
Make Homes More Eco-Friendly and Energy-Efficient

Eco-conscious home-building has suffered a major setback in a region that pledged needed reforms. Demand the United Kingdom honor its commitments to transition away from costly and environmentally harmful home energy fixtures.

Wolf Allegedly Struck by Snowmobile, Wounded, and Displayed in a Bar: Demand Justice

A juvenile wolf was allegedly struck by a snowmobile and then displayed in a bar while still suffering. Demand a thorough prosecution and meaningful punishment for those reportedly responsible for this animal’s horrifying ordeal.

Save Famed Amazon Monkeys From Extinction

A one-of-a-kind inhabitant of the Amazon rainforest is at critical risk of extinction. Demand a targeted action plan to protect the pied tamarin and its rapidly disappearing home.

Save Seabirds From Mass Die-Off Events

Majestic seabirds are making mass gravesites of the world’s shores. Call for a real plan of action to save these irreplaceable members of marine ecosystems.

Don’t Maim Rhinos in Name of Conservation

Five species of rhinoceros are in imminent danger due to poaching. Demand international conservation leaders preserve protections for these majestic animals.

Save Grieving Orca Mother’s Species From Extinction

The heart-wrenching odyssey of a killer whale and her dead calf should be a call to action to keep the same fate from befalling an entire endangered species. Rescue southern resident killer whales from a bleak future.

Protect Wildlife After Snowmobilers Apparently Chased and Ran Over Fox

Two suspects are accused of terrorizing a fox and then attempting to kill the animal. Demand true accountability for wildlife crimes.

Punish Coffee Shop Manager Accused of Spray-Painting Mynah Birds

A coffee shop manager reportedly spray-painted mynah birds trapped in a cage before releasing them. Take immediate action to hold those responsible accountable and enforce humane bird deterrent measures.

Don’t Let Egg Thieves Steal Wild Birds’ Future

As the scarcity of commercial eggs dominates headlines, a sophisticated criminal enterprise is working in the shadows to put wild bird eggs – and species – in peril. Demand a comprehensive international plan of action to stop global wild egg theft.

Success: Marine Waters Protected From Offshore Drilling

The fight against offshore oil and gas drilling received an important victory. Applaud a ban across vast areas on drilling detrimental to oceans and marine life.

Carry Forward President Carter’s Conservation Mission

President Jimmy Carter’s commitment to conservation remains one of his most underappreciated and far-reaching legacies. Support his lifelong mission to make America cleaner and greener.

Stop Environmental and Economic Destruction From Spreading Like Wildfire

Wildfires have ravaged California, but it’s only a matter of time before the next disaster strikes. Call for advanced preparation from the nation’s leaders.

Stop Using Dogs to Hunt and Torture Wild Pumas

A puma was apparently tortured and killed by hunters using dogs, sparking outrage and calls for justice. Prosecute those involved and enforce stricter penalties to prevent such acts of cruelty in the future.

Don’t Tolerate Abuse of Protected Bird Species

Two protected corella birds were snared and shaken violently inside a suitcase, according to witnesses. Ensure harming an endangered species is treated as a serious crime.

Release Cloned Ferret’s Offspring into the Wild to Help Save Their Species

A cloned ferret successfully gave birth to two healthy babies who have the potential to bring this endangered species back from the brink of extinction. Demand research leaders release them into the wild.

Protect Wildlife From Cruel and Unlimited Hunting and Fishing

Hunting and fishing are now constitutional rights in Florida. Demand lawmakers protect wildlife from inhumane methods of torture masquerading as conservation.

Rescue Food Supplies and Livelihoods From Hurricane Destruction

Farms battered by natural disasters are receiving next to no assistance from elected leaders. Demand North Carolina politicians help the sector that feeds the state’s inhabitants.

Stop Air Pollution From Choking Life Out of City Residents

Alarming pollution levels in one of the world’s most populous nations are endangering citizens and putting efforts to tackle the global climate crisis at risk. Call on leaders who have failed to rein in these dangers to course-correct at once.

Don’t Let Penguins Become Collateral Damage in Development

A farmer mowed down a penguin colony, killing chicks and destroying nests. Call for more proactive conservation measures to protect threatened penguins and other wildlife.

Success: Panda Protection Gets Renewed Lease on Life

Giant pandas are experiencing rapid growth in the wild while serving as ambassadors for international cooperation. Applaud the next promising act of this unique species.

Protect Parrots From Deadly Shooting Spree

Parrots are being shot from the sky in California. Demand authorities track down the culprits responsible for these heinous attacks.

Stop Contaminating Farmlands With Hazardous PFAS Chemicals

Over 35 animals, including a mere 3-week-old calf, died as a result of hazardous PFAS-tainted fertilizers. Stop another tragedy like this from occurring.

Replicate Restoration Successes of Once-Extinct Species

Reintroduction and release programs are proving instrumental for restoring populations of once-endangered species. Demand investment in these proven methods for safeguarding vulnerable animals from extinction.

Save Fin Whales From Agonizing Deaths

After a brief respite, vulnerable fin whales are once again the target of harpooners responsible for immense cruelty and suffering. Demand lasting safeguards for a perennially at-risk species.

Don’t Give Up on a Cleaner and Greener World

Climate action is increasingly being abandoned by powerful nations. Demand one global leader stay the course for a cleaner and safer future.

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