
Stop Poachers From Killing and Dismembering Endangered Animals

Exotic animals are being killed and dismembered by illegal poachers. Demand the United States take action to protect these majestic creatures.

Stop Offering Cash Bounties for Killed and Mutilated Beavers

Hunters are being encouraged to kill beavers and cut off their paws for cash bounties. Demand an end to this gruesome practice.

Fight Climate Change With Drought-Resistant Lawns for Every Homeowner

Grass lawns consume massive amounts of water, burn gasoline, and contribute to climate change. Drought-resistant yards are effective in staving off climate collapse, but they often go against neighborhood guidelines. Demand all residents have the right to environmentally friendly lawns.

Success: Medicare Recipients to Benefit From Cost Cuts

Out-of-control prescription drug prices will be reined in thanks to significant new Medicare reforms. Applaud this win for Americans burdened by excessive healthcare costs.

Stop Subjecting Millions of Animals to Torture for “Research”

Tens of millions of animals are subjected to torturous research experiments, despite the many viable, non-animal testing methods that exist. Demand Congress pass pending legislation to promote the use of these alternative measures and reduce the number of animals used in testing.

Success: City to Lift Discriminatory Pit Bull Ban

A city recently lifted its antiquated, decade-long ban on pit bull ownership. This gives the millions of dogs a better chance at finding a forever home. Thank the Excelsior Springs City Council for speaking up for pit bulls across the U.S.

Expand Wilderness Areas in Delicate Rainforest

Ancient forests home to unique animals and plant life are under attack from the timber industry. Call on Congress to protect these wild lands.

Reform Broken US Glass Recycling System

Levels of glass recycling are low in the US, with millions of tons left in landfills each year. Call on officials to expand recycling programs to more effectively combat waste and climate change.

Don’t Source Police Manuals From Private, For-Profit Company

Police departments are increasingly using a for-profit company to source their policy manuals. Experts claim the company prioritizes legal protection for officers over preventing police violence. Call on the Justice Department to protect Black lives.

Save Public Lands and Wilderness From Pollution and Underfunding

Wilderness areas are being neglected amid budget cuts and runaway wildfires. Call on Congress to ensure the National Forest Service has the funds necessary to properly protect and care for these irreplaceable public lands.

End College’s Support of Food Service Company Used by For-Profit Prisons

Many US universities use the same food service providers as for-profit prisons. Financially, and otherwise, this supports companies profiting from the carceral state. Call on one school to cut its connections with one such company.

Raise Minimum Wage to Slow the Houseless Epidemic

Skyrocketing numbers of people are unable to afford housing in the United States and houselessness is a looming reality for many federal minimum wage workers. Demand lawmakers raise the minimum wage and act against the houseless epidemic.

Don’t Turn Doorbells into High-Tech Surveillance Devices

Video doorbells have become a part of pop culture, and they’ve also become a serious threat to privacy. Demand Amazon stop breaching trust with their consumers.

Don’t Abandon Animals in Need During Natural Disasters

Animals are in danger of being left behind during devastating disasters made worse by climate change. Demand that Congress take action to protect pets and other living creatures from harm.

Save Thousands of Vulnerable Species From Extinction

An estimated one third of all plant and wildlife species in the U.S. are vulnerable to extinction, with 12,000 in need of immediate conservation action. Demand the Senate act to protect endangered species before it is too late.

Prevent a Billion Birds From Dying in Collisions With Buildings

1 billion birds die every year from collisions with manmade structures. Demand action to protect our feathered friends from slaughter.

Make Healthy, Humane, Plant-Based Foods Available to Students

Students will now have better access to healthy, sustainable, humane plant-based foods at school in California. Encourage New York to make similar investments towards the future health of our young people and the planet.

Stop Skinning Animals Alive

Animals are apparently being stabbed to death, skinned alive, and decapitated with saws at custom slaughterhouses where cruelty is largely unregulated. Demand that these facilities be closed immediately.

Stop Detaining Immigrants in Prisons

Immigrants are being held indefinitely in U.S. prisons without any formal criminal charges. This practice is completely inhumane and must be stopped. Call on officials to end this human rights violation.

Don’t Declare Ivory-Billed Woodpeckers Extinct

Ivory-Billed Woodpeckers are on the verge of being declared extinct, despite repeated sightings of them. To ensure their continued protection, this must not happen. Call on officials to delay declaring extinction and to protect these vulnerable birds.

Combat Climate Change by Protecting Old Growth Forests

Old growth forests are being destroyed due to logging. These irreplaceable ecosystems are critical for vulnerable wildlife species and absorb significant amounts of carbon from the atmosphere. Call on officials to protect these critical forests.

Provide Accessible Mental Health Treatment to Combat Pandemic-Induced Crisis

The mental health crisis in the United States has reached staggering levels following the Covid-19 pandemic. We can no longer ignore the millions of Americans that need access to basic healthcare. Call on lawmakers to implement universal mental healthcare.

Restore Clean and Abundant Water Supply to Minority Community

Residents of Mississippi’s capital currently have little to no access to drinking water. Years of ineptitude and inaction by state leaders helped create this crisis. Demand these politicians finally invest in their constituents’ future.

Shark Pulled From Ocean and Stabbed in Head Deserves Justice

A video shows two men dragging a shark from the ocean, clubbing it with a hammer, and stabbing it in the head with a knife. Shockingly, this violent act is legal in Florida. Demand justice for this poor creature and protect other sharks from this tragic fate.

Protect Tarantulas During Their Mating Season

Tarantulas, who play a vital role in the ecosystem by controlling insect populations, are killed in huge numbers on busy highways during their mating season. Call for action to protect these under-appreciated predators.

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