Success: Trump’s Fraudulent Voter Fraud Commission Scrapped

Target: Donald Trump, President of the United States

Goal: Support the dissolution of the panel created to investigate Trump’s claims of nonexistent ‘voter fraud’ in the 2016 presidential election.

President Donald Trump has dissolved the voter fraud commission that he created in May to look into his own allegations of illegal voting. The panel was strongly opposed by many—including state election officials—on the grounds that Trump’s claim that he would have won the popular vote, “if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally,” was unsubstantiated and false. Following petitions like this one at ForceChange, and the refusal of many states to comply with the voter fraud commission’s requests for personal voter information, the White House announced that the commission will be scrapped.

The official statement from the White House was that President Trump chose to dissolve the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity “rather than engage in endless legal battles at taxpayer expense.” This outcome is positive for our country not only financially, but also for our democracy as a whole. Many feared that the true consequence of having the commission in place would be the suppression of left-leaning votes, which is unconstitutional and dangerous. Sign below to support the scrapping of the voter fraud commission.


Dear President Trump,

Your decision to dissolve the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity is the right choice for our country and our democracy. Your claims that the result of the 2016 popular vote were due to millions of instances of voter fraud were unsubstantiated, and were disputed by election officials in states across the country.

The commission existed at the expense of the taxpayer, and also perpetuated voter suppression by allowing certain state lawmakers to make rules based on false or inflated claims of fraud. I support the choice to do away with this unnecessary and harmful panel.


[Your Name Here]

Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore


  1. Trump has not disbanded this commission in any way, he has simply moved it to another agency (with no transparency at all) and asked them to continue this ‘fraud’ of a commission. The new agency? The DHS where citizens cannot find out what is being done, said, watched, looked into or anything else because it’s now a matter of National Security. This is how we spend millions on BS to satisfy one man’s mission to discredit others. Don’t think the fight is over, it just got worse – call your senators out on this now!

  2. There is major Fraud happening. Very sad to have petitions that are not accurate!

  3. Here are some of national vote fraud panel’s findings:

    The voting dead–Investigators looked at voters’ birthdates and found that 45,880 votes in the 2016 election were cast by people who would have been at least 115 years old on election day.

    Some 45 people voted, even though they were born before the year 1700!

    Underage voters– The age problem worked both ways: 292 minors voted even though they were under the age of 18.

    More registered voters than adults–7 states and Washington, D.C. have more registered voters than the number of adults legally eligible to vote. (Alaska, California, Colorado, D.C., Indiana, Kentucky, Maine, and Michigan.)

    Voting multiple times–The Government Accountability Institute found 8,471 cases of duplicate voting in just 21 states. A nationwide sweep would have uncovered at least 45,000 cases of people voting in more than one city or state.

    Thousands of phony addresses and names–More than 15,000 other people registered to vote using illegal addresses, like P.O. boxes, stores, and public buildings. 9,539 of those people voted in the general election.

    The Rhode Island secretary of state’s office told investigators outright that it would approve a voter registration form submitted by John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt – even if it listed “a residential address that was a commercial office building, no driver’s license, (and) no Social Security number.”

    These are just some of the biggest outrages exposed by the panel. They don’t include the other known instances of voter fraud.

    The highly respected Pew Research found that 24 million voter registrations – one-in-8 of all U.S. registered voters – are inaccurate. There are 1.8 million dead people registered to vote. And 2.75 million people are registered to vote in more than one state.

    So why is there a petition to celebrate the ending of an investigation into voter fraud? Don’t we want fair elections? By the same token, why continue wasting taxpayer money investigating Russian collusion? Wouldn’t it be simpler if we had voter IDs?

  4. Gen Agustsson says:

    trump himself is a fraud.

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