An American detained in Russia for marijuana possession has been sentenced to 14 years in prison. The government has reportedly done nothing to help secure his release. Advocate on behalf of this left-behind teacher.
A Black man was reportedly left beaten and bloody after he ran a stop sign and fled from police. Demand a transparent and full investigation in this case of alleged excessive force and brutality.
Each year workers face increased health risks as temperatures rise because of climate change. Call on Congress to protect laborers.
LGBTQ+ Afghans are at risk of physical and sexual assault in makeshift refugee camps. Their best hope is safe passage to a LGBTQ+ friendly country. Call on US officials to provide sanctuary to these refugees.
Intersex youth are subjected to medically and psychologically scarring procedures that are often unnecessary in the name of gender conformity. Demand lawmakers act urgently to protect these young folks.
Trans individuals’ access to healthcare is increasingly under attack in the US. A new state plan would deny Medicaid coverage for medical care often needed by these marginalized folks. Call on the government to stop stripping trans people’s access to this human right.
Amazon has donated money to the campaigns of many anti-abortion candidates. Call on the company to stop driving the loss of reproductive rights in the US.
Facial recognition software is on the rise, with no federal laws regulating its use. Studies have demonstrated such technologies have significant biases against marginalized communities. Demand the US enact protections against this technology.
Health autonomy and women’s rights are on the line. Demand a strong federal response to the assault on reproductive freedom.
A potential accomplice in the lynching of Emmett Till may have escaped justice for decades. A recently discovered warrant for her arrest could finally bring the truth to light. Demand authorities prove that justice has no time limit.
Harsh anti-immigrant rhetoric is turning into harsh practices in Texas that will likely lead to more racial profiling. Demand the governor reverse his anti-immigrant executive order.
A white supremacist march in Boston reportedly resulted in an attack on a Black man. Now, Black leaders and activists are calling on the mayor to act against the city’s racism. Support this effort and demand change.
Houseless folks are now being arrested, fined, and charged with felonies for sleeping in public. This not only challenges their own survival, but also places another hurdle in their attempts to find jobs and housing. Sign this petition to demand that the unhoused community members are protected.
A man possibly innocent of the crime that sent him to death row has an upcoming date with the execution chamber. Legal professionals and bipartisan lawmakers alike are among his supporters. Demand Oklahoma’s leadership order a stay of execution as critical new evidence comes to light.
President Biden’s upcoming trip to Saudi Arabia comes down to two choices: acquiescence or accountability. Demand the president hold Saudi leaders to account for their alleged violations and crimes.
The Supreme Court has ruled the Biden administration can end the policy that sent asylum seekers at the southern border back to Mexico. Sign this petition to celebrate this victory.
Personal data such as period tracking apps, internet search histories, and call and text logs could be used to prosecute pregnant individuals traveling out of state to get abortions as well as those who help them. Call on Congress to protect our digital privacy.
A killer earthquake has compounded the humanitarian crisis in an already-suffering Afghanistan. Demand restoration of aid to these grieving and shattered communities.
Black women in the United States are experiencing a maternal mortality crisis driven by climate disparities. Call on Nancy Pelosi to stop these injustices and end the crisis.
Black, Indigenous, and People of Color are reportedly more likely to experience excessive force and arrest in one Washington County. This racist and discriminatory treatment must end. Call on the sheriff to adopt alternative policing methods.
The specter of legalized slavery still lingers in too many state constitutions. Demand lawmakers remove loopholes that leave the door open for forced servitude and bondage in the Land of the Free.
Refugees are traveling as far as 4,000 miles to escape threats to their lives in Rwanda, the former site of deplorable genocide. Demand a key place of refuge not slam their doors on desperate families.
Thirty-one Patriot Front men apparently planned an attack at an LGBTQ+ Pride event. The men have been arrested and charged with conspiracy to riot. Call upon officials to ensure this is investigated as a potential domestic terrorist attack.
Detained immigrants do not have the right to a bond hearing, per a Supreme Court ruling, effectively allowing for their indefinite detention. The US Justice Department must act now to ensure every immigrant has a chance at freedom.
Healthcare discrimination continues to disproportionately affect transgender people due to a Trump era rule change. Call on the Biden administration to formally reverse these changes to the Affordable Care Act and protect the rights of trans folks.