Search Results for: bee

Save Iconic Beech Trees From Extinction

Beech tree forests are succumbing to a dangerous disease. Decades of growth and sustenance for wildlife are being lost in the process. Help support efforts to combat this ecological killer.

Dog Who Had Been Shot in Back and Then Reportedly Neglected Deserves Justice

A paralyzed dog was reportedly starved and kept in inhumane conditions. What’s more shocking, is that an animal rescue is apparently behind this treatment. Demand a thorough investigation now to ensure the welfare of all the innocent animals in their care.

Combat Bark Beetle Infestations Threatening Forests

Forests are in grave danger due to relentless bark beetle infestations. Combat this crisis now to stop these voracious pests from destroying cherished landscapes.

Ban Harmful Pesticides to Protect Bees and Butterflies

The use of hazardous pesticides is killing off bees and butterflies and disturbing the intricate harmony of the natural world. Demand measures be taken to safeguard and maintain the integrity of healthy ecosystems.

Protect Honey Bees by Instating More Bee Farms

Honey bee populations are drastically declining and pesticides, disease, and modernization will continue to kill them off. Bee shelters are a viable solution to this detrimental problem. Demand new shelters be made for the benefit of bees and their environment.

Take Decisive Actions to Save the Miami Tiger Beetle

The Miami tiger beetle is an endangered species, and its extinction could have devastating effects on the environment. Demand the protection and conservation of this species.

Save the Endangered Puritan Tiger Beetle

The Puritan tiger beetle plays an important role in the ecosystem and is in danger of disappearing forever. Stand up for this underappreciated species.

Save the Endangered Rusty Patched Bumblebee From Going Extinct

The Rusty Patched Bumblebee, an endangered species, is crucial to pollinating native plants and crops. Demand the conservation and protection of their habitat.

Save the Salt Creek Tiger Beetle From Extinction

The beautiful and unique Salt Creek Tiger Beetle is being pushed to the brink by agriculture and urban development. Help ensure a healthy future for this endangered species and its watershed.

Stop Poisoning the Six-Spot Ground Beetle With Pesticides

The six-spot ground beetle is on the brink of extinction due to habitat loss the use of pesticides. Sign this petition to demand conservation efforts and habitat restoration for its survival.

Save Bees From Harmful Herbicides

Glyphosate herbicides decimate populations of bees and other pollinators. Demand a ban on these poisons to protect our environment and food supply.

Save Bumblebees From Deadly Pesticides Before It’s Too Late

Bumblebees are facing a mortal threat from pesticide use and habitat loss. Sign the petition to call for stronger regulations and conservation efforts to protect these essential creatures.

Ban Toxic Pesticides That Target Bees and Butterflies

Toxic pesticides are killing bees and butterflies. These pollinators are essential for the food chain. Demand that these deadly chemicals be banned.

Protect Bees by Restricting Use of Pesticides

Pesticides are contributing to the decline of bee populations, which could have a devastating impact on our food supply and ecosystems. Demand their use be restricted to protect pollinators.

Success: Honeybees Protected From Deadly Disease

The honeybees that keep our ecosystems functional have been struck by a deadly disease. Celebrate approval of a protective treatment that could save their lives and the balance of nature itself.

Save Bees By Planting Flowers in Cities and Towns

Bees are at a risk of endangerment and extinction worldwide. Overdevelopment of land in New Jersey, where they once thrived, has eliminated resources bees rely on to live and reproduce. Demand the state act now to prevent wild bee populations from becoming extinct.

Save the Bees From Deadly Disease

Over 500 environmental protections, including safeguards for bees, could be struck down within months. Demand a key European region stop gambling with its future and the fate of the planet.

Tax Beef to Curb Massive Pollution From Cattle Farms

While thousands are displaced by raging wildfires caused by climate change, cattle farming is making the problem worse. Call for a tax on beef to fund solutions.

Success: Honeybees Are Being Saved From Murder Hornets

A full-on war is being waged against the Asian giant hornets, also known as murder hornets. These invasive killers can mercilessly decapitate entire colonies of honeybees in a matter of hours. Applaud the dedicated efforts of those who are vigilantly working to protect the defenseless bees.

Success: Lawmakers Embrace Bee Preservation

The state of Bavaria is becoming more bee-friendly, after a circulated petition gained nearly two million signatures. Europe’s bee populations have been declining rapidly over the last few years due to overuse of pesticides and the disappearance of flowering meadows, problems that will soon be addressed. Thank Bavaria for taking a big step in bee preservation.

Success: Bee-Killing Pesticides Banned Across Europe

The European Union has agreed upon a total ban on a number of bee-killing pesticides. Thanks to this decision to stop the use of these harmful insecticides, bee populations will have a chance to recover across Europe. Sign this petition to applaud the EU for this important breakthrough.

Success: UK Will Support Banning Pesticide That Endangers Bees

The UK will support a Europe-wide ban of neonicotinoids, a type of pesticide that has been linked to declining bee populations. Applaud the UK for their commitment to protecting bees.

Educational Series: Bees – Nature’s Heroic Pollinators are Under Attack

[easy-social-share buttons=”facebook,mail” morebutton=”1″ counters=0 fullwidth=”yes” query=”yes”]By Nick Engelfried On almost any warm, sunny day from spring through early fall, in any outdoor location with flowers and a landscape free of chemical pesticides, you can hear bees buzzing as they fly from blossom to blossom. From big, furry, black-and-yellow bumble bees; […]

Success: Rusty Patched Bumblebee Granted Protection Under Endangered Species Act

The rusty patched bumblebee has officially become the first bumblebee to be protected under the Endangered Species Act. This move could save the species from the brink of extinction, and is a major victory for pollinators. Sign our petition thanking the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Success: Maryland Bans Dangerous Bee-Killing Pesticides

Harmful pesticides that have contributed to the deaths of countless bees will soon be outlawed in the state of Maryland. Thank the state’s legislators for enacting this progressive measure and demonstrating a commitment to protecting the nation’s rapidly dwindling bee populations.

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