands accused of throwing his pet kitten into a fire pit and leaving the animal to suffer from extensive injuries without medical aid. Although the kitten was later rescued thanks to a tip from a good Samaritan, he reportedly died in agony. The rescue organization who battled to save his life said of the tragedy: “his tiny body was just unable to fight off the horrible burns he was dealing with, plus the smoke inhalation.”
Both this organization, who witnessed the horrific effects firsthand, and the community at large are pleading for justice to be served. Please be vigilant in prosecuting this disturbing case and pursuing the most severe penalty.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: TRU Rescue
Whoever did this crime is just a murderer and deserves to be publicly sodomized.
His name is Richard Lee Tyler Russell, he lives on Strawberry Street (looking for a house number) in Portland, TN. If anyone comes across this POS, please administer true justice for poor little Phoenix (burned kitten who fought valiantly but died). I think a taser, some rope, a tree and a Louisville Slugger would work.
Put this slime ball in prison for life!!
Totalmente de acuerdo!!!!
Yes! Good idea!!
Hoping that animal lovers seek this monster out and see to it that he doesn’t think it’s a good idea to harm an innocent kitten or any other animal. Who will he toss in that fire pit next?? Those kind of idiots don’t usually stop with just one incident ans especially if all they get is a stern warning. Make his life Hell!
I agree with you completely. This MFer needs to not take up anymore air!
I think he could be in Sumner County Jail. He has a previous criminal record. Waste of oxygen
I agree.
He deserves the harshest punishment! A little fire to his nuts while on a barbeque spit might help!
Thank you – nothing more than thst
Totally agree! Justice should be done!
Thank you! That creature passing for a human shouldn’t be taking up oxygen from this planet.
Could not have said it better myself.
Richard Lee Tyler Russell should be hunted down and sold for parts. It should be legal for him to be used for medical experiments too cruel for actual people. He does not qualify to be considered a person, just a bag of parts. His life should be like a horror movie where he is forced to live while parts of him are slowly harvested as needed. Save some dying kids or a sweet old grandpa by recycling this piece of crap.
Good idea. These subhumans need eradication. We need true justice for all the poor victims these useless lowlifes kill.
Good idea. Some goodness to come from such a useless piece of s..t.
Pienso exactamente lo mismo!!!!
I agree.
That evil spawn of satan should be stripped of his human rights and made to endure the exact same torture!!!
Send him back to hell where he belongs!
This disgusting excuse for a human being is evil… To throw a kitten into a fire pit, watch it burn, refuse medical care after to see it suffering is a sadistic disturbing dangerous person. I would check on family members who might still be suffering at the hands of this disgusting man… Please please charge prosecute fine to the fullest extent.
Das Monster der das dem kleinen Phönix angetan hat soll in der Hölle schmoren er ist Abschaum schmeißt ihn auch in eine Feuerstelle und lasst ihn verrotten.
Kill this piece of shit that did this to this poor kitty. Fuck’n torture them!!! RIP sweet kitty🐾🐾
I agree 100% bar none!!
Richard Lee Tyler Russell, you evil monster, you are a complete waste of human skin. I hope Karma hunts you down and everything and everyone you love (if you are even capable of such) you lose. I hope you die a lonely painful death and every day of your miserable existence on this planet is filled with pain 100 x fold poor little Phoenix suffered at your evil and cruel hands. A special place in Hell has been reserved especially for you, may you rot there for eternity.
Authorities, for once do your job, prosecute this evil scum to the maximum. At minimum, he needs jail time and a life long, national ban from being in the presence of any animal. Investigate if this lunatic is near children, that should be stopped as well. If I had my own way, an eye for an eye, throw the bastard in a fire pit, let him experience how Phoenix felt.
RIP precious Phoenix, your life was short and filled with pain, you never deserved such cruel treatment
Some people, like Richard Lee Tyler Russell, REALLY, REALLY, deserve to be EXECUTED! It is such a shame that a death sentence is hardly ever given these days.
Yep this thing needs to be shot several times, then burned severely!! No mercy for scum like this. I’d like to see it happen.
That poor sweet pud what they must of gone through
How could a normal human being do this? He needs to be removed from society. It is a documented fact that serial killers start out killing small animals and starting fires. This piece if shit did both at once. BEWARE!!!
Don’t let him kill again as he most certainly will.
Then it will come back on the justice system you’re running.
Yes totally agree! This disgusting horrid filthy scum of a thing needs eradicating & make it agony.
The poor little baby who suffered so much
😠 😡 👿 😤 😢
Only humans can be so twisted and depraved. This SICK demon needs to be thrown in jail. Lawyers and judges and government; with an animal abuse felony law on the books; you need to have a heart and a spine and convict this merciless offender. If not; you are justifying such demonic actions and spitting on this defenseless kitten that suffered beyond comprehension.
This monster will kill again both human and animal. That’s the natural history of this type of monster. A true psychopath. Legal authority must give the most harsh penalty allowed by law.
IMMEDIATELY ARREST and PROSECUTE this unimaginable monster to the fullest extent of the law. Remand him for psychiatric evaluation! PERMANENTLY BAN him from ever buying, owning, caring for, working with or living with ANY animals ever again. He should be tossed into a fire pit and be left to burn. HEINOUS.
Yes Definitely!!!!!
Through this mofo in fire…let him suffer even more then this poor kitty did…fuvcin human beings..
no mercy for such crime. He deserves the same fate, as poor defenseless kitten. This monster does not deserve to walk in Earth
Please lock up lowlife SCUMBAG LOSER POS Richard Lee Tyler Russell. Never allow Richard Lee Tyler Russell to be near an animal again.
There are no words for people like him. Just pure evil. How could someone purposely throw a living, breathing being into a fire pit. I’ll tell you how … because he has absolutely no compassion for life. He deserves as much compassion as he gave to that kitten May he burn in hell!!!!!
Agree all comments throw this fucker in fire. Justice now. After put in fire kill this bastards slow.
Ray Whitley, District Attorney General of Summer County, TN
Kill the vile and evil lowlife psychopathic lowlife monster bastard Richard Lee Tyler Russell who deliberately and heinously tossed precious and innocent little Kitten Phoenix into a fire pit to burn alive.
Burn this monster psycho to death making sure this vile and evil lowlife psycho monster dies in excruciating agony.
Torture and kill the vile and evil monster to death. Eradication from our Planet is a must.
Burn in hell you vile and evil bastard monster.
“There was no way to even comprehend the amount of pain precious and little Phoenix was feeling and suffering” This somber statement came from the rescue group who cared for Phoenix, a five-week-old innocent little kitten brought to the Tennessee-based organization. Precious and innocent little Phoenix had apparently suffered severe burns over much of his innocent little body, leaving him with extensive nerve damage. Despite the rescue’s best efforts, precious and innocent Phoenix tragically died from the deliberate and heinous injuries this vile and evil lowlife psychopathic monster Richard Lee Tyler Russell
committed against an innocent and helpless little Kitten Phoenix.
RIP precious and little Phoenix. You have crossed the beautiful Rainbow Bridge into beautiful Animal Heaven. No more suffering little Phoenix. You are now free to run and play with all the other precious cats in Animal Heaven. My heart aches for you precious Phoenix. Bless you Phoenix.
Someone needs to find that monster and deliver justice.
Sickening, Disgusting, and Repulsive! Animal abusers (the lowest of the low) will burn in hell for eternity!
Yes only someone so filth & barbaric & putrid, one who is nothing & absolutely evil could harm a precious little defenceless being. Hope it’s gone soon!!!!