
Don’t Let School Become Training Ground for Next-Gen Nazis

The conditions that led to one of the darkest periods in world history are simmering once again in Germany’s schools. Call on national leaders to stop the rising ranks of Nazi sympathizers.

Stop Illegal Dog Fighting to Reduce Canine Fatalities and Forced Aggression

Illegal dog fighting rings kill and harm thousands of innocent dogs. These forced acts result in canine aggression and cause untrue stereotypes to arise. Demand officials stop this industry from taking any more lives.

Hungry Horse Reportedly Impaled and Eviscerated on Fence Deserves Justice

A two-year-old horse was reportedly impaled on a fence, causing extreme suffering and endangering public safety. The responding medical treatment seemingly came too little and too late. Demand a thorough investigation into this case.

Demand Equal Congressional Representation in Black Communities

State politicians have willfully violated a Supreme Court order to ensure equal voting rights for minority voters. Call for a rebalancing of the scales.

Dogs Reportedly Found Dead, Liquefied and Crammed in Freezers Deserve Justice

Dozens of dead and abused dogs were found liquefied and laying in their own feces, according to reports. Demand justice for these animals.

Success: 77 Animals Allegedly Caged, Killed, and Neglected Receive Justice

Homeowners who allegedly neglected and/or killed 77 animals are facing 77 animal cruelty charges. Each animal who reportedly endured this abuse received justice through each individual charge. Thank officials for their intense and thorough investigation of this case.

Stop Forcing Impoverished Communities to Live in Sewage

Residents in an Alabama community have literally been living in their own waste for years, and their health and quality of life has suffered as a result. Demand the state department who let these deplorable conditions continue prioritize this violation of human rights.

Dogs Allegedly Left to Cook to Death in Overheating Truck Deserve Justice

Ten dogs reportedly died from extreme heat they endured while trapped in an allegedly inhospitable vehicle with no air conditioning. Call for a more robust investigation into this deadly event.

Don’t Euthanize Innocent Dingoes Because of Reckless Tourists

Australia’s already-struggling dingo population is being targeted for euthanasia and culling because of arrogant and selfish tourists. Demand better protections for animals at risk from intruders in their homes.

Horses Allegedly So Malnourished That Bones Protruded Through Their Skin Deserve Justice

Four horses were reportedly starved to the point that their bones showed through their skin. They also suffered from eye, hoof, and dental ailments due to an alleged denial of medical care. Demand justice for these innocent animals.

Dogs Allegedly Left Inside a Hot Car During Heatwave Deserve Justice

Two dogs were reportedly left unattended in a hot car during a heatwave. Demand a thorough investigation so that the person responsible will face justice and all animal welfare laws will be upheld.

Dogs Reportedly Caged and Covered in Urine and Fecal Matter Deserve Justice

Dozens of dogs were reportedly kept in filthy cages and denied medical care in an apparent puppy mill operation. Demand prompt legal action to hold those responsible accountable for these inhumane actions.

Stop the Rape, Assault, and Murder of Innocent Women

Thousands of women are raped and/or assaulted each day. Government officials need to end gender-based violence and sexual abuse now. Demand a stop to this extreme violation of human rights.

Plant More Trees to Reduce Pollution and Fight Climate Change

Nearly half of the world’s trees have been destroyed by humans. We must plant more trees to save the earth.

Dog Allegedly Punched While Walking Deserves Justice

An innocent dog was allegedly punched while being taken for a walk. The man reportedly responsible is up for judgement soon. Demand he be thoroughly prosecuted and further that he no longer be allowed to own pets if he is found guilty of this pathetic abuse.

Stop Poisoning, Neglecting, and Killing Industrial Farm Animals

The farming industry is filled with extreme animal cruelty and neglect. The unethical treatment and killing of these animals needs to be halted immediately. Demand rapid change.

In-N-Out: Drop Mask Ban That Threatens Employees’ Health

In-N-Out Burger wants to take away the one thing its employees can do to protect their health. Call on the fast food company to halt its mask ban.

Terrified Dogs Allegedly Kicked, Punched and Dragged Deserve Justice

Greyhound trainers reportedly kicked, punched, and dragged multiple dogs while the poor animals cowered in fear. Demand a thorough investigation into this alleged animal cruelty and swift justice for those found responsible.

Tiger Allegedly Kept in Tiny Cage to Entertain Tourists Deserves Justice

A photo of a tiger seemingly trapped in a tiny cage, posted on social media by a famous actress, raised concerns about potential mistreatment and abuse of animals at a tourist facility. Demand she take a strong public stance against animal cruelty and expose this apparent abuser.

Justice for Allegedly Abandoned Dog Forced to Eat Gravel to Survive

An emaciated dog was resuscitated from almost certain death after being found allegedly abandoned in a basement. Call for a penalty befitting this near-fatal act of apparent animal cruelty.

Save the Planet From Deadly Plastic Pollution By Reusing Food Containers

The planet’s animals are suffocating due to plastic pollution, much of which can be easily reused within the average home. Something must be done to fix this problem before it is too late. Demand efforts be made to reuse this plastic to help our dying Earth.

Don’t Bury Serious Sexual Misconduct Allegations

Sexual harassment and abuse—and even reputation-damaging false accusations—are too often allowed to fester because of corporate ineptitude. Demand a leading British news institution clean up its act to ensure a just outcome for all individuals impacted by these scandals.

Demand Climate Action From Planet’s Top Polluter

The world’s top polluter is not taking the necessary steps to curtail destructive emissions. Encourage the United Nations to invoke a change that could compel China to environmental action.

Defenseless Dog Allegedly Beaten With Leather Belt Deserves Justice

A miniature poodle was reportedly beaten with a leather belt by two football players as an act of “discipline.” Demand justice for the allegedly abused dog.

Promote Automotive Recycling to Stop Toxic Pollution of Landfills

Car parts continue to pollute landfills with toxic automotive fluids, despite rules against their disposal. Demand metal recycling facilities be utilized instead to promote environmental sustainability.

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