
Dog That Died After Alleged Neglect at Rescue Facility Deserves Justice

One dog had to be euthanized after she was allegedly found starving at an animal rescue facility, and it was reported that thirty-eight others were taken by authorities for also not being provided with essential care. Demand justice for these innocent animals if it is found the dogs suffered because they were neglected or abused.

Don’t Hire Anti-Gay Politician as Community Representative

A controversial pastor who has made anti-gay remarks is being considered for a position in the New York City mayor’s administration. This will directly harm the LGBTQ+ community and activists are speaking up. We demand the mayor reconsider his choice and take a stand against hatred and bigotry.

Success: Dog Allegedly Abused at Training Center Now Rescued and Happy

After public outrage and demands, the dog who was allegedly abused at a training facility is now happy and healthy. The district attorney’s office released an uplifting new video of the dog happily running around. The reassuring video also came with a statement that the abuse is still being investigated. We are happy to see Mugshot the dog receiving proper care and looking happy again.

Stop Fossil Fuel Takeover of America’s Lands and Future

One of America’s largest repositories of coal, methane, and other destructive fossil fuels is continuing to serve up environmental damage that will last for decades. The federal government is sponsoring and propping up these dangerous projects. Demand President Biden honor his promise to shepherd the U.S. into a cleaner, safer future.

Stop Using Puerto Rico as a Tax Haven for Wealthy Colonists

Puerto Rico gives heavy tax breaks to the wrong people, affording new “bona fide residents” federal tax relief while its islanders remain wanting. The breaks are colonist in essence and drive a further wedge between Puerto Ricans and their right to self-determination. Demand a repeal of this incentive at once.

Protect the Right to Assemble and Protest

Florida has recently expanded the legal definition of “riot” and increased penalties for protestors. This new restriction has its roots in partisan desire for political quiet, as well as racism, fear, and control. Take a stand to protect our right to demonstrate.

Dogs Reportedly Left to Starve by Kennel Owner Deserve Justice

A dog kennel owner is accused of maintaining a pit of neglect, starvation, and death. Demand justice for the animals who reportedly languished and died while in her care.

Don’t Expel LGBTQ+ Students for Falling in Love

A university is threatening students with expulsion because of who they choose to date. Demand Brigham Young stop discriminating against its LGBTQ+ population.

Stop Whipping and Abusing Horses for Carriage Rides

Horses are whipped while pulling carriages full of people through heat and heavy traffic. They are left to find their own food and water, and are often abandoned after they can no longer work. Demand an end to these cruel conditions.

Stop Environmental Racism From Endangering the Health and Rights of Black and Brown Communities

Black and brown communities’ health and human right to a clean space is under attack. Inequity in neighborhood upkeep, environmental enforcement, access to green space and proximity to toxic pollutants have disproportionately burdened these vulnerable communities. Demand an immediate end to this environmental racism.

Stop Amazon From Selling Bear Poaching Products

Amazon is the leading seller of bear poaching accessories. These devices have injured and harmed countless black bears through illegal trappings. Demand Amazon stop selling these harmful products.

Stop Criminal Misuse of Apple Tech Trackers

A new Apple product is the source of serious security concerns. Demand the company take every measure possible to prevent criminals from using AirTag locaters as victim-tracking devices.

Stop Alleged Sexual Harassment of Women in the National Football League

The Washington-based football team has gotten a new name and a new controversy involving not-so-new allegations of harassment of women in the workplace. Demand the NFL finally take the necessary punitive action against this alleged repeat offender.

Stop Using Animals as Props on The Witcher Television Series

Lemurs and other animals are being used as props on the new season of The Witcher. They are reportedly subjected to cold temperatures and seemingly deprived of their needs. Lemurs are meant to be in the wild with the full freedom to live. Demand that the show end its use of live animals.

Keep National Parks Serene and Beautiful

Overcrowding at U.S. parks can destroy the peace of these natural havens and endanger native plants and animals. Demand leaders commit to solutions that can help restore the nation’s parks to their glory.

Dog Allegedly Beaten With Hammer in Front of Children Deserves Justice

A mother allegedly beat the family dog to death with a hammer in front of her two frightened children. Demand justice for this innocent animal and the children involved if it is found she committed this unthinkable act of animal cruelty.

Enforce Stronger Security at Animal Farm Where Bobcat was Reportedly Stolen

A 22-year-old bobcat named Blanche was reportedly stolen from an animal farm in Pennsylvania. The security door was apparently not properly shut, and no employees were present due to renovations taking place. Take action to ensure an incident like this can never happen again.

Success: Court Strikes Down Partisan Power Grabs

Politicians around the country are trying to stack election odds in their favor, ending races before they even start. Voters lose out in the process. Thank one state leader who took a stand against partisan gerrymandering and for free and fair elections.

Investigate Alleged Animal Rights Abuses in “Jackass Forever”

Animal cruelty is reportedly being used for entertainment in the new movie, “Jackass Forever.” Bulls, tarantulas, and scorpions were seemingly subjected to harmful and cruel situations during various scenes. Demand that an investigation be opened to show that no one is above the law when it comes to animal cruelty, regardless of fame.

Justice for Cat Reportedly Shot in Revenge Killing

A man reportedly killed a woman’s cat with a BB gun as retaliation against her. Demand authorities prosecute this case to the fullest extent of the law.

Two Dead Dogs and 57 Other Animals Reportedly Found Starving to Death Deserve Justice

Fifty-seven dogs and cats were reportedly found starving and living in disgusting conditions. Some animals were apparently discovered huddling in feces-filled crates, and others were said to be found dead inside a home. Demand that these animals receive justice.

Don’t Burn Veterans With Deficient Aid for Toxic Health Exposure

Veterans are facing serious chronic health problems due to the reckless actions of their leadership. Urge America’s leaders to support and aid victims of toxic burn pit exposure.

Demand Supreme Court Justice Remain Impartial and Respect His Colleagues

A Supreme Court justice is openly defying public health measures while giving top-secret talks to special interest groups. Demand Neil Gorsuch stop compromising his objectivity and his role as a guardian of the legal system.

Stop Harmful Experimentation on Monkeys

Monkeys are being exposed to pain and suffering at national primate research centers in multiple states. Recently, three were killed in an avoidable accident. Demand an end to this cruel practice.

Stop Plan to Further Pollute Air Quality

Plans to build a sand and gravel terminal that will damage local air quality must be dropped. The project will negatively impact the health of nearby residents and our environment. Urge the responsible company to change course.

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