
Success: Women’s Reproductive Rights Protected

An attempt to control women’s bodies has been eradicated in a bold move to protect the right to abortion. While this does not undo the creation and approval of these oppressive tactics, it is a step in the right direction and will hopefully lead to the repeal of further attacks. Thank those who fought this attack on reproductive freedom.

Success: School Bus Safety Improved

Children will be less likely to suffer injury and death, due to newly implemented school bus safety measures. Drivers who ignore the bus’ stop-arms can now be charged with a felony. Praise the state’s dedication to improving school bus safety.

Success: Zoo to Combat Amphibian Endangerment

The near-extinct corroboree frog population may soon be restored, thanks to a bold conservation project. Thousands of corroboree eggs will be chilled and released into safe, disease-free conditions. Thank the Melbourne Zoo for this important step in preserving these amphibians.

Success: Hateful Pastor Banned from Entering Another Country

Steven Anderson has been prohibited from sharing his anti-LGBTQ+ views in Ireland after they successfully banned him from entering their country. The pastor has been prohibited from entering 29 other European countries as well. Praise the country’s fight against discrimination.

Success: Dogs Trained to Detect Endangered Insects

Endangered Insects could be brought back from the brink of extinction, thanks to three dogs and a group of dedicated researchers. The dogs were successfully trained to detect the insects in their natural habitat, garnering data that could effectively save the species. Support this important step towards conservation success.

Success: Volunteers Remove Three Tons of Trash From Everest

Often called the “World’s Tallest Trash Heap,” Mt. Everest suffers every year from excessive hiking pollution. This spring, Nepal’s government sent a team of 14 to clean it up. Hauling out three tons of waste (and counting) is no small feat; let them know we value their efforts.

Success: Public Health Protected From Harmful Car Exhaust

New York has taken an important step in tackling its air pollution problem. An encouraging by-product could be the improved health of millions of citizens. Celebrate this needed win for the environment and for public health.

Success: Inhumane Euthanasia Banned

Inhumane euthanasia is now considered animal cruelty, following the recent allegations of a shelter freezing four kittens to death. This means that anyone who tortures an animal in the name of mercy can be prosecuted and punished. Praise this advancement that will bring justice for innocent animals.

Success: Fracking Tsar Resigns

Fracking tsar Natascha Engle has resigned after six months, thanks to the continued protest of fracking by environmental groups and the general public. It is hoped that her resignation will be a major step in the complete shutdown of the fracking industry. Thank the Extinction Rebellion environmental group for their protests, which led to Engle’s resignation.

Success: Americans Protected from Price-Gouging Pharmaceutical Companies

Americans are being priced to death by the drug companies that often become their lifeline. Applaud efforts to end pharmaceutical price gouging and its inhumane extortion of human life.

Success: Propane School Buses Reduce Air Pollution

A Missouri school district will be adding additional propane school buses to its fleet after seeing a significant reduction in air and noise pollution over the last five years. Propane, unlike diesel and gasoline, is a clean burning fuel which creates a cleaner and healthier environment for all. Praise this school district for taking a chance on this alternative fuel source.

Success: Captive Whales Freed

Nearly 100 whales will be freed from a “whale jail” in Russia, thanks to demands from the Kremlin. The whales were slated to be sold to aquariums or Chinese buyers after having been illegally captured and kept in deplorable conditions. Thank the Kremlin for stepping in to save these creatures.

Success: Lawmakers Embrace Bee Preservation

The state of Bavaria is becoming more bee-friendly, after a circulated petition gained nearly two million signatures. Europe’s bee populations have been declining rapidly over the last few years due to overuse of pesticides and the disappearance of flowering meadows, problems that will soon be addressed. Thank Bavaria for taking a big step in bee preservation.

Success: Shoe Designer Embraces Eco-Friendly Manufacturing

Adidas is continuing to be a role model in eco-friendly manufacturing. Most recently, they have pledged to reduce their CO2 emissions, eliminated plastic bags in their retail stores, and made plans to utilize recycled polyester. Praise their dedication to a healthier planet.

Success: Judge Restores Ban on Arctic and Atlantic Offshore Drilling

President Trump has waged a war against environmental progress, but his efforts at deconstructing previous protections suffered a significant blow. Commend the judicial system for striking down illegal offshore drilling.

Success: Toxic Pesticide Banned

The EU will officially ban the use of the fungicide chlorothalonil, the most used pesticide in the United Kingdom. The chemical has been linked to various forms of pollution and may be responsible for the decline in the world’s bee population. Praise this important step in cleaning up the UK’s pollution problem.

Success: Human Life Takes Precedence Over Hazardous Toxins

Emerging leaders are taking a stand against asbestos and other hazardous chemicals. Encourage these pioneers who aim to end the danger of government-approved toxins.

Success: YouTube Pulls New Zealand Shooting Videos

YouTube has removed thousands of video copies of the New Zealand massacre, as well as the shooter’s manifesto and warning. The rate at which the video spread throughout social media was alarming, horrifying thousands of users and leading to demands for all platforms to remove the videos; the call has finally been answered. Thank YouTube for listening to the demands of the public.

Success: Environment Protected by Fracking Ban

Fracking has been banned in Oregon while the government takes time to research the controversial practice. Thank the government for taking a stand to protect the environment.

Success: Private Immigrant Prisons Defunded

Two big banks have announced plans to withdraw their funding of private immigrant detention centers. This is a massive step in the fight against migrant discrimination and the private prison industry. Praise these funders for their commitment to human rights.

Success: Trump Ordered to Reunite Separated Families

The Trump administration has been ordered to reunite thousands of children with the guardians they were forcibly separated from at the Mexican border. The racist and xenophobic policy was ended some time ago, but until now it did not include mending the families it had broken. Sign this petition to thank those who fought against this hateful policy.

Success: Amazon Being Protected from Deforestation

One government is taking immediate action against deforestation and illegal mining in the Amazon. Thank them for their efforts and demand other governments follow their lead.

Success: Lake Erie Granted Personhood

“A long, hard struggle” for the future of a Great Lake has yielded tremendous success. Celebrate the voter-affirmed protections for Lake Erie made possible by tireless volunteers and activists.

Success: Safer Pesticide Alternative Developed

Harmful chemical pesticides could be a problem of the past, thanks to a recent scientific development. Researchers have discovered a mutant bacteria capable of protecting plants without harming humans, animals, and the environment. Praise those who are making this progress possible.

Success: Hazardous Fracking Plans Denied

Lancashire’s unspoiled natural areas are safe from a big energy firm’s fracking plans, thanks to the government rejecting the firm’s bid to open four new wells. Lancashire had previously suffered from earthquakes and tremors due to fracking, and the practice, as a whole, is one of the most dangerous ways of obtaining energy. Sign this petition to thank Lancashire’s government for putting a stop to fracking.

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