Shame on Trophy Hunter Who Cut Out Heart of Giraffe for Valentine’s Day

Target: Barbara Dallas Creecy, South African Minister of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries
Goal: Stop the barbaric practice of trophy hunting in your country.

A woman shot and killed a majestic giraffe, cut the animal’s heart out, and bragged about how a picture of her holding the still bleeding heart was the “perfect” Valentine’s Day gift.

The woman claimed the trophy hunt was a gift from her husband and it allowed her five-year dream of slaughtering a giraffe come true.

The woman posted the same tired justifications for the killing that are made by nearly all hunters, such as the killing was actually good for the herd, the species is protected by her hunt, and the local community is better off due to it.

The hunter further defended her actions, stating “If you ban hunting, animals will become worthless and they will disappear.”


Dear Barbara Dallas Creecy,

A woman recently shot a giraffe in your country, cut its heart out, and bragged about it being the “perfect” Valentine’s Day present. This is disgusting.

Trophy hunting in South Africa is said to generate nearly $2 billion dollars in annual revenue. While this sounds like a large amount, in reality, it is a drop in the bucket compared to the negative publicity it generates for countries that allow this barbaric practice.

Conservation, rather than destruction, is a much more sustainable and, likely, profitable pursuit.

We ask that you pursue all available channels to stop the immoral practice of trophy hunting.

[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Merelize Van Der Merwe


  1. Shirley Lemieux says:

    I absolutely agree with this petition about the negative publicity that trophy hunting generates for countries that allow this barbaric practice. It is barbaric. What right does any human being have to slaughter another living being? More disturbing is when these barbaric killers advertise their slaughter with such pride. That is sick!

  2. This fuck justifies this killing by how this was a Valentin gift! ‘ The woman claimed the trophy hunt was a gift from her husband and it allowed her five-year dream of slaughtering a giraffe come true.’. Is this fucking freak cunt a human?


  4. What a horrible thing to do she is a murderer. She should be punished. Giraffes are under threat and this appalling individual kills one an boasts about it.


  6. Ruth Attarian says:

    May this bitch feel 10x the pain and terror this poor giraffe felt!! Rot in HELL

  7. More and more, when i read all the abuse and torturing of creatures, i become more disgusted with the human race!!

  8. The witch isn’t just evil, she is SICK!

  9. What a stupid, self serving twat, I hope karma comes around and visits this bitch!

  10. Ross Allen says:

    This vile, despicable woman needs the worst Karma has in store for her. Prosecution and conviction is a start.

    What kind of monster would do such a thing?

  11. What decent, sane person dreams of killing an animal for sport? And only a mentally ill person would do what she did plus pose with it. A sad statement on the current state of humanity (or lack thereof)

  12. What a mentally disturbed monster!!!! Someone lock up this crazy person before she hurts anymore animals. SHE IS DANGEROUS!!!

  13. Her ‘dream’ was to slaughter a beautiful animal and cut out it’s heart?? That’s one fucking scary psychotic bitch.

  14. Nancy Gould says:

    Cruel people like her are sick. They use twisted belief to do cruel things to others. I hope she will open her heart and mind to respecting animals. I hope she will educate herself that animals have feelings. In the wild they do what they need to exist. But a human chooses to take a high powered gun and slaughter a defenseless animal in its home.

  15. How absolutely cruel!!!!!!

  16. This twisted piece of filth should be strung up and stoned to death slowly & painfully. There is a special place in HELL waiting for this coward

  17. This woman is sick. A 5 year dream to kill a giraffe? And what does she mean that if there was no hunting Minsk’s wound become worthless? There are such things as photographic safaris that would add “worth” to animals , if necessary.

  18. What an utterly vile ugly piece of shit you are. Smiling like you look good? You are pathetically ugly.
    Shame on you in Africa for allowing this disgusting woman to even be able to do this.

    • GiraffeAvenger says:

      Totally agree with you Paula. This photo is disgusting, her stupid smile in her ugly whore-face is pure disgrace. SHAME on everyone involved in this. Karma will take care of that…

  19. Kimberly Siroky says:

    This is truly disgusting and despicable!! Those are hollow excuses that are not backed by any facts! Who has a 5 year dream of murder if a beautiful creature?? That’s just sick and she needs to seek help from a mental health professional. If you dream of killing innocent creatures, what’s stopping you from killing a human? This woman is vile and deserves someone to cut out her heart, even though I doubt she has one.

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