Human Rights

Success: Draconian Abortion Law Defeated

A plan to tighten the already harsh abortion laws in Poland has been stopped in its tracks after thousands came out to protest the extreme restrictions. Sign this petition to applaud the Polish government for its progressive change of heart on this issue.

Success: State Supreme Court Judge Defying Same-Sex Marriage is Suspended

After refusing to let same-sex couples marry and defying federal law, a state Supreme Court Chief Justice has been suspended without a chance for reelection. Applaud that this homophobic man who chooses to disregard the law will no longer have this honorable job.

Success: Feminist Scholar Released From Solitary Confinement

An anthropologist imprisoned for her interest in women’s rights has been released due to outcry from activists all over the world. Sign the petition to celebrate her freedom.

Success: California to Stop Jailing Underage Sex Workers

Child prostitutes in California will now be treated as victims of abuse rather than criminals, thanks to a new law. Applaud this progressive step to recognize that there’s no such thing as criminal child prostitutes.

Success: School Ordered to Halt Transphobic Policies

A school district can no longer force transgender students to use the wrong bathroom and locker room or make them wear bracelets singling them out as trans. Thank the organization that fought to protect these highly marginalized kids from discrimination and harassment.

Success: Obama Pledges to Resettle 110,000 Refugees

America has promised to resettle 110,000 more refugees within the next year. Thank Obama for pledging to save thousands of asylum seekers’ lives.

Success: Arsonist Arrested and Charged After Setting Fire to Mosque

The man allegedly responsible for setting fire to the mosque that the Pulse Nightclub shooter once attended has been arrested and charged. Thank police for identifying, arresting, and charging this man for his hate-filled action.

Success: Human Rights Activist Allegedly Mistreated in Prison Freed

A human rights activist allegedly jailed for investigating forced disappearances has been freed. However, he still faces trumped-up charges that could result in a life imprisonment. Applaud his release and demand the charges be dropped.

Success: Funds Finally Allocated to House Unaccompanied Child Refugees

Unaccompanied child refugees will no longer be held in horrible conditions alongside unrelated adults thanks to a $130 million plan to create 1,500 spaces for refugee youth. Applaud this progressive plan aimed to improve the lives of refugee children.

Success: Alleged Police Cover-Up to be Investigated

A special prosecutor has ordered further investigation into the suspicious shooting death of a young Chicago man by police. Applaud these determined efforts to ensure justice for this tragic death.

Success: Officers Fired or Suspended For Trafficking and Sexual Abuse

The Mayor of Oakland has announced the firing of four officers and the suspension of seven more in connection to the sexual exploitation and trafficking of a minor and the ensuing cover-up. Applaud this move and demand that the officers responsible face charges.

Success: Cops Suspended for Tasering Innocent Man

An innocent man was tasered by cops who were issuing a warrant for another man but failed to ask this man for his ID. The police chief has since apologized to this innocent victim and suspended the cops responsible. Thank him for acting in the name of justice.

Success: Spokane Renames Columbus Day “Indigenous Peoples’ Day”

The city of Spokane will no longer celebrate the achievements of a genocidal slave trader after the city council voted to re-brand Columbus Day as Indigenous Peoples’ Day. Commend the city for taking this progressive action and recognizing the unjust suffering inflicted upon Native Americans.

Success: Ban On Body-Covering Swimwear Repealed

The highest court in France has ruled that laws banning the body-covering swimwear known as the “burkini” violate guaranteed rights and freedom. Applaud this ruling that prevents governments from dictating what women can wear.

Success: Tampons and Sanitary Pads Now Exempt from Taxes

Sexist taxes on tampons, pads, menstrual cups and other menstrual products have been lifted in New York. Applaud the fact that people with periods will no longer have to pay this unfair tax on items that are necessities.

Success: Execution of Innocent Man Halted

After public outcry, an appeals court has halted the execution of a man convicted of a murder that he did not commit. Applaud this decision, and demand his sentence be commuted.

Success: Department of Justice Shuts Down Negligent Private Prisons

The Department of Justice has recommended the shutdown of all private prisons. This will reduce substandard medical care and overcrowding and allow for a more humane quality of life. Praise the Department of Justice for its historic decision.

Success: Indigenous Rights Activist Released

An indigenous rights activist imprisoned based on allegedly fabricated evidence has been released. Applaud the decision to finally release him and urge authorities to protect the rights of activists rather than persecuting them.

Success: FDA Reconsidering Ban On Gay Men Donating Blood

The FDA has stepped up to the plate and announced they are re-evaluating their archaic policies on blood donation that singles out gay men. Congratulate the FDA for finally listening to the voices of the American people.

Success: Police Officer Jailed for Shooting Incapacitated Teenager

A police officer has received a six-year sentence for shooting a teenager who was dying on the ground. Applaud this step forward in holding police accountable for using excessive force.

Success: Anti-Transgender Bathroom Bill Rejected

Governor Daurgaard of South Dakota recently rejected a bill that would deny transgender people their right to use the bathroom, locker room, or shower of their choice. In the never-ending fight for the rights of transgender people, this is an amazing accomplishment. Sign this petition to thank Governor Daurgaard.

Success: Charges Dropped Against Man Who Broke Racist Window Panel

A worker at Yale University was faced with felony and misdemeanor charges after breaking a window panel on campus that displayed offensive images of slavery. Since then, Yale has decided to drop all charges against him. Thank the university for doing the right thing.

Success: Suspect Charged with Murder After Vicious Attacks on Homeless People

The suspect in a rash of savagely violent attacks against homeless people has been charged with murder. Applaud the police for taking swift action against such heinous crimes.

Success: Virginia Finally Bans Child Marriages

Children under the age of 18 will no longer be forced into marriages, thanks to a new law in Virginia. Applaud the enacting of this progressive and badly-needed legislation.

Success: Transgender Soldiers Now Allowed to Openly Serve

Thanks to Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter, transgender people are now allowed to serve openly in the U.S. Armed Forces. Sign this petition to thank him for taking this step toward transgender equality.

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