Target: Clare Pillman, Chief Executive for Nature Resources Wales
Goal: Enforce stronger security on the rivers and make sure no more pollution can occur.
Concerns from activists and residents have been voiced about the state of multiple Wales rivers. The main cause of the pollution is sewage disposal. Residents believe they have been extremely let down by the agencies that are meant to protect these rivers. Alongside sewage disposal, agriculture and farming techniques have caused the pollution. These damages will take decades to fix. The river is 155 miles long and runs through Wales and England.
Many groups are working together to fix the problem and hold those responsible accountable for their actions. Activists are urging the government agency, Natural Resources Wales, to enforce stronger security that will help prevent the repeated pollution from occurring. They are also urging agricultural regulations.
Sign below and demand the Natural Resources Wales enforce stronger regulations to help prevent any more pollution.
Dear Ms. Pillman,
Rivers in Wales and England are being polluted and contaminated every single day. With little to no security or regulations on what can be dumped inside of the river, it becomes a great danger. Activists and residents are urging stronger security to protect the rivers that run through Wales and England. Sewage disposal must be stopped and agricultural regulations must be placed. We demand the Natural Resources Wales more strongly enforce this to help prevent any more pollution.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Claire Ward
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