Shame on Trophy Hunter Who Cut Out Heart of Giraffe for Valentine’s Day

Target: Barbara Dallas Creecy, South African Minister of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries
Goal: Stop the barbaric practice of trophy hunting in your country.

A woman shot and killed a majestic giraffe, cut the animal’s heart out, and bragged about how a picture of her holding the still bleeding heart was the “perfect” Valentine’s Day gift.

The woman claimed the trophy hunt was a gift from her husband and it allowed her five-year dream of slaughtering a giraffe come true.

The woman posted the same tired justifications for the killing that are made by nearly all hunters, such as the killing was actually good for the herd, the species is protected by her hunt, and the local community is better off due to it.

The hunter further defended her actions, stating “If you ban hunting, animals will become worthless and they will disappear.”


Dear Barbara Dallas Creecy,

A woman recently shot a giraffe in your country, cut its heart out, and bragged about it being the “perfect” Valentine’s Day present. This is disgusting.

Trophy hunting in South Africa is said to generate nearly $2 billion dollars in annual revenue. While this sounds like a large amount, in reality, it is a drop in the bucket compared to the negative publicity it generates for countries that allow this barbaric practice.

Conservation, rather than destruction, is a much more sustainable and, likely, profitable pursuit.

We ask that you pursue all available channels to stop the immoral practice of trophy hunting.

[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Merelize Van Der Merwe


  1. Cynthia Mattera says:

    This is one sick bitch!!! Shameful!!!!

  2. Maria Nowicki says:

    This is one deviant and depraved sicko! To do this and then smile at the camera proves that some humans truly should be eradicated from this planet.

  3. What is wrong with this woman? She should get prison time for this cruelty.

  4. Cannot be HUMAN and do this. Is a MONSTER and needs to be hunted down as one.

  5. Lisa Utter says:

    This makes me sick.

  6. She is one ignorant bitch – just imagine what cruelty this poor animal went thru just for her f*cking stupid picture. She is beyond help just shoot the f*cking bitch.

  7. I am just beyond words for this horrible act of cruelty. I just wish she was dead instead of the animal. OMG how incredibly horrible.

  8. She absolutely is an idiotic monster. Where is it legal to kill a magnificent creature such as a gentle giraffe. She should be jailed or dead to kill one of God’s creature who has no easy time surviving. She is a macabre individual and it is she who should be dead, not the giraffe. The world would be better off without her.

  9. This vile, ugly, mentally deranged bitch must be put to death. A slow and agonising death for this evil cretin is essential.

  10. Thus demented sick bitch needs a straight jacket and padded room!! What a horrible horrible person with no feelings what do ever. The woman must really be mental to hold the heart of this wonderful animal age just murdered!!!!

  11. I’d like to see someone cut out the heart of this STUPID IGNORANT BITCH and shove it down her ARROGANT ASSHOLE of a husband’s throat until he chokes. That’s a trophy! That’s justice served. Or hopefully they will both die languishing from Covid or its variants.

  12. Her punishment should be this – carve out her heart and show it to the world how ugly it is!


  14. Lot of tough internet warriors out there…

  15. big sicko who needs to be committed!!!!

  16. Bruce Tompkins says:

    That ugly piece of smelly cunt should be impaled on a light pole. I wish the whore would have pulled out the hearts of her children, instead of the poor innocent creature, because we do not want any more shit like this coming up through the cracks. May karma give this shit a violent ending.

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