Success: China to Ban Single-Use Plastics

Target: Li Ganjie, Minister of Ecology and Environment of China

Goal: Praise China’s plans to phase out single-use plastics to lessen pollution.

China plans to ban single-use plastics as part of its effort to lessen plastic pollution. Plastic bags, utensils, straws, and other packaging will be phased out over the next several years; according to news reports, they should be entirely banned in all cities, small towns, and by all stores and restaurants by the year 2025.

This is another much-needed step forward in the global fight to stop plastic pollution around the world. For years, plastic waste has choked wildlife, lessened the quality of the water, and been an overall threat to our environment. Several countries have been working to reduce their reliance on single-use plastic products, but China has been slower to do so. Petitions such as this one have circulated urging them to lessen their plastic footprint.

China is finally stepping up to aid in our fight against environment-destroying plastic contamination. Sign this petition to thank the Minister of Ecology and Environment for issuing this policy.


Dear Minister Li,

Your plans to phase out single-use plastic products by the end of 2025 are a much-needed and welcome step in fighting plastic pollution across the globe. Plastic pollution has contaminated our oceans, choking various species of wildlife and plant life and creating a downward spiral of deterioration in the environment. It is one of the worst problems we currently face.

Thank you for joining the fight to stop this years-long problem. As one of the biggest and most influential countries in the world, China’s decision is a major step forward in decreasing our plastic footprint. It is hoped that many more countries will follow your example, leading to the permanent phasing out of single-use plastics across the globe.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Kevin Rheese


  1. Bina Pannell says:

    How about China also stop burning, boiling, skinning animals alive?
    How about China stop eating everything that moves?
    How about China introduce human AND animal welfare laws?
    How about China come into the 21st Century and behave like a civilised nation?

  2. I completely agree with Bina Pannel. The Coronavirus is just one of the horrible results as a result of China doing this horrible inhumane thing to innocent animals. God is NOT happy Proverbs 12:10

  3. Why only in 2025 and not right now? Don’t understand it!

  4. Jose Espino says:

    Now, if China wants to really do a complete job, they need to stop manufacturing plastic for the rest of the world.

  5. Josie Olive says:

    Great now how about the chink take outs do the same. Styrofoam was banned here in new york yet all the chink places have them

  6. Yeh yeh that’s great china…. start now!!!
    **ALL ANIMALS** sick evil bastards

  7. Justin Recht says:

    Writers – my sentiment!

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