Save the Kiwi Bird From Extinction

Target: Honorable David Parker, Minister for the Environment of New Zealand

Goal: Protect kiwi birds from extermination.

Hundreds of years ago, New Zealand’s forests were the home to millions of kiwis, filling the night air with the echoes of their calls. Now, however, there are less than sixty thousand of these birds left, and the population is still in rapid decline.

Kiwis are threatened by extinction mainly because of non-native predators, lost habitat, and humans. They are almost defenseless against introduced predators such as cats and dogs, and their forest habitat has been radically cleared to make room for human housing and agricultural use. This means the kiwi has less space, food, and resources to survive. Hunting and trapping are additional threats. In the wild, 95% of kiwi chicks are killed, but at least 20% of kiwis need to survive for the population to grow. At this rate, these magnificent birds could vanish from the mainland of New Zealand in our lifetime.

Already, New Zealanders are trying to save the kiwi bird; in protected areas, the kiwi populations are stable or increasing. Yet, numerous kiwis live outside managed areas and these populations are likely to decline. And even within the protected areas, uncontrolled pets can kill many birds very quickly.

The kiwi bird is in danger, and extinction is an imminent possibility unless we act now. More must be done to spread awareness and to raise funds to support the efforts of the Department of Conservation and many community groups around the country.

Sign this petition to urge the Minister of Environment of New Zealand to support the Department of Conservation to save the kiwi bird from extinction.


Dear Honorable Mr. Parker,

New Zealand’s forests were once the home to millions of kiwis that filled the night air with their calls. Today, there are less than sixty thousand kiwis left, and the population is in rapid decline.

Predators, habitat loss, and humans are some of the main threats to kiwi birds. You watch as their forest homes are ruthlessly cleared to make room for human housing and agricultural land.

Many New Zealanders have stepped up to protect the kiwi, and through their efforts, the kiwi populations are stable or increasing in protected areas. Yet, numerous kiwis live outside these areas and are thus still in great danger.

You must support the Department of Conservation and many community groups around the country to spread awareness and raise funds to aid the kiwis in their survival.

These precious animals could vanish from the mainland of New Zealand in our lifetime. I urge you, as the Minister of Environment of New Zealand, to support the Department of Conservation and many other organizations working to save the kiwi bird from extinction.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Kimberley Collins


  1. These precious animals and all other animals and wildlife MUST be protected from not only the CRUEL EVIL “HUNTER KILLERS” but also from corporate greed in killing off anything that interferes with their $$ agenda…simply horrifying and so very unnecessary. IMO

  2. American Girl says:

    Please STOP the madness Mr Parker and save this one of a kind treasure of yours. New Zealand in itself is so unique, please do all you possibly can…

  3. Maria Bertrand says:

    I agree with comments above. Do not turn a blind to what’s really happening to these precious birds. They have a right to live freely ….STOP these evil and greedy people..

  4. Until humans stop breeding and filling every niche on this planet, there will be no room for our fellow creatures. More people = more land for agriculture, more fish taken from the oceans, more land used for building homes and businesses, more trees cut for building and paper products, more mining, more precious water used, and on and on = less room, food, water and protection for wildlife. We need to set aside large tracts of land and water in perpetuity for other life to remain and thrive.

  5. Michelle Stewart says:

    It must be made illegal to kill these birds. Anyone caught killing them automatically gets 5 years in prison with no early parole, and pays a $500,000 fine

  6. Animals are sentient beings and should be treated as such

  7. Raymond Stevens says:

    Most humans are scum on this planet.

  8. Victoria De Lange says:

    I was born in NZ and have only ever seen them in Auckland Zoo. Due to being flightless they are naturally vulnerable and now more than ever greater measures need to be taken to ensure theit survival.

  9. We need to save these precious creatures!

  10. It’s NZ’s OBLIGATION to SAVE these PRECIOUS BIRDS! Kiwi-birds are the Legacy of our entire Planet! They must SURVIVE for all future. DO YOUR BEST to SAVE THESE DEFENSELESS CREATURES!!!!


  12. We MUST PROTECT our Birds — PROTECTED Areas is a wonderful, creative idea — it has worked with other Birds — We MUST PROTECT our Kiwi Birds.

  13. Some of your “facts” are off here. In New Zealand it is illegal to hunt any of our native birds and we no longer log our native forests. The real threat to kiwi (and our other native birds) is introduced predators like stoats and rats – an adult can defend itself from these predators but a chick cannot. Uncontrolled dogs are also a risk. New Zealand evolved without any mammal predators and it was the white settlers who introduced possums, stoats, deer etc. New Zealand puts a lot of resources and effort into protecting our native wildlife, we have numerous national parks and people passionate about the environment. Our government is aiming to be predator free in the next 30 years. I wont be signing this petition, there are far bigger countries to target than NZ.

    • The non-native animals must be spayed and neutered and sent to large sanctuaries. It is not their fault. Killing them is not the answer. Does NZ still murder them?

  14. Honorable David Parker, Minister for the Environment of New Zealand

    Protect kiwi birds from extermination.I am absolutely sickened
    by the unimaginable precious and innocent Kiwis who are threatened by extinction mainly because of non-native predators, lost habitat, and always the vile and evil human species. The human species is the vilest of all species on this planet. No precious and innocent animal or wildlife are safe from the lowlife money hungry human species.

  15. Patrick Stokes says:

    How can anyone stand by and let these precious birds disappear? Haven’t we already seen millions of species disappear, never to return? What kind of a pathetic world is this? What kind of callous, barbaric humans are we?

  16. We have it in ore power to stop this, as we had it in our power to stop so many other creatures from being wiped out. Yet we as humans do so little to save, Plenty to KILL and DISTROY. Humans are a vile plague on this once amazing planet.

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