Target: President Donald Trump
Goal: Support the decision to put elephant trophy imports on hold, and demand that the ban on these imports stays in place.
After his administration announced it would relax a ban on the import of trophy elephant heads from Africa, President Trump tweeted that a hold would be put on this decision until he could “review all conservation facts.” The hold on allowing these imports comes following massive outrage from animal activists and citizens, including petitions like this one at ForceChange. The pause on relaxing the ban is a positive step toward keeping the ban in place to protect Africa’s elephants.
According to experts, African elephants—which are protected under the Endangered Species Act—are disappearing rapidly. The 2016 Great Elephant Census reported a 30% drop in their numbers between 2007 and 2014. However, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service argued that allowing the import of elephant trophies would somehow aid in their conservation, because of the hunting fees. Hopefully, without President Trump forcing the hand of the department, it will change its tune and decide against the rollback of elephant protections. Sign below to support the hold on allowing the import of elephant trophies, and to demand that such imports be prohibited for good.
Dear President Trump,
Your decision to put a hold on the import of African elephant head trophies is a step in the right direction. These elephants are severely endangered, and killing them for their body parts must not be allowed or encouraged, whatever hunting fees it might bring in.
Reports show a 30% decrease in African elephant populations between 2007 and 2014. These intelligent and irreplaceable animals must be protected. Thank you for placing a hold the decision to relax the vital ban on elephant trophy imports in order to “review all conservation facts.” I urge you to see those facts for what they are, and to protect African elephants by maintaining the ban on elephant trophy imports.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Alex McIl
stop torturing and killing elephants now.
Keep up the pressure!!!
ELEPHANTS ARE NOT FOR HUMANS TO ABUSE. No animal must ever be a targeted “trophy”…rich men & women consider this a sport including the trump family. DISGUSTING! Trophy hunting/killing must be banned world-wide.
mr. trump,
Finally, the first good thing you’ve done since Putin got you in, and probably for a long time before that.