Target: Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House of Representatives
Goal: Support Congress’s move to leave out Trump’s proposed budget cuts and border wall funding from spending bill.
Funding for Trump’s border wall, which would have come at the expense of budget slashes for important programs like education and medical research, will be left out of the spending bill for the remainder of the 2017 fiscal year. Senator Roy Blunt stated that including Trump’s request could complicate negotiations of the bill — which must be passed soon to avoid partial government shutdown — since the additional proposal was greeted with strong opposition within Congress and by the public (like this petition at ForceChange).
Trump’s request would have taken almost $18 billion from medical research and education, and used it instead for further military expansion and to fund the construction of a border wall. Sign below to support Congress’s move to make the responsible choice for the people of this country, and not cave into Trump’s ill-advised proposal.
Dear Speaker Ryan,
I would like to thank Congress for choosing not to include Trump’s proposed budget adjustments into the spending bill for the 2017 fiscal year. It would have been irresponsible and harmful to remove even more funding from important programs like education and research in order to fund Trump’s border wall (which he promised would not be funded by taxpayer dollars).
This country cannot afford a partial government shutdown, nor can it afford to let education fall by the wayside. I would like to express my support for the exclusion of Trump’s proposal from the spending bill.
[Your Name Here]
Photo Credit: Allan Rotgers
education is not about lies. its about truth.
The answer is already here for MS/cancer/most diseases with Alternative medicine. No research is needed for most. Money is wasted. Education money…much is wasted also…bad text books..no content and more. Private school educate in a better way for cheaper…about $1500 per student instead of $8000 per student. Money is not the answer to better education/health. No gluten/dairy/soy/sugar/GMO…taking vitamins/good oils/minerals…probiotic…LDN…detoxing may help most health issues. This diet may help the brain/body of people so students can learn well. The Wall may help stop dangerous people from coming into the U.S.. People may not suffer at all with money being used to make the wall since police etc may have less problems to deal with and people are safer.
It”s bot because he didn’t receive any that he must destroy education