Pope Francis has sent a powerful message about the mistreatment, imprisonment, and execution of LGBTQ+ populations. Applaud this spiritual leader’s appeal for inclusivity and empathy.
It has been more than two years since an important environmental justice law passed in New Jersey, but it awaits effective implementation from policymakers. Demand speedy enforcement of the landmark law to protect overburdened communities.
The groundhogs behind the famous holiday reportedly live existences of needless exploitation and stress throughout the year. Demand an end to this alleged cruelty under the guise of entertainment.
London has become ground zero for animal cruelty going unpunished. Demand better from England’s capital.
Several crucial gun control bills were passed in the Virginia Senate. This is a welcome first step toward setting up precedent-setting laws. Appreciate these timely actions undertaken at the Senate to prevent firearms abuse.
Cemented to the sidewalk by his own feces and “covered in fecal material, burrs, and maggots,” is how Trooper the dog was discovered. Demand the person responsible for this terrible abuse of Trooper be brought to justice.
Two human rights defenders were arrested after they volunteered in search and rescue operations for refugees stranded at the sea. Demand the Greek court drop all charges against these internationally known heroines.
Whales are dying in unprecedented numbers off and on the North Atlantic coast. Urge leaders not to be distracted by attacks on clean energy and to remain focused on the most critical threats to these animals.
A Siberian Husky got loose from his family early one morning and returned home later that day with a fatal wound from a shot to the head. Demand police devote more resources to finding Niko’s killer.
When several police officers allegedly beat a man to death, this horrifying incident reignited the debate about policing reform. Demand America’s leaders stop hiding from this critical issue and take decisive action.
An 18-year-old was shot dead by the police in Baltimore. The state attorney decided against pressing charges on the officers responsible for the killing. Demand change to end police brutality in the USA.
One of the largest governing bodies aims to overturn a discriminatory provision that obstructs the full range of reproductive health services for low-income groups. Support this important cause to secure federal funding for abortion.
Children have allegedly died after taking a commonly used medicine: cough syrup. Demand an immediate and comprehensive investigation into this urgent consumer health crisis.
The images of a severely emaciated deceased dog caged in its crate and dumped in a ditch are shocking. No suspects have been identified. Demand justice for this poor animal forced to experience a tragic and painful death.
Two prominent environmental activists were shot dead in an alleged robbery. The murders have sparked an international uproar seeking justice for the water defenders. Demand a speedy independent investigation of the incident.
Lethal injection, the capital punishment method touted as humane, has reportedly been responsible for numerous botched executions. Demand leaders hit the pause button on a practice that is seemingly torturing human beings to death.
After a 6-year-old’s shooting of a teacher at school, the community demanded better safety measures. Appreciate this timely step taken to ensure teacher and student safety from gun violence.
Several mysterious events have befallen a popular Texas zoo, with the latest costing the life of a 35-year-old inhabitant. Demand justice for this fallen animal.
Florida’s leadership is again trying to weaponize the education of children as artillery in its never-ending culture wars. This time a class on African American history is in its crosshairs. Call for an end to the politicization of history itself.
The chemical in Monsanto’s Roundup weedkiller causes aggravated cancer risks, according to a recent study. Demand the EPA impose tougher restrictions on this dangerous chemical.
Cheese, a sweet tabby cat, was shot through the chest with an arrow by an unknown assailant. So far, no suspects have been identified, so the killer is still on the loose. Demand authorities devote more resources to solving this crime.
Kangaroos are being targeted for mass slaughter. Demand an end to this brutal and unjustified killing.
Marine plastic pollution is a growing problem and whales and dolphins are paying the price with their health and even their lives. Not only does this harm wildlife, it also cripples the global fishing industry. Demand the International Whaling Commission develop a rapid action blueprint to curb the menace of plastic debris in oceans.
The fossil fuel status quo is shifting to renewable energy. Business leaders and policymakers at the World Economic Forum unanimously agreed on the need for a new economy supported by renewables. Celebrate this milestone shift in global energy policies.
Too many politicians have made a career out of Congress at the expense of these two crucial legislative bodies. Demand term limits to spark progress, evolution, and a return to politics driven by policy rather than power.