Justice for 17 Horses Reportedly On Brink of Starvation

Target: Travis Ahner, County Attorney for Flathead County, MT

Goal: Prosecute woman accused of nearly starving 17 horses to death to the fullest extent.

A horse owner is due in court on several charges of aggravated animal cruelty. Authorities discovered 17 reportedly starving horses at pastures around a Montana county. All of the horses apparently belonged to the same woman.

Wardens on the scene reported that the horses were “in very poor condition” and “in various stages of starvation.” At least one horse may have passed away. The horses are now under the care of rescuers and are regaining their strength. Their previous caretaker, whose name was not disclosed, was charged with several counts of aggravated animal cruelty.

Sign the petition below to help ensure this woman faces maximum punishment if she is found guilty.


Dear Mr. Ahner,

If an animal caretaker fails to provide “food and water of sufficient quantity and quality to sustain the animal’s normal health” or “in cases of immediate, obvious, serious illness or injury, licensed veterinary or other appropriate medical care,” then that person is guilty of animal cruelty under Montana state law. A horse owner in Flathead County allegedly committed these very offenses no less than 17 times. Authorities recently discovered several pastures populated by this woman’s horses.

According to warden reports, these horses were “in various stages of starvation” and “in very poor condition.” The woman’s apparent admission that she lacked money to feed the horses seemingly indicates her guilt. If she is indeed found guilty, please do not let punishment end with a mere fine.

Living beings suffered. They deserve justice, and their accused abuser deserves the maximum allowable jail sentence.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Rodolfo Quiros


  1. Shirley Lemieux says:

    I never could understand why people who lack funds to properly care for their animals do not just surrender them to someone who can. What kind of animal owner are these people when they witness their own animals literally starve to death? Makes no sense. Nonetheless this woman knew that her horses were suffering from lack of food and care and should absolutely be charged and convicted.

  2. Carolyn Douglas says:

    The cruel evil punk needs to be atarved. IMO

  3. There needs to be some information for animal owners on what to do with an animal they can no longer afford. It’s easy for a dog, cat, bird, etc., because of humane shelters, but horses are a different case. There aren’t many horse rescues, and seventeen is quite a lot for any rescue place to take. She should have called an equine vet to get info or even the small animal humane society. You can’t just let these beautiful creatures suffer.

  4. Michelle Stewart says:

    That bitch’s name must be disclosed. Why protect her? Look what she did. She must be charged with 34 animal cruelty charges (2 charges for each horse). All animals must be seized from her (even dogs or cats) & must never be given back. She must spend 15 years in prison with no early parole, pay a $500,000 fine, must pay all veterinarian bills, and be banned for life from owning, working with, or going near any animals ever again

  5. F….. the caretaker!!!

  6. Milantia Roy says:


  7. Milantia Roy says:


  8. patricia schwartzman says:

    Let her starve completely for one or two days a week while in solitary confinement!

  9. Agree all comments starve this bitch and leave her to die. Justice now.

  10. Yvette Herbst says:

    I agree. Name and shame her. She is a cruel heartless subhuman. Punish het to the fullest extend of the law.

  11. Bernhard Yolanda says:

    you also have to eliminate this devil in human form without mercy and with great pain

  12. Nadine+brundage says:

    This woman’s name should be made public , 17 times for cruelty is too much . What’s to stop her from collecting more animals she cannot afford to feed. Seize her property to take care of the remaining animals.

  13. By all means, DISCLOSE the perp’s name! In addition to stiffer penalties for abuse, we need to name the perp’s so their friends, family and neighbors will shun them and ensure they never, EVER get near another animal. Disclose their name, their neighborhood, their family connections and their employer. Maybe if their lives are ruined the way they ruined a poor defenseless animal, some of these idiots will think twice. And if you can’t take care of 17 animals, then find someone else who can and will!

  14. American Girl says:

    Do your job, get off your ass & prosecute this inbred bitch to the fullest extent of the law!

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  • Catherine Livingston
  • Erin Borozny
  • Lori Lorentz
  • Vincent L
  • Kathy Harris
  • Maryann Piccione
  • Siân Street
  • Flora Psarianos
  • Becky Sawyer
  • John B
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