
Success: Dakota Access Pipeline Construction Permit Revoked

A permit for a key section of the Dakota Access Pipeline has been revoked and the federal government has agreed to formally meet with the Native American tribes that have been protesting its construction. Applaud this move and demand further action to definitively end the project.

Success: Fracking Wastewater Disposal Sites Closed

In the wake of the recent 5.6 magnitude earthquake in Oklahoma, state regulators have ordered the closure of 37 wastewater disposal sites. These sites, where wastewater is injected deep into the ground, have been linked to an increase in seismic activity. Applaud these closures.

Success: Giant Panda No Longer Endangered

The giant panda population is recovering at a rapid rate thanks to government protection of the animals’ habitat. Commend the preservation of these valuable creatures and encourage further protection.

Stop Wasting $165 Billion of Food Every Year

America wastes $165 billion in food every year while 1 in 5 children suffers from hunger. It’s time for things change, and one part of that solution is simple. We can easily decrease the amount of waste generated every year by 44% with a “Pay As You Throw” Program.

Success: Wild Cougars Return to Tennessee

Cougars have returned to Tennessee after being driven out by over-hunting and habitat loss. Applaud the rigorous environmental regulations that have allowed these precious creatures to not only survive, but thrive.

Success: China Plans for National Panda Park

Chinese authorities have proposed a plan for a national panda park after numerous calls for the animal’s protection. Applaud their admirable efforts to ensure that this species will be preserved.

Success: Endangered Species Recovering at Record Levels

Endangered species are recovering at a record rate thanks to proactive government protections. Applaud these extremely encouraging statistics and thank the officials responsible for protecting these vulnerable animals.

Success: Orangutan Populations Increasing

Orangutan populations are finally increasing at a major national park. Thank the people responsible for helping to make this a reality.

Success: EPA to Set Airplane Emission Restrictions

The EPA finally took a step that legally requires them to restrict the amount of emissions allowed from airplanes after years of pressure from environmentalists. Thank them for moving forward and demand that they make the implementation of these rules a priority.

Success: Styrofoam Banned in Congressional Cafeteria

The House of Representatives has forbidden Styrofoam products in its cafeteria. Styrofoam is carcinogenic and produces toxic waste. Praise the elimination of this harmful product and tell them to continue fighting against it.

Tell Pepsico That Child Labor and Snack Foods Don’t Mix — Stop Child Labor

PepsiCo is profiting off the backs of laboring children and exploited workers for Conflict Palm Oil. This is also a driver of massive destruction of Indonesia’s rainforests — one of the most biodiverse places on Earth and home to orangutans and Sumatran tigers. PepsiCo must ensure workers’ rights are upheld, wildlife is protected and rainforests are kept standing.

Success: Permits to Build Oil Sands Pipeline Revoked

Permits to build a pipeline that would carry oil sands oil across First Nations lands have been revoked. Applaud the decision to stop the pipeline and uphold environmental and Indigenous rights.

Success: U.S, Canada, and Mexico Commit to Clean Energy

President Obama has reached an agreement with Canada and Mexico to change to 50 percent renewable energy by 2025. Celebrate these new efforts in the fight to protect the environment, and urge the government to continue combating global warming.

Success: Volkswagen to Pay $14.7 Billion in Emissions Cheating Scandal

Volkswagen has agreed to pay more than $14 billion as punishment for an emissions cheating scandal that caused extensive environmental damage. Celebrate this encouraging step toward making amends for such blatant law-breaking.

Success: Season’s Bear Hunt Canceled

Florida black bears will be safe from hunters this year thanks to caring commissioners and advocates. Thank the amazing people who fought to stop the senseless killing of these spectacular animals.

Success: Wildlife Conservation Center Saved From Closure

A valuable, non-profit animal conservation center has been saved from closure. Sign this petition to applaud the approval of a 20-year permit that will enable the organization to continue its rescue and rehabilitation work.

Success: Unsafe Nuclear Power Plant to Be Shut Down

Two California nuclear reactors located over several fault lines will be shut down. This will protect public health and help reach California’s green energy objectives. Praise those whose negotiations made the closure possible.

Success: Ivory Sales Banned in the U.S.

Virtually all sales of ivory from African elephants will now be banned in the U.S. Praise officials for this vital action that is essential to protecting elephants from illegal poaching and extinction.

Success: U.S. to Enact Near-Total Ivory Ban

A near-total ivory ban will soon be taking effect in the U.S. Sign this petition to applaud the completion of these new laws and thank the U.S. government for fighting against poaching and the illegal wildlife trade.

Success: Maryland Bans Dangerous Bee-Killing Pesticides

Harmful pesticides that have contributed to the deaths of countless bees will soon be outlawed in the state of Maryland. Thank the state’s legislators for enacting this progressive measure and demonstrating a commitment to protecting the nation’s rapidly dwindling bee populations.

Success: Permit for Construction of Coal Export Terminal Denied

A project which posed severe threats to local indigenous people and the environment at large has been rejected by the Army Corps of Engineers. Applaud the Army Corps of Engineers for protecting the Earth and its people from Big Coal.

Success: Spread of Invasive Species Halted

A 1.7 mile earthen barrier has prevented the invasive species Asian carp from entering the Great Lakes. Applaud those responsible for stopping the invasion of this destructive species and protecting crucial ecosystems.

Success: Wild Horses Will Be Protected In Arizona

Wild horses in Arizona will no longer be removed from their natural habitat by federal agencies, thanks to a bill which recently passed the state legislature. Sign this petition to thank legislators for protecting the wild horse population.

Success: Colorado Legalizes Rain Collection

It is finally legal for people in Colorado to collect rainwater at their home for conservation purposes. Let’s thank the governor for agreeing to eliminate the silly prohibition on collecting rainwater. And of course, a big thank you to the ForceChange community which turned up the heat on this issue, which led to this positive change.

Success: Tighter Regulations for Oil and Gas Emissions Implemented

New rules regulating methane emissions from the oil and gas industry have been announced. Help us applaud the move and call for further regulations to ensure we avoid catastrophic climate change.

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