Protect Pet Rabbits From Malnutrition, Drowning, and Abuse
Pet rabbits are being assaulted and abandoned at an alarming rate in the United Kingdom. Demand stronger protections for these animals at risk from human carelessness.
Pet rabbits are being assaulted and abandoned at an alarming rate in the United Kingdom. Demand stronger protections for these animals at risk from human carelessness.
The abuse and imprisonment of dissidents continues unchecked in the Saudi Kingdom. A woman just received 34 years in prison for Twitter posts. Demand American leaders stop acquiescing to and ignoring these escalating human rights violations.
A popular walrus was euthanized in Norway through no fault of the animal. Now, entire communities of walruses could once again be endangered because of oil and gas drilling. Demand politicians finally prioritize living beings over fossil fuels.
Sheriffs in two different states have been charged with aiding and abetting sexual violence. Demand law enforcement localities face repercussions for their abuse of community trust.
Reality TV personality Ceaser Emanuel is accused of beating and abusing his dog. A video appears to validate the charges. Demand this man be held fully accountable if he is found guilty.
The former president is embroiled in yet another controversy with even more serious accusations arising. Donald Trump allegedly took classified information potentially involving national security from the White House and withheld it from authorities for months. Call for real repercussions if these allegations prove true.
Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh has been accused of lying under oath and of sexually assaulting numerous women throughout his political and college careers. Demand that Congress launch an impeachment investigation of Kavanaugh. It is time for him to suffer the consequences of his alleged actions.
Animals on factory farms are forcibly administered antibiotics, allowing farmers to keep them in filthy, overcrowded conditions without spreading diseases. However, misuse and overuse of antibiotics has led to a rise of antibiotic-resistant and sometimes fatal bacteria in farm animals across the U.S. Demand improvements to farm animal welfare and stricter regulations on antibiotic use in these animals to prevent another epidemic.
The overturning of Roe v. Wade has stripped millions of Americans of their reproductive freedoms and now, anti-abortionists are coming for contraceptives. Forced birth is bad enough, there is no need to force people to get pregnant. Demand that access to contraceptive methods, such as birth control, Plan B pills, and IUDs, remain protected.
A new offshore oil and gas drilling development plan could allow valuable land to be leased to fossil fuel companies. This would inevitably contribute to mass scale environmental pollution, as well as a series of oil spills that threaten millions of wildlife and people. Demand the Biden Administration not lease any new territories to these companies and encourage a move towards a clean energy economy.
Licensed welfare agencies can refuse to place children with couples because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. Not only is this extremely unfair to LGBTQ+ parents, but it also puts children at risk of never settling down with a loving family that can provide them with their basic needs and desires. Demand these discriminatory policies be changed, and allow all qualified parents to adopt and foster children in the U.S.
Children as young as 12 have allegedly been working production lines in US factories. This practice exploits kids for low wages and prevents them from receiving an education. Demand that child labor cease immediately.
A popular candy consumed by millions contains a toxin that may cause cancer and genetic damage. Call on the company that manufactures Skittles to stop risking consumers’ lives and health.
Hippos are fighting a losing battle against humans that hunt them for parts and strip away their homes. Demand protection for these at-risk animals.
A major clean energy investment was recently made by American leaders that could provide an important win in the battle against the climate crisis. Applaud this essential eco-conscious commitment.
Sky-high insulin prices are endangering the health and financial stability of diabetic Americans. Legislators have already failed once to rein in costs. Demand they take immediate action to correct their latest failure of the people they serve.
Horrible breeding farms are pumping out canine test subjects for equally grotesque experimentation. Call for reform that will rein in this legalized animal cruelty.
Immigrants should be welcomed as a boost to the economy and a reflection of real American values. Instead, they are shunned and literally dying to reach the nation. Demand an end to the destructive hate.
The intentional maiming, torturing, mutilating, beating, or killing of helpless animals is still classified as only a misdemeanor in most states across the U.S. Demand stricter penalties against perpetrators of such crimes to protect those who cannot protect themselves.
America is currently facing a drug-related overdose epidemic, and officials are going about it in all the wrong ways. Demand the Biden Administration step up and take more vigilant steps in decriminalizing drug use and, instead, showing compassion towards those who use.
Millions of stray dogs and cats in the U.S. are forced to suffer on streets or are euthanized by overcrowded shelters each year. Sterilization programs can help control feral animal populations and reduce the number of animals born into the cold world. Demand these programs receive federal funding.
Canada has forbidden the rescue of dogs from over 100 countries across the world, leaving these animals to either languish away in kennels or be euthanized. Demand this policy be amended to allow adoptable dogs into the country.
The Supreme Court has just stripped the Environmental Protection Agency of their power to protect us against climate change. Demand Congress reinstate their authority to regulate greenhouse gas emissions and to stop climate change before it is too late.
Health care for veterans has received a major boost. Soldiers who have fallen ill due to toxic exposure will now have enhanced coverage for their conditions. Laud this win in the battle for better healthcare.
Airlines are costing consumers billions of dollars with cancelled flights while giving passengers no return on their investments. Demand lawmakers stop getting in the way of needed reform.