Stop Breeding Beagles for Poisonous and Deadly Experiments
Horrible breeding farms are pumping out canine test subjects for equally grotesque experimentation. Call for reform that will rein in this legalized animal cruelty.
Horrible breeding farms are pumping out canine test subjects for equally grotesque experimentation. Call for reform that will rein in this legalized animal cruelty.
Immigrants should be welcomed as a boost to the economy and a reflection of real American values. Instead, they are shunned and literally dying to reach the nation. Demand an end to the destructive hate.
The intentional maiming, torturing, mutilating, beating, or killing of helpless animals is still classified as only a misdemeanor in most states across the U.S. Demand stricter penalties against perpetrators of such crimes to protect those who cannot protect themselves.
America is currently facing a drug-related overdose epidemic, and officials are going about it in all the wrong ways. Demand the Biden Administration step up and take more vigilant steps in decriminalizing drug use and, instead, showing compassion towards those who use.
Millions of stray dogs and cats in the U.S. are forced to suffer on streets or are euthanized by overcrowded shelters each year. Sterilization programs can help control feral animal populations and reduce the number of animals born into the cold world. Demand these programs receive federal funding.
Canada has forbidden the rescue of dogs from over 100 countries across the world, leaving these animals to either languish away in kennels or be euthanized. Demand this policy be amended to allow adoptable dogs into the country.
The Supreme Court has just stripped the Environmental Protection Agency of their power to protect us against climate change. Demand Congress reinstate their authority to regulate greenhouse gas emissions and to stop climate change before it is too late.
Health care for veterans has received a major boost. Soldiers who have fallen ill due to toxic exposure will now have enhanced coverage for their conditions. Laud this win in the battle for better healthcare.
Airlines are costing consumers billions of dollars with cancelled flights while giving passengers no return on their investments. Demand lawmakers stop getting in the way of needed reform.
Pet obesity has become a national epidemic which causes severe health complications in dogs and cats. Weakly regulated pet food manufacturing and labeling is partially to blame. Demand tighter regulations to supply pets with only the best, healthiest foods.
A man was reportedly filmed whipping and beating his dog on social media. Despite local protests, the suspect has apparently retained custody of three dogs and possibly had animal cruelty charges against him dropped. Call for accountability from the legal system’s seeming enablers of animal cruelty.
An American detained in Russia for marijuana possession has been sentenced to 14 years in prison. The government has reportedly done nothing to help secure his release. Advocate on behalf of this left-behind teacher.
Homeless animals are in danger of being turned out into the streets where they will suffer starvation and abuse. Stop a misguided effort that would prevent rescuers from giving abandoned pets shelter.
Captivity fails to provide whales with their basic psychological, physical, and social needs. In captive settings, these highly social, cognitively complex mammals show extreme signs of depression, as they are deprived of their natural inclinations and are forced to live out their days isolated in tiny cages. Demand an end to the imprisonment of whales.
The development of human road systems has decimated animal populations, contributing to the deaths of millions of animals each year who don’t know how to react in the face of fast-moving cars and trucks. Demand we implement safe passages for animals to cross from one side of the road to another without the potential of losing their lives.
Each year, wildlife killing contests result in the deaths of thousands of animals, all in the name of recreation. Afterward, animals’ bodies are discarded in what can only be described as a waste of their precious lives. Encourage legislators to ban these events on protected lands.
An opportunity to cut poisonous emissions and fund energy security has reached the Senate floor. With global temperatures rising and resulting in flooding and deadly heatwaves, the time to save the planet is now. Demand support for this historic effort.
A man allegedly beat his dog to the point that neighbors had to call for help. The dog, Sophie, also reportedly suffered from near-starvation and untreated medical conditions. Demand her apparent abuser face jail time.
Russia’s deadly invasion of Ukraine threatens to spill over into neighboring nations. Demand one of the world’s most formative alliances do everything possible to prevent this devastating outcome.
Ventilation shutdown plus is a method of mass murder that is commonly used to kill tens of thousands of birds at once. They are packed into sealed barns and heated to death. Stop the USDA from funding this terrible practice and encourage alternative, more humane methods in its place.
A young dog in Pennsylvania died as a result of horrifying torture and mutilation. The killer of this defenseless animal remains at large. Demand full legal repercussions when he or she is apprehended.
Unpaid student interns often face exploitation from supervisors who use them as a free source of labor. Demand the State of New York enforce tighter regulation surrounding these types of internships and help students get the financial support they need while also advancing their careers.
A $90 million facility dubbed “Cop City” will destroy natural forested land and exacerbate police violence in Atlanta. Demand city officials halt construction of this project.
A Black man was reportedly left beaten and bloody after he ran a stop sign and fled from police. Demand a transparent and full investigation in this case of alleged excessive force and brutality.
The journey from farm to slaughterhouse is treacherous, and thousands of animals die before ever even arriving. Demand the US tighten federal legislation surrounding animal welfare on transport vehicles.