Success: Human Life Takes Precedence Over Hazardous Toxins

Target: Frank Pallone, Chairman of the U.S. House Committee on Energy & Commerce

Goal: Applaud important legislative battles being waged against toxic substances.

Americans continue to be put at serious long-term risk by government-approved toxic exposure, as highlighted in this ForceChange petition concerning asbestos and this petition detailing a common toxin found in households. After years of inaction and outright dereliction of duty by the Trump administration’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA,)  a Congressional watchdog is finally taking action. The newly restructured House Committee on Energy & Commerce (E&C) promises its latest actions mark “the beginning of our efforts to hold EPA accountable to the people it is supposed to protect.”

In a hearing on hazardous chemicals, the committee chairman strongly condemned EPA leadership for failing to shield American workers from dangerous chemical exposure. The hearing also accused the EPA of completely disregarding the Toxic Substances Control Act, which vowed to protect vulnerable populations that include infants and pregnant women. The E&C has demanded EPA studies on health and safety that the agency allegedly used to evaluate risks from toxic substances.

Since 2016, the EPA has become more a guardian for deregulation than a guardian for human and environmental health. As noted by the committee, the agency’s detrimental actions have included easing or slow-walking bans on substances once deemed a dire risk to human beings, such as asbestos and methylene chloride. The former is strongly linked to a lung cancer that kills 5,000 people annually, while the latter is deemed too toxic to even be used indoors.

The new leaders of the E&C committee are not just shining a spotlight on the EPA’s questionable allegiances, but also pushing forward legislation that could curb some of its worst decisions. The Ban Asbestos Now Act would finally put a needed cap on this well-known threat. Significant reforms are also being discussed for the Toxic Substances Control Act.

In this time of ever-decreasing transparency and accountability for government agencies, the fact that at least one group is willing to step up and be the essential overseer is encouraging. Sign this petition to support the E&C committee in its mission of  improving public health outcomes for all citizens.


Dear Chairman Pallone,

Thank you for calling the Environmental Protection Agency to task for its failure to honor its mission of protecting human health and the environment.” More importantly, please continue with your mission to succeed where the EPA has failed. The threats, whether they come in the form of methylene chloride, asbestos, or climate change, should remain top priorities.

Reforms to existing laws like the Toxic Substances Control Act are sorely needed. New legislation such as the Ban Asbestos Now Act is making important steps forward and transparency will keep the worst threats to the public interest from thriving in darkness.

Move forward in your leadership and guardianship with conviction. The American people need it now more than ever.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Ktorbeck

One Comment

  1. Justin Recht says:

    Thank you.
    A great move in the right direction!
    Lets hope that “Big Dollars” don’t kill it.

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660 Signatures

  • Janice Bernard
  • jacci russ
  • jacci russ
  • Lydia Lafferty
  • Silvia Rocha
  • Maryann Piccione
  • Siân Street
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  • Alice Rim
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