
Success: Chicago Voters Demand Plastic Straw Ban

Chicago voters support a city-wide ban of single-use plastic straws. Local ordinances are being drafted to make the straw ban a reality. Sign this petition to thank Mayor Rahm Emanuel for supporting green initiatives like this in Chicago and demand that he continue to support the straw ban.

Success: Ireland Set to Become First Country to Divest From Fossil Fuels

Ireland will soon stand as the only nation in the world to divest from all fossil fuels. Celebrate one country’s commitment to combating climate change and to creating a cleaner world.

Success: Kiwis To Be Reintroduced to New Zealand Capital

Roughly a year after being upgraded from endangered to vulnerable, kiwi birds will be reintroduced to the capital of New Zealand, where citizens have been vigilant in their efforts to trap the predators that drove the birds to near-extinction long ago. Sign this petition to thank the New Zealand government for making this step possible.

Success: Keystone XL Pipeline Blocked by Montana Judge

A Montana federal court judge has blocked construction of the Keystone XL pipeline for up to another year, protecting families, wildlife, and cultural sites from the dangers and damages of such work. This is an important step that will hopefully give us time to shut down the project for good. Sign this petition to show your support for this decision.

Success: Landowner Advocates for No-Till Farming

Earthworms will continue to thrive thanks to the efforts of one environmentally conscious landowner. By adding soil and water conservation practice requirements to her cropland leases, she ensured the health and viability of hundreds of acres of soil. Praise this landowner for her dedication to the environment.

Success: Critically Endangered Red Wolf Protected

The endangered red wolf could have been driven to extinction by a rollback of protections, but a court ruled to stop that rollback and ensure the wolf’s protection. Support this stand for justice and the preservation of this iconic species.

Success: Smoking and Cigarette Litter Banned from Popular Beach

Smoking, and thus the litter the habit causes, has been banned from the public beaches of one New York town. Thank supervisors for taking a stand to protect our planet and its oceans from the leading cause of man-made litter.

Success: Narwhal Tusk Salesman Convicted and Punished

An antique dealer has been prosecuted and convicted for selling ivory from endangered narwhals. This is a major step in stopping the illegal poaching of this endangered species and punishing those who sell its tusks. Praise California’s city attorney for his dedication to this important cause.

Success: German Forest Saved From Destruction

The Hambach forest in Germany has been saved from destruction, as a recent court order has suspended the development of a coal mine that would have wiped out hundreds of acres of natural beauty and resources. This is a major step forward in the effort to phase out coal as a whole. Sign this petition to thank the court for coming to this decision.

Success: Commercial Whale Hunting Rejected

The cruel slaughter of whales for profit will not be legalized, thanks to a recent vote. Applaud the International Whaling Commission (IWC) for its decision to uphold whale conservation.

Success: Endangered Species Protections Reinstated for Yellowstone Grizzly Bears

After being stripped of their Endangered Species Act protections, grizzly bears in the Yellowstone region were being put even further at risk, as legal trophy hunts were scheduled to begin for the first time in four decades. Now, however, these hunts have been banned and protections reinstated in a huge victory for animal welfare. Support this win for compassion and preservation.

Success: Water Vole Population To Be Revived

After three decades of near-extinction and a complete disappearance from the Holcinote Estate, 150 water voles are finally being released onto the property that was once their natural habitat, thanks to the National Trust. The return of this species has been in high demand for years. Sign this petition to thank the National Trust for bringing this species back.

Success: Corporations to be Held Responsible for Destructive California Oil Spill

Hundreds of oil-soaked seabirds washed ashore and a marine wildlife sanctuary under deadly siege: these were dark remnants of a 2015 California oil spill that destroyed lives and livelihoods. Applaud California’s strong legal condemnation of this tragedy’s unrepentant perpetrators.

Success: Hunting of Yellowstone Grizzly Bears Halted

Days before wild Yellowstone grizzly bears were set to be slaughtered, a restraining order has at least temporarily halted the deadly hunt. Support the groups who fought for this victory and encourage reinstated protections for the grizzly bear.

Success: UK Government to Back Plastic Waste Reduction

The United Kingdom government will heed public demand for less plastic waste, even using the tax system to allow for such plans. Plastic pollution has been an ongoing problem across the globe, especially in the UK, and this is a very important step in solving the problem once and for all. Sign this petition to thank the government for aiding in the fight to end excessive plastic waste.

Success: Krill Fishing Companies to Back Antarctic Ocean Conservation

Several krill fishing giants have agreed to halt their fishing to aid in the creation of the world’s largest marine sanctuary, much to the joy of ocean conservationists. Krill are not only a vital food source to many seabirds and aquatic mammals, but they control the levels of carbon dioxide through their own feeding habits; more krill ensures a brighter future in many ways. Sign this petition to thank Aker ASA for being one of the companies to support this sanctuary.

Success: Seattle Bans Plastic Straws

Seattle just made another historic policy decision and banned plastic straws. Stand with us in congratulating the hard work of Seattle’s mayor.

Success: No More Permits Issued for Cruel Black Bear Killings

Permits will no longer be issued in Washington authorizing the inhumane killing of black bears. Support this victory and encourage the discontinuance of any such permits in the future.

Praise Chile for Nationwide Plastic Bag Ban

Chile’s President and Congress recently approved the ban of plastic bags across the entire country. Congratulate this nation on being the first in the Americas to institute a nationwide plastics ban, and ask that it encourage others to do the same.

Success: Humane Solution Found for Controlling Wild Horse Population

A bill has recently been proposed to stop the culling of wild horses in New South Wales, protecting thousands of these horses from unnecessary deaths. This bill has been very much needed for the past two years, as there are far more humane ways to control the brumbie population. Sign this petition to support the bill and ensure it becomes a law.

Congratulate Minneapolis on Choosing 100% Clean Energy

Minneapolis recently made headlines by being the biggest city to unanimously vote in clean energy regulations. Congratulate Minneapolis on making history.

Praise Georgia City For Choosing Clean Energy

Clarkston, Georgia is one of the most diverse places in the country and recently committed themselves to 100% clean energy. Sign this petition to stand with us in thanking Clarkston for their clean energy commitment.

Success: Australia to Invest Millions in Great Barrier Reef Protection

The Australian government has announced funding of millions of dollars into the restoration of the Great Barrier Reef, in order to protect it against numerous environmental threats. Sign the petition to applaud Australia for funding this important undertaking.

Success: Bee-Killing Pesticides Banned Across Europe

The European Union has agreed upon a total ban on a number of bee-killing pesticides. Thanks to this decision to stop the use of these harmful insecticides, bee populations will have a chance to recover across Europe. Sign this petition to applaud the EU for this important breakthrough.

Success: UK to Introduce Ivory Ban

The United Kingdom is finally introducing a ban on the sale and trade of ivory, giving in to public pressure from environmentalists and conservationists. This ban has been a long time coming, due to the UK being one of the chief exporters of ivory and thousands of elephants dying for the trade. Sign this petition to thank the UK for taking a step towards giving elephants a brighter future.

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