Target: Susan Collins, Republican Senator of Maine
Goal: Thank Republican senator for helping to save Obamacare.
Obamacare was saved in a 51-49 vote, headed by Republican senator trio Susan Collins, John McCain, and Lisa Murkowski, who all voted against a measure to repeal parts of the Affordable Care Act. The vote came down to the wire, and there was quite a bit of suspense, but these three pulled through for the millions of Americans who rely on Obamacare.
President Trump had made it one of his biggest goals to destroy Obamacare since his campaigning days, promising it would be gone on day one of his term. Attempts were made at a replacement bill, but the American Health Care Act was a poor substitute that would have undone all Obamacare did to protect and insure millions of people. Petitions such as this one on ForceChange rallied to protect Obamacare and keep it intact.
Without Obamacare, Medicaid would be history and Planned Parenthood defunded. People would have been forced to pay thousands of dollars out of pocket for something as simple as a wellness checkup, and some who could not could have died from their chronic conditions.
For three GOP senators to recognize this and vote against the repeal is very powerful. It is proof that affordable health care should transcend political leanings. Sign this petition to thank Susan Collins for being part of the trio to save Obamacare.
Dear Senator Collins,
You, along with John McCain and Lisa Murkowski, have saved millions of Americans from high health care costs and possible death by voting against the Obamacare repeal. You have protected one of the most important landmarks of Obama’s term as president.
Without Obamacare, Medicaid and Planned Parenthood would have become relics of the past. People with pre-existing conditions would have been punished by the replacement bill, and many people with treatable illnesses could have died if they were not able to afford proper treatments. Obamacare may not be perfect, but it has helped America in a big way. Thank you for helping to protect it from the GOP’s repeal.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Will O’Neill
I don’t knows so much of the detail content of Obamacare, but I think it’s better than nothing, or even what ever Mr. Trump can come up with.
We have to care about our fellow human been as well as the animals and environment to secure the future for generation to come.
“Treat the earth well: it was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children. We do not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors, we borrow it from our Children.” ― Crazy Horse.
do the same thing with maine or else!
I agree completely with Bengt Johansson.