Success: Egyptian Men Facing Execution Acquitted

Target: Reprieve, Human Rights Organization

Goal: Applaud Reprieve for playing a key role in the acquittal of four men facing the death penalty.

Four Egyptian men who were facing the death penalty over charges allegedly committed as teenagers were just acquitted by a Cairo military court. These men reportedly faced horrific torture for protesting against the Egyptian government. The details of this case and a call to action are covered in this petition.

Human rights organization, Reprieve, has worked tirelessly to campaign for the release of these four men. As a result, three of the men were ordered to be released immediately. The fourth man escaped capital punishment but still faces a three year prison sentence. Reprieve announced that they will be campaigning for his immediate release.

Sherif Azer, who leads Reprieve’s Middle East and North Africa team, said “This is a big win, secured by a real team effort- by working with politicians who called for their release; by working with journalists who highlighted their plight and shone a spotlight on Egypt and this injustice.” However, Azer recognizes that the fight is not over, saying, “We can’t stop here, nor can we call it justice. These young men were arbitrarily detained as children by Egyptian security services, tortured, and spent three years in adult prisons with a death sentence hanging over them. Those wounds may never heal.” It is essential that mass death trails end, as highlighted in this petition. The acquittal of these four men is an important step toward justice. Sign below to applaud Reprieve for working to drop their alleged charges and release them from the death penalty.


Dear Reprieve,

Your work to bring justice to these four men, as well as to the countless others living under some of the world’s most oppressive governments, is monumental.

Because of your campaigning, these young men no longer have the death penalty looming over them. In addition, it is greatly appreciated that you will continue to campaign for the man who still faces a prison sentence.

Thank you for giving voice to these men and saving them from execution.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Hossam el-Hamalawy

One Comment

  1. Robert Ortiz says:

    Great news! I wish the best for them!

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261 Signatures

  • Janice Bernard
  • jacci russ
  • Lydia Lafferty
  • Silvia Rocha
  • Maryann Piccione
  • Siân Street
  • Donna Jones
  • Alice Rim
  • John B
  • Evan Jane Kriss
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