Target: Svenja Schulze, Environment Minister of Germany
Goal: Praise Germany for plans to ban toxic, cancer-causing glyphosate weed killer.
Germany has announced their intentions to phase out the heavily toxic glyphosate weed killer. A series of bans will take place over the next several years, from parks to orchards to grasslands and other wildlife-rich areas culminating in a full country-wide ban by the year 2023.
This is a major step forward for the European Union. Recent studies have shown that the chemical is partly responsible for the decline in various insects, including honeybees and butterflies. It causes cancer in humans via contamination of grain and other edible crops used to make many brand-name food products. Petitions such as this one have circulated, demanding the EU stop the use of this chemical.
Hopefully, Germany’s decision will encourage other members of the EU to follow suit, eventually leading to a full, union-wide ban of such chemicals in the future. Sign this petition to thank Germany for heeding the public’s concerns and stopping their use of this dangerous weed killer.
Dear Environment Minister Schulze,
Thank you for your plans to phase out the use of glyphosate over the next several years. The chemical is responsible for many environmental problems, particularly the decline in honeybees and butterflies. It causes cancer in humans via contamination of grain and other food crops.
For years, EU farmers have been reluctant to stop their use of this weed killer, ignoring public concerns. Your decision to heed these concerns is a major step forward for the environment, in the fight to protect consumers and ensure the survival of insects across the continent. Thank you for the decision to stop the use of this harmful chemical.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Mike Mozart
Finally a country has the guts to stand up for the environment and is not bullied by a Big Corporation!
Thank you Minister Schulze!
Has Canada the balls to follow?
Awesome! Now if only America could do the same.
It’s all really ironic. The company that made this chemical in the past was recently sold to a German company! Now one of their biggest selling items is banned in it’s own country! Bad Karma Bayer ☺️
In the US Round Up has been known to be lethal for humans, causing a type of cancer for one. There is even a lawyer institution assisting people suffering from this type of cancer after using Round Up in suing Round Up. Is amazing how corporations move their sales to other countries where people are unaware and continue capitalizing. Like cigarette companies not using warning labels on their cigarettes packs because the law in other countries does not require them to do so. So, if they can kill people in the US because their cover have been blown, they just go and kill people in another country. Long as they are making money, who cares? Nice people, don’t you think?