Phase Out Smoking to Save the Environment

Target: Joe Biden, President of the U.S.

Goal: Slowly increase age restrictions on buying and using tobacco products to reduce air pollution and improve health.

In 2022, New Zealand passed a law that made smoking illegal for those 14 and younger. Each year, they plan to increase the legal smoking age until it’s completely illegal. By 2025, it’s predicted that the entire country will be free of smoking. This law was aimed to help improve the health of New Zealanders and reduce overall pollution.

America should implement a similar law in order to reduce the amount of tobacco products used and consumed. The use of cigarettes increases littering, and the chemicals within these products pollute soil and water. Trillions of cigarette filters pollute the environment each year, and the smoke cigarettes emit results in air pollution. Animals within forests, oceans, lakes, and more are harmed because of cigarette litter and the chemicals within these products.

Outside of obvious environmental concerns, cigarette consumption is a leading cause of death for more than 400,000 Americans a year. Smoking has detrimental impacts on cardiovascular and respiratory systems. It can lead to cancer, heart and/or lung disease, diabetes, and other respiratory-related issues. Furthermore, it causes immune system issues and can bring forth autoimmune diseases. It’s also incredibly harmful to reproductive organs and individuals who are pregnant. It can harm fetuses and stunt the development of their brain and/or lungs. These issues alone present vital concerns regarding the selling and computation of tobacco products.

This habit cannot elapse any longer with the pressing concern over the environment’s welfare. Smoking must be phased out and made eventually illegal. Sign this petition to promote the eventual ban on tobacco products.


Dear President Biden,

Thousands of individuals die because of cigarette use. Outside of environmental concerns regarding this product, animals face implications based on the litter it causes. Chemicals seep into soil and water further harming the environment.

Just as New Zealand did, the U.S. should slowly phase out cigarette use by increasing the legal age for individuals to smoke. If this was done on a yearly basis, cigarettes would eventually become illegal and death rates would decrease. This legislation would not only help the environment and reduce pollution, it would also save the lives of users and fetuses.

Please do something about the smoking epidemic occurring. Millions of individuals partake in this unhealthy habit and it hurts those using it and helpless animals. The environment will greatly improve from the eventual ban on cigarettes. Enforce the proper legislation to follow through with this plan. Thank you for your attention to this message.


[Your Name Here]

Photo credit: Kiwiev


  1. Sophie Poe says:

    What a joke. You don’t have the right to tell people how to live. Remove this stupid petition.

  2. Jim+Takahashi says:

    NZ is going backward now. New Zealand’s new government has recently announced plans to repeal the generational smoking ban

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770 Signatures

  • Nataša Stojanović
  • Vincent L
  • Siân Street
  • Maryann Piccione
  • Silvia Rocha
  • Alice Rim
  • Chrys Martens
  • Amber Remelin
  • Anne Corrigan
  • claudia correia
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