Dog Who Reportedly Starved and Died in Her Own Waste Deserves Justice

Target: Craven County, NC District Attorney Scott Thomas

Goal: Give man strictest legal sentence for allegedly allowing dog to die in waste infested crate without food or water.

A dog named Sugar allegedly died while starving in her crate. Jon Civils was arrested shortly afterwards. He must spend time behind bars and no longer be allowed to have pets if he is found guilty of this cruelty to better ensure other animals will not have to endure the same fate.

According to reports, Civils was responsible for Sugar’s wellbeing from February 9 to March 14. During that time period, he allegedly kept Sugar locked inside a crate and did not provide her access to food or water.

He is currently being held on a $75,000 bond and may not have animals in his care before his court date. Sign this petition to demand Civils spend the maximum amount of time behind bars and to further insist he no longer be legally allowed to be around animals if he is found guilty of such inexcusable abuse.


Dear District Attorney Thomas,

Jon Civils was charged with animal cruelty after his dog Sugar was allegedly found emaciated and lying dead in her crate without food or water. It is important that he is given the harshest sentence possible if it is discovered he neglected this animal so that other dogs will be less likely to suffer.

Reports indicate that Sugar was under Civil’s care for a little over a month. The dog allegedly lived inside a closed crate without food or water while Civils had her in his possession.

His bond is set at $75,000, and he could spend 39 months in prison if he is found guilty of the charges. Due to the severity of the accusations, I demand you suggest Civils no longer be allowed to have pets and that you also advise he receive the toughest sentence allowed by law if it is found he neglected and abused this innocent dog.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Lucignolobrescia


  1. Laura Rolder says:

    When is the justice system going to right by these innocent animals. No more slap on the wrist. They deserve to be treated as they did to these helpless animals but since the law won’t allow that. They must be locked away for max time and more. Heartless vile disgusting POS!

  2. Jaime Perez says:

    Poor little baby, this is so heartbreaking. This freaking monster deserves the same treatment, lock him away and let him starve to death! See how it feels. I get so sick of hearing things like this. Abusers deserve the death penalty!!

  3. Michelle Stewart says:

    That bastard shouldn’t be allowed out on bond. He IS guilty & must spend 8 years in prison with no early parole, pay a $400,000 fine, and be banned for life from owning or going near any animals ever again. Real justice would be to throw him into solitary confinement and starve him. The bastard deserves to die

  4. Jacquie. “ says:

    What monster could starve a sweet little puppy? What monster would leave her to starve and not give her a drink of water? He needs to live in that filth !! shove him in the same crate! No kidding!! Come out of prison with a slap on the wrist, they couldn’t care less!!h
    How could you even think of giving him another animal to look after?

  5. Therese Kutscheid says:

    How can a human being be so cruel to an animal? He should be locket up in a jail cell and not fed until he die. I know we are human and we don’t do those cruel things, but some scum like him for some reason do that heartless thing to innocent animals, so we could starve him to death without feeling bad.

  6. Evan Jane Kriss says:

    This monster must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for intentional and egregious neglect and cruelty towards this poor puppy. BAN him from ever purchasing, owning, caring for, living with or working with any animals ever again. Absolutely HEINOUS.

  7. Fleur Shack says:

    No a human being.

  8. Fleur Shack says:

    Not a human being, deserves the same treatment

  9. Fatima Ferreira says:

    This is not acceptable. Owner must be punished for their negligence.

  10. This is s0 inhumane!

  11. Derek.Kemp says:

    Kill the asshole.

  12. Shirley Lemieux says:

    Happy to read that Jon Civils is currently being held on a $75,000 bond and may not have animals in his care before his court date. There really does need to be a public database in every State for people who commit crimes like this against animals. This is a horrific crime and unimaginable suffering is done to these defenseless animals. It is so cruel and inhumane to intentionally starve to death an animal. An animal so dependent on humans for their survival and this is what is done to them. It is so tragic to read about such cruelty. In my opinion, Jon Civils, and others who inflict so much pain and suffering and even death to an animal should never be allowed to have another animal again in the future.

  13. Animals shall NOT be VICTIMS of human sadistic psychopaths. Animal abuse shall be treated as any human abuse. This innocent dog deserves JUSTICE – just like YOU and ME!
    This is a SHOCKING ACT of CRUELTY!
    This perpetrator must spend TIME BEHIND BARS and no longer be allowed to have pets to better ensure other animals will not have to endure the same fate.

  14. Agree all comments. Lock this cunt in a crate and starve this fucker to death. Then beat the shot out of him justice now for this poor dog . People who are cruel to animals must be punished to the max. Laws need to be enforced to own breed sell animals.

  15. MARY+C+SEDILLO says:


  16. Raymond Stevens says:

    This piece of shit human scum should be killed and fed to pigs.

  17. We as human beings have duty of care to each other, ALL animals, and the planet. If we fail in this duty we fail our humanity.

  18. This is one sick demented bastard for sure
    He needs to stay in jail for a very very long time!! 🛑🛑🛑🛑

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