Don’t Support Deplorable Detention and Abuse of Refugees

Target: Charles Michel, President of the European Council

Goal: Stop supporting Libyan use of excessive force against refugees and migrants.

At least six people were shot, with one fatality. Torture, beatings, and sexual assaults are reportedly rampant. Hundreds of women and children must stay in packed rooms with one toilet between them. They are the “lucky” ones. Others remain outside without adequate shelter from the unforgiving elements. These are not images from a long-bygone documentary.  Such harrowing stories represent the realities of countless migrants every day in Libya.

The dangers for refugees from Africa have only increased. Some desperate individuals are intercepted at sea. Others are forcefully and brutally taken from their own homes during routine raids. The situation recently grew so dire that migrants begging for help flooded a local United Nations (UN) office, compelling the UN to suspend operations and decry the attacks against refugees.

Tragically, this crisis is expanding largely with the aiding and abetting of the European Union (EU). The EU has supported the government enabling these violations and even helped train the military carrying out the abuse-laden operations. This approach is akin to the United States sending a Mexican army to “rough up” and assault migrants from Central America to protect its own interests.

Sign the petition below to demand an end to these sanctioned assaults on human beings desperate for a better life.


Dear Mr. Michel,

The European Union is supposed to be about unity and looking beyond self-interest. Migrants from Africa may be an inconvenience for you, but they deserve better than being treated like disposable garbage. The EU’s investment in the Libyan army as its “muscle” against African migrants is appalling and completely against the spirit in which this international partnership was established. The United Nations has spoken out strongly about the recent uptick in violence and possible human rights violations taking place in Libya.

The EU must join these calls for an end to the atrocities. More importantly, this union must withdraw its financial, political, and military support from an army and a country that shows such inhumanity to fellow citizens of the world.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: NEOSiAM 2021

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926 Signatures

  • Silvia Rocha
  • Maryann Piccione
  • Siân Street
  • Donna Jones
  • John B
  • Rebecca Martin
  • Emilia Bradley
  • Jocelyne Behr
  • Laura A Parker
  • Katie Richards
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