Success: Facebook Removes Hateful Content Displayed by the Trump Campaign

Target: Mark Zuckerberg, Chief Executive Officer of Facebook

Goal: Applaud Facebook for removing a Trump campaign advertisement that displayed a Nazi symbol.

Facebook recently removed a Trump campaign advertisement that displayed a symbol used by the Nazis. The symbol, a red triangle, was used by Nazis to identify communists and political prisoners during World War II. This is a good step for Facebook, who has previously refused to remove hateful content spread by Trump. This petition and this petition include more detail regarding Facebook’s defiance against deleting harmful content.

Despite clear evidence that the red triangle was a commonly used symbol by the Nazis, the Trump campaign claimed to use it to denounce ANTIFA, or, anti-fascists. It is believed that the president used the symbol in order to attack his political opponents. Regardless, Facebook’s decision to remove the ad was very meaningful.

“We removed these posts and ads for violating our policy against organized hate. Our policy prohibits using a banned hate group’s symbol to identify political prisoners without the context that condemns or discusses the symbol,” said Facebook’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg. Sign below to applaud Facebook for removing hateful content used by the Trump campaign for political gain.


Dear Mr. Zuckerberg,

Your decision to remove the Trump campaign’s insensitive and harmful use of a Nazi symbol is very important. Facebook has a powerful influence on the American people, and therefore refusing to stand by the promotion of hateful content is absolutely necessary.

There is still work to do. You must continue to deny Trump a platform in which to worsen polarization. However, I thank you for taking this important step to remove hateful content used by the Trump campaign for political gain.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Ralph Freso

One Comment

  1. Linda Hilty-Tuttle says:

    “It is believed that the president used the symbol in order to attack his political opponents.”

    NONSENSE!!! Your ‘belief’ is completely wrong & misinterpreted! You’re as bad as the FAKE NEWS, twisting anything & everything the president does & says to your own moronic advantage!

    President Trump is working tirelessly to banish pedophilia, Satanic cults & worship, human trafficking, drug trafficking, child SEX trafficking, illegal aliens flocking to our country, the evil CABAL who is constantly trying to destroy America, and to revive our once robust economy (to pre-Pandemic status), & help ALL AMERICANS prosper & thrive! He is doing MORE to help this country behind the scenes than you could possibly imagine, & he deserves FREE SPEECH, just like everyone else! The future will prove how very wrong Force Change has been, & continues to be, to our President!!!

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